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Everything posted by patrickdrinksbeer

  1. i wonder if we can possibly try just a little harder to fuck our own asses
  2. i’ve been to 2 games at fenway in my life and that was one of them.
  3. would have been ridiculous to not overturn that call. i can’t even pretend to get mad about that.
  4. is that a credible source? honest question, i have no idea.
  5. Now we get the battle of Miller-Coors. At least St. Louis missed the playoffs.
  6. i’m thinking this NLWC game seals the deal on Straw making the roster.
  7. no idea if it was the same beer, but the Lake Austin stuff is definitely brewed at Celis.
  8. Game watching at Great Heights Friday for those of you who can’t make the game. We’ll open at noon with $1 off all beers.
  9. was just referring to your number of games predictions since the LDS are best of 5.
  10. this part seems particularly unlikely
  11. so do we have to wait until the WC games are done to get LDS game times?
  12. what’s the big deal? he was only a volunteer.
  13. i don’t know wtf altuve was doing going in standing up.
  14. appreciate the nod bottlecap. wish i could make the festival, but i’ll be in yakima valley that weekend. we are sending our assistant brewer to austin.
  15. is osuna available tonight? pitched 3 of last 4 days.
  16. he’s safe but i doubt we get this call. we’re in fenway.
  17. how many opening segments of BAD radio do we have to waste on Drop Your Pants?
  18. WC team doesn’t get homefield over a division winner, regardless of record.
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