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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by maninblack

  1. What a leader. Between demonizing the FBI and phone calls to your lawyer regarding hush payments to porn stars, you call in cruise missile strikes on Putin-approved targets. Bravo!

    Reason to impeach now. Think Congress has the balls?
  2. I couldn't care less whether he's a shill or not, nor do any of his opinions carry any weight or meaning. Libertarians are just nihilistic anarchists and do not deserve the smallest amount of respect.
    That said, most of the backlash against his kind is the fault of all the Trumpkins who actually are bizarrely batting for Assad, or at least were before Dear Leader decided to throw some bombs.

    You're obviously a deep thinker
  3. Plenty worldwide and in the West disagreed with the invasion of Iraq. In fact this thing called the UN disagreed with it. That’s not remotely similar to believing a conspiracy being pushed by the kremlin and being refuted by the western world.

    Keep dodging though. And maybe I missed it, did Assad ever use chemicals weapons or commit war crimes? 

    I'm not believing something pushed by the Kremlin as much as I'm not accepting at face value the story pushed by the Trump admin.


    Has Assad committed war crimes during all this? Yes.


    Should we intervene militarily? I say no.


    See you boys in the morning. We can argue more later. Smooches.

  4. Anyone care what the Constitution has to say about our airstrikes tonight? The War Powers Act. Oh well, Hamilton is a hero because of a damn musical, which I suppose is appropriate. The separation of powers, a cornerstone of our Constitution, is crumbling. I was hoping Trump would resurrect the Legislative Branch as a place where laws are debated and passed and the body that decides when war starts. If there was a clear and present danger - what is required for the President to launch a military attack - it's time to tell the citizens of this nation the nature of the clear and present danger. And then Congress needs to act. The President is an emergency room. Congress determines whether we are at war and the scope of our involvement. It's time for Congress to get in the game. 
    As the son of a disabled vet (WWII, Korea, and Vietnam), I only saw war as the proud son of Dad who still had an intellect, but no real ability to use his body. It changed me for the better. I never saw him wear a uniform. I saw them, but I didn't know what any of the decorations were. The ribbons were a mix of Army Air Corps and then USAF. He didn't wear a uniform and he spent most of his adult life overseas. He didn't talk about his work for the military. We talked about football, women, and political theory in practice. Perhaps that is what he talked about at work. He survived the great depression in the dust bowl - with his Dad working for Phillips. He met my Mom in Sweetwater and then volunteered for the Army and was sent to the CBI theater. After WWII, he shuffled around the world until Korea and that horrible war. Vietnam was a meat grinder.
    War should never be taken lightly. I hope the President's message to Russia and Iran makes cooler heads prevail, but the switch to Bolton from McMaster signaled a change in direction. McMaster understands how wars can be lost. Hopefully the Pentagon learned the lessons taught by McMaster and will give the President good advice on the dangers of entering a war where there are no good guys. Syria is a circular firing squad.  
    To those who served, thank you. To those with sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, family, and friends in harm's way around the world -  they are admired (and so are you). To everyone in harm's way, take care of those around you. And let us know what you need to protect yourself to accomplish your mission quickly without unnecessary bloodshed.
    Anyone know what the Mission is?

    Letter in 2013 to Obama and 2018 to Trump

    2013 signers: 119 Rs, 21 Ds
    2018 signers: 15 Rs, 73 Ds


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