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Posts posted by patrickdrinksbeer

  1. Any Athletic subscriber care to summarize the "uphill battle" we face in resigning Cole and JV?

    While Cole’s agent, Scott Boras, negotiated a seven-year, $163.5 million extension with the Astros for second baseman José Altuve last spring, Boras generally prefers his clients to establish their values on the open market. For Cole, who is eligible to hit the open market at the end of the season, Boras almost certainly would want a deal in excess of the largest contract awarded a free-agent starting pitcher this offseason — six years, $140 million to left-hander Patrick Corbin.

    Cole, like Corbin, would reach free agency entering his age-29 season. And while lefties are a rarer commodity than righties, Cole is the more accomplished pitcher, and not by a small margin. His ERA, when adjusted for league and ballpark, is 17 percent better than the league average; Corbin’s is nine percent. In virtually every statistical category — strikeout rate, strikeout-to-walk rate, fielding independent pitching — Cole holds a substantial edge.

    A short-term, high-dollar extension for Verlander, who will pitch at 37 in 2020, also would appear to be a long shot. The Astros, one of the game’s most analytically driven clubs, are unlikely to pay market value to a pitcher of Verlander’s age. And Verlander, who finished second in the 2018 Cy Young voting, probably would not want to take a pay cut from his current salary of $28 million.
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  2. Exactly. Dodgers apparently went $40 per for 5 years and I heard $45 per for 4. They just weren't going to go long term, and I'm glad they didn't.

    from ken rosenthal:
    The Dodgers offered Harper another option – a three-year deal with opt-outs and an AAV above Zack Greinke’s record $34.4 million but well below $40 million, according to sources.
  3. Here's what I'm referring to via LA Times - might just be paying lip service but it was a stated goal by ownership

    The Dodgers are determined to hold their payroll under $197-million this year and not only to avoid an escalating luxury tax. They are also seeking compliance with Major League Baseball’s debt service rule, according to a person familiar with the situation who spoke under the condition of anonymity.

    Exceeding the $197-million luxury-tax threshold could result in failure to comply with the rule, which is designed to ensure teams generate enough revenue to cover designated percentages of their debt, with latitude given to clubs that have financed stadium construction or renovation projects in recent years.

    The commissioner can take action against violators.

    Individual franchises can decide whether they are willing to pay a luxury tax. That’s not the case with the debt service rule, which is at the discretion of the commissioner.

    In other words, the Dodgers effectively have a $197-million salary cap this year.



    hmm, i wonder when that was written? if publishers would date their articles maybe we could know.

  4. So this may be a long shot. Is there a service that will buy/ship limited edition beers? So there is a beer from Land Grant Brewing in Ohio that is only sold in central Ohio. I contacted the brewery but they said they can’t ship because of restrictions on the liquor license. I don’t know anyone in the area, so having a person send it to me is out. Any suggestions?


    beer trading is a pretty big thing on the internets. beeradvocate, reddit, instagram, beerexchange, etc all have means of facilitating trades. where you’re located and what you have access to will determine what beers are obtainable for you.

  5. I heard they're still brewing/canning there, just shutting down the retail part of the biz

    meaning the taproom? it costs nothing to run a taproom. i don’t see how that could possibly make sense if you’re keeping the building.
  6. I liked what I drank at Baileson one time. So there's that.

    i’ve also had solid beers from baileson. not one i considered sub-par. haven’t had beer from

    most on greenspoint’s list, but he did name a couple i would agree with.


    by the way, greenspoint, have you had a GHBC beer since your visit during our first month?

  7. Somewhat agree, as I feel they’re pretty average across the board, but I really like Art Car. It’s a go-to for me at the grocery store. I almost always have a 12 pack of it at the house.

     their IPA game is lacking, but 5 o’clock pilz and summer pils are great. i still enjoy spring bock and christmas ale, and the bishop’s barrel is as good a clean (non-funky) barrel aged program as any in Texas. i’m also still a sucker for pumpkinator.


    edit: to add that eureka’s mini boss is easily the best canned Houston IPA. it laps art car (same guy created both recipes).

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