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Posts posted by Victorious1

  1. I worked on our Dept of State account for about five years (2007-12) and State IT was always asking for schematics of our products they purchased through the Tempest contractors.  I presumed they were auditing units to compare designed product versus finished product.  But when you get right down to it, all of the components that went into our product(s) were sourced from any number if different manufacturers, most of them located in Asia.

  2. Grade A, low IQ football.

    I was hoping they had finally turned the corner this season; maybe they will.  There were a couple of really good plays...but dozens of really bad, shitty plays.  I think my favorite was when the two defensive backs ran into each other and handed the freshman terp the td.  I believe that was the play after our DB was hit in the face with the football and dropped a sure INT.

    What a shit show.

  3. I could have swore the batters were using big barrel bats on TV, then I checked the LL website and saw they now allow 2 5/8 inch which are USABat standard approved. How do they compare to past bats?  I guessing they are kind of deadened.

    I also saw that BPF 1.15 bats are not allowed which has been the USSSA standard.

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