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Posts posted by maninblack

  1. Did you wait for data about pizzagate? Did you even wait for an accusation of a crime?

    You constantly do this stupid shit while supporting an absolutely ridiculous conspiracy.

    Jesus dude we just dropped ordnance on a country probably killing a lot of civilians and you're fucking bent out of shape about a god damn pizza place that I said was weird. Come back to reality

  2. Is your assertion that there was no chemical attack or that someone other than Assad’s forces carried it out?  If the latter, who do you think did it?

    I don't know who did it. There was no investigation. That said logic and history tell me it probably wasn't who we're being told it was.

    Better question is even if Assad did do it is it worth starting a war over? Also, being a nation of laws as we pretend to be why is The President starting a war unilaterally without a vote from Congress who has that authority under the Constitution?
  3. This article was spot on and consistent with most international scholars.


    "Why now? This latest attack in Ghouta, if it holds to the pattern, makes perfect sense in the calculus of Assad, Vladimir Putin, and Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The successful trio wants first and foremost to subdue the remaining rebels in Syria, with an eye toward the several million people remaining in rebel-held Idlib province. A particularly heinous death for the holdouts in Ghouta, according to this military logic, might discourage the rebels in Idlib from fighting to the bitter end. Equally important, however, is the desire to corral Trump as Syria, Russia, and Iran did his predecessor, Barack Obama."

    This is the dumbest paragraph in that trips. So you want me to believe that Syria and Russia have beat back the US formed and funded ISIS threat to almost nothing and now literally 6 miles away from Demascus they're going to use Chemical weapons knowing that it might provoke a response? GTFO
  4. to follow your thread, it's entirely possible if it was staged, it was staged by assad and/or russia.
    it's not as though assad has played nicely vis-a-vis chemical weapons in the past.

    Walk me through Assad's logic for using Chemical weapons at this point
  5. bro, I agree with a lot of your shit.  If there is evidence that Syria chemical weapons attacks are a false flag operation to pull America back into a the quagmire of the ME, I am inclined to carefully consider that information. I am highly skeptical of this shit. So present it the data.  All I got in front of me right now are women and children with white foam coming out of their nose.  

    Did we present data that is was Assad or Russia that did it? Did we even wait for UN Weapons Inspectors reports?

    Stop being so gullible
  6. Man, I hate all this shit. I don't want to be there, I don't want to be lobbing cruise missiles into the scene. But I have a hard time holding that line against much resistance when we are talking about this motherfucker using chemical weapons on his own people. 

    You believe that lie?
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