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Posts posted by Whitman

  1. 1 hour ago, bad_teammate said:

    How is it misleading to count a service provided as a service provided?

    Because the intent is to mislead and down play the importance of abortion  to PP's mission/existence/business model. The commentary and articles I talked about explain that, if you chose to look them up.  I even saw a link to one from left leaning Slate Magazine  delving into what is behind the numbers.


    1 hour ago, bad_teammate said:

    (Better question: Why am I even talking to you?)

     Because your mother chose not to abort you.

  2. 2 minutes ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    Then if Kav and others on the Supreme Court believe the same, why not take this opportunity to 'do the right thing'. I assume they have far more data at their disposal than you or I. The argument is either they believe it and are unwilling to address it or they believe PP is justified in the services they render and thus justified in the funding. 


    It's crazy that the far right will see a conspiracy behind every corner, except the one right in front of their face.

    I was under the impression (for as little as :I have read about it), that this current ruling was more about whether lower courts should hear a certain case, not for the SC to be ruling one way or the other on funding or a federal involvement/legality of abortion.  I think those are coming and the shitshow will be turned up to an 11 if one side overreaches.

  3. If that is the numbers from PP's statement then yes.  As I mentioned, when the numbers are examined (not just by pro-life groups) they are misleading in what PP does.  The Washington Post did a good article about this as have others.  An example is when someone comes into a PP office to get an abortion, PP counts everything they do for this person (exam, STD testing, consultation, etc) as a separate service.  That can add up to calling it 6-10 services for 1 abortion.  That's misleading and number playing just to make a  point on paper.  It's like the NRA saying they exist for hunter safety training. 

    The current issue with PP is just as much about funding as it is with actual abortion.  Again, PP is disingenuous when they say no federal funds (i think they get about $500 million from fed?) are used for abortion, when federal funds are used for other things like the buildings and staff and overhead that wouldn't be there without it.  The idea or talking point of they are there and exist as a "women's health provider" is as disingenuous  as the "medical marijuana card" some states have had. It might have a few cases where it's true, but that's not the real picture.   

  4. 6 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    It's almost like they don't think for themselves and just repeat what they've been told by their thought leaders on cable news or AM radio. It is weird, though, because this doesn't change the fact that conservatives will continue to wage war against all of the health services provided by Planned Parenthood just because a very small part of what they provide is abortion services. 

    That statement is demonstrably false just by reading their own annual report and what PP calls a service.  Commentary on the numbers from multiple news sources (both left and right)  delve into this.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Beau Vine said:

    Can someone explain why east Texas has a penis, and the rest of us have to watch the Texans-Colts?


    Thujone decides the coverage area ?

  6. 8 minutes ago, pops said:

    Yep. That's him. He can't help himself with the whole Utah only got into the PAC 12 instead of byu because of religious discrimination schtick. 

    The irony there is that many years ago PAC teams (like Cal I remember specifically) would not play BYU because of the overt and institutional discrimination of the LDS Church in regards to no blacks in the priesthood and them being born inferior.   I've told some of y'all before that think they want BYU in the conference.....No you don't.  They are in no way worth the headaches and whining that comes from the fan base and the LDS Church.

    • Like 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, Gaelic said:

    You sound like your life must be miserable.   

    Not at all.  I have had a successful career (due in part to my education at WVU), love my work and my kids, and I travel/play at will.  I even have time to hang out here on a message board using the exact same handle/name since I joined when WVU got their invite to the Big 12.  You on the other hand have had to change names multiple times, are a complete douche and loser in life, and your school cannot get an invite to any one of the P5 conferences.  Kind of keeps the garments in wad down in Provo, eh?

    PS: What happened to your "I'm not even going to waste my time on you"?  Sounds like you lied.  Must have learned that at BYU.  

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  8. Just now, Gaelic said:

    WVU academics are dogshit, no matter how many Rhodes Scholars y'all can claim.   I'm not even going to waste my time on you.  

    Fucking brilliant retort, dumbfuck. 

    Ignorance is simply not knowing something.  Stupidity is not having the ability to learn.  You sir, are a stupid motherfucker who deserves nothing but the worst in life, and to wallow around looking for a seat at the big boy table hoping that someday someone will think highly of you or any institution that you associate with. But it will never happen.

  9. Just now, Gaelic said:

    That's rich coming from a WVU graduate.  Aren't they on par with Boise State?

    Not sure about Boise State, and you obviously know nothing of WVU.  You are the one with a stupid relative that couldn't even keep a job run by an Aggie.  Two fucking days was all they could tolerate of him?  Shit, you can read the Book of Mormon and Pearl of Great Price in less time than that.  Joseph Smith could translate a roll of papyrus in less time than that.

    PS; To get you started, you should do a google search about how many Rhodes Scholars we have had.  

    PPS: I've never hired a BYU grad, nor ever likely will.  Temple oaths aren't my thing. 

    • Like 1
  10. 38 minutes ago, Gaelic said:

    My cousin was fired by an aggie earlier this week after only 2 days on the job.   He had given up a steady job to join this company and was the only man working in an office full of women.  half way into the week, they let him go citing that they didn't feel like he was a good fit long term.   When he pressed for the reasons why, they wouldn't explain.  

    Two days in and he still couldn't get the concept of asking every  customer if they want fries with their order, or to wash his hands before returning to the wrapping station, then he should get fired.  Probably a BYU graduate. 

    • Like 5
    • Haha 2
  11. 7 hours ago, Your Mom said:

    I don't know shit about hot water heaters but in 2004 I bought a house built in 1980 with the original hot water heater.  The inspector recommended replacing it then.  I didn't, water was hot.  It needed a repair a few years later, some kind of cleaning if I recall.  It wasn't expensive.  Fast forward to 2017 and the ex-wife finally had to replace it.  

    Then again I'm sure someone else has a story of the pain in the ass it was to have not replaced one in time.

    There is a whole thread about not replacing the wife in time and stories/costs/pain in the ass associated with it.

    • Like 2
  12. 14 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    Roughly correct. I use Venmo to transfer money to friends/family for things like drinks, dinner, etc. Paypal would be what I'd use for an actual vendor (assuming I didn't just use my credit card). 

    That's kind of what I was thinking, with having Venmo and then also a credit or debit card, it sort of seems that Paypal will not have a purpose?  Maybe that is why Paypal bought Venmo?  Wonder if Paypal/Venmo will come out with a debit card to use for "non-friends" like actual vendors?

  13. Though I'm an old, I pay most of my bills online but still write a few checks every month.  I carry some cash depending upon the situation, but most often when out  pay with a credit card and then just pay the bill at the end of the month.  I had heard of and was familiar with Paypal several years ago, but never had a reason to open an account.  Now I hear about , and a couple of my kids use, Venmo (which paypal now owns) to pay for some things.  Am I correct or close with the following:

    -Paypal charges for all transactions except for paying moneys from your paypal account to someone else's paypal.  A credit or even a debit card is going to get a 3% or so charge.  You do have some protection with Paypal though for fraud.

    -Venmo does not charge for a debit card transaction.  It does charge for a credit card one though.  Also, there is no protection for/from fraud.  Venmo should be used only if you know the person (friend/family/FWB/etc)?

    Is this basically correct?  Do most people who use these things use one or the other, or have both depending upon the transaction and parties?

    I'll hang up and listen.  Thanks.

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