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Everything posted by patrickdrinksbeer

  1. I watched Altuve’s pennant winning homer off Chapman from the hospital room at Texas Women’s while my wife was in labor with our first. He was born the following day so his bday Houston Chronicle has Altuve walking the Yanks off on the front page.
  2. did penelope’s 100mb post make tapa crash for anyone else? i can’t no longer open this thread unless on browser.
  3. musers were pretty tight lipped about being out today and friday, unless i missed something.
  4. a case of 500ml ayinger oktoberfests, all for me.
  5. was in the park to watch one of my best friends hit the first pitch he ever saw in MLB for a homer. was really incredible. his parents were right in front of me.
  6. some cherry picked stats for sunday morning: carlos correa AB 336 HR 14 RBI 39 martín maldonado AB 261 HR 12 RBI 37
  7. it should be impossible to think a guy with a 1.13 ERA in august is shaky, but goddamned if stanek isn’t up to the task.
  8. they ordered beer from us this past week. don’t have any inside info, but probably wouldn’t order if they were shutting down.
  9. Had lunch at the Upside Pub yesterday as part of an industry soft open/training shift. Paige is really cool and the menu is fun. It will be a nice Petrol replacement for me.
  10. only because a frustrated business owner literally turned the barricade at alba and moved each individual barrel out of the road about 10 days ago.
  11. if it was actually about prioritizing astros i would have no problem with it. i don’t buy that getting hit by a pitch on thursday and then playing one inning on tuesday presents any risk. i could be wrong.
  12. altuve shouldn’t be eligible for future all-star game selections.
  13. he must start at least half his ABs down 0-2.
  14. visited off color brewing yesterday and the owner, john laffler, happened to be behind the bar. talk to him a while and he gave me a tour of the production space and foeder/puncheon aging room. super nice guy. i’ve listened to him on countless podcasts over the years and followed him on twitter forever, so very cool experience.
  15. one minor criticism that applies to all shows in the past couple weeks: just not enough jalen brunson segments. i need a couple per hour from 5:30-7pm. is that too much to ask? i feel like the actual number is maybe as low as 1.5 per hour.
  16. wonder where all that cash came from. new place sounds pretty cool.
  17. I did and it was indeed fantastic.
  18. Stone managed to spend itself into so much debt they had to sell out. Acquired by Sapporo. I guess Greg Koch can go away now.
  19. your beer and his are both made by the same company.
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