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Posts posted by Whitman

  1. 19 hours ago, Treefidy said:

    I think TCU beats hillbilly tomorrow.  I know TCU sucks this year but they still play good defense and have better personnel to do what ISU did. 

    WV overrated, Sills and Grier can go fuck each other after a moonshine bender.  

    Great call dumbfuck



    Just have a feeling WV will be hung over and TCU has the best pass defense in B12. 

    They beat ISU 17-14 and lost to tech 14-17.  I think they win this game in that sort of fashion. 


    Strike two dumbfuck

    17 hours ago, Treefidy said:

    Maybe so, just get that feeling about this game

    dont forget, WV are great bedshitters

    Strike three dumbfuck..... Suck it .  Just an awesome display of being wrong....repeatedly.

  2. I learned to play on a Takemine G240.   Just a fantastic guitar for the price and though I now also own Martins, I will still pick this one up now and then and even take it out without fear of banging it up.  Don't be afraid to try different strings too.  I use Ultra Lights because I have wimpy ass hands and fingers and like the sound of them.   

    Also, If you aren't thrilled with the sound of that Yamaha, have you considered looking at a good used guitar.  Tons of guitars are bought for junior or some douche thinking he's going to impress girls, and then after 6 months are put aside just to be sold later.  The key is to go play some/several and see what you like for feel and sound.   For some reason, I don't like Taylors and would rather play a Takemine.  I love the sound of Martins and will always have mine and maybe someday even more.  

  3. 13 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    She should retire. I want a 3rd Supreme Court Justice installed. Getting Amy Barrett confirmed to add to Gorsuch and Kavanaugh would be amazing. 

    The hearings would be incredible theatre.  You have to wonder what Schumer (Chuck, not Amy) and Feinstein will come up with, or will they just stick with "radical selection".  Also wonder if Manchin will again cross party lines. 

    PS: All of this assumes that Barret did not party with Squi while in high school.

  4. 21 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    That's the concern. I don't see a solution, and I doubt gun laws will do much to stop it.

    You wrote something earlier mentioning the shooter video games these kids have grown up spending thousands of hours playing.  I 've seen a couple of them and I can't imagine how that isn't going to fuck up a small percentage of people's thinking and rationality.  Something else I've read, and don't really understand is the thought of being famous.  Some people want it and the attention so bad that they will do these kind of things to achieve this.  It's just like a 5 year old's tantrum x 1 billion in severity.

    • Like 4
  5. 1 hour ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:
    1 hour ago, DigglerontheHoof said:
    I have my CHL and the frequency of this shit is the reason  I always carry.  The only places I don’t are the airport and government buildings with metal detectors.
    I understand the chances of me being somewhere a spree shooter goes off are microscopic but I bet you those folks last night thought the same thing.

    I'll take that bet. What should we wager

    Well if it was a country & western bar, then the bet should be a fiddle of gold against your soul.

    • Like 7
  6. 1 hour ago, bernorange said:

    Government jumped the shark in 2008 with TARP and the bailouts.  Our system is fundamentally broken (and it starts with monetary policy, but that's boring and people prefer to yell at clouds).  We've endured several decades of farcical political theater (everything since Clinton) but nothing really showed how broken things were until the Lehman moment.  A nation of laws and rules?  American spirit?  There is no ethos.  We're just spiralling down the Idiocracy toilet.

    I'd double rep you if I could (no homo).  Damned if all of this isn't just distractions and bread & circuses while we abrogate all fiscal responsibility and run up mountains of debt and obligations with no conceivable way to pay them.  Look, orange squirrel !!!

  7. 27 minutes ago, Satchel said:

    This won't end well for Trump or Whitaker when the House Judiciary Committee hauls the new deputy AG before them and asks what Trump said to him when giving him the job.

    Didn't AG Eric Holder ignore a supoena from a House Commitee ?

  8. 2 hours ago, hobbes2702 said:

    Because we should encourage more people to vote in anyway we can.

    I understand on the surface and with some of our country's history why many say and think this, but I don't. 

    When I say that less people should vote, I'm sure some (here and other places) immediately start thinking of people of color, but that's not why.  Living in a state like West Virginia, we have the ability, if desired,  to see very common or similar problems internally without looking thru the lense of race and racism.  We have almost no people of color here (I've told y'all before that my freaking housekeeper is white), and yet we have some serious problems with education, drugs and dumfuckery often associated with cultures (or subcultures..... think of Vic's facebook postings) .  I don't want more of Cletus Delbridge and his cousin Guppy or his sister Arthela at the polls making civic choices.  They aren't educated enough on the issues to have even a modicum of understanding and will just vote for some commercial they liked, or who a friend said is going to give them more stuff or even who isn't a Muslim or won't take their guns (true or not).  We keep pushing for more Cletuses (Cleti ...plural?) to vote we are fucked as a society.  I'm not saying ban Cletus or Guppy from voting, but I can find no rational reason to promote or encourage him to vote.  

  9. 2 minutes ago, G650 said:

    I mean, if that's what's keeping you off Kaine, then I'm not sure what to say. That's way down the list of his terribleness. Start with his utter ineptitude as our governor, and work down from there.

    We all have our lines, whether they are rational/logical or not.  Heck, there are people on this board who would not bang Carrie Underwood because she is an Okie. That' sir, is commitment to hatred there....

  10. 9 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Kaine isn't any great shakes, but better than Stewart. 

    I couldn't vote for him (I keep my residency at the farm in Va) simply because he climbed in bed with Hillary last go around.  I will always go third party or leave it blank if someone has any taint at all from her/Bill.  

  11. 4 minutes ago, phdhorn said:

    Maryland alum - Yow ran Maryland's athletic budget into the shitter so they went to the Big Ten to grab some quick cash.

    Stupid ass move.  As a football team, Maryland is not awful, kind of like a Purdue or Northwestern. The quality of football is not bad, if not one of the big boys.

    Maryland is a  borderline top 50 institution academically. So in that way it every bit equals the Big Ten. However, the athletic department and the sports management is a fucking abomination.

    Except for that killing the kid thing......

    PS:  I liked going to Byrd Stadium when we played UMD every year.

    PPS: It will always be Byrd Stadium to me, not Capital Whatever Stadium.

  12. On 10/18/2018 at 8:49 PM, Gil Bang said:

    Had a Mercedes loaner the other  day.  That question occurred to me as I was filling it up with premium. 

    My SLK requires premium, but I just have the dealer fill it up when I go every week to check the tire air pressure, or top off the windshield washer fluid.

    • Haha 1
  13. 22 minutes ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    Taunting, baiting or ridiculing an opponent verbally.

    So i'm guessing that on every single play, some 0-linemen are discussing with the NTor DE some  homework or the hot chick in section 124, and that cocky wide receiver and d-back are just talking about their common interests or what a good game the punter is having?  Every.Single.Play.

  14. 6 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

      ........My wife disagrees.  

    Marital harmony hangs in the balance.

    The important thing you left out was what do your wife's breasts look like?  

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