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Posts posted by Texas73

  1. 3 hours ago, pyrohornIII said:

    There are an awful lot of people out there who feel they have won their position in life by hard work and grit.  They have been bombarded with the 'welfare queen' story so often that it is 100% truth.  There is no other side to it.   There is no white privilege working against the minorities, only their laziness to improve their station is to blame. 

    They are completely sure the Democrats will take away their hard earned things and redistribute them to those lazy people who refuse to work.   You see it every day with messages from the right.  All this 2A shit dotard keeps spewing.   The common message about it all is the Dems are going to take it away from you!!

    This is northeast Texas in a nutshell. I'm talking Louie Gohmert territory. They don't care about tax breaks for the ultra wealthy or for giant corporations. They care about the Dems want to redistribute the wealth to minorities who want free stuff so we have to vote for Republicans. 

    • Like 4
  2. I still can’t believe tzintzun Ramirez got so close to making the run off. 

    Those types of candidates can’t win in a state like Texas. 


    How about the democrat for governor in the last election? I'm a yellow dog democrat but geesh Texas isn't ready for a candidate like her. 

  3. 35 minutes ago, Irieguy said:

    Doesn’t matter how it’s song. It’s the origin. Bruce Springsteen could move to Haiti. He will always be a Jersey act. This isn’t hard. 

    Virtually no one living today knew that the song was sung at a minstrel show in 1903 until a couple of days ago. That negates your stance that The Eyes of Texas is specifically a minstrel show. 

    • Like 3
  4. 2 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Wait a minute.  He says he knew dotard did it, but voted not to impeach anyway?  He's just admitting his complicity?  Am I missing something or is he just yelling the quiet part out loud? 

    Alexander from Tennessee said he knew Trump did what he was impeached for but he didn't think it was a removable offense. 

  5. 37 minutes ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    Most school songs and national anthems are like that.  They, like flags, only have meaning in what they symbolize.  Part of that meaning to me was that it, in some small way, symbolized a unity between the team and the fans. I've always felt that singing it at the end of the game with the team,  win or lose, was an awesome tradition.  It was always especially awesome when it was done on the road in the other team's house.  The singing of the Eyes was the sole reason that I stayed and watched those awful OU beat downs and Rout 66, but it was also the reason that I got to see the greatest comeback in Longhorn history.  Finding out that the team was forced to do it and what it meant, or didn't mean to them, feels a little like when I found out that Santa wasn't real.  No matter what happens with it now, I don't think I'll ever feel the same way about it and I'll just be like fans of other schools and leave when the team gets too far behind.

    I agree with your positive sentiments about the song. I was lucky enough to be in the Rose Bowl when Vince Young put us in the endzone.  I have also read that the team is forced to do it and I'd like to know more about that.  are aIn my 49 years as a season ticket holder there have always been players that don't sing The Eyes. They didn't stop me from singing it and I didn't care that they didn't sing it. Maybe they hate singing, maybe they were too tired to run down to in front of the band, maybe they needed to get to the locker room to piss or whatever, maybe they sat on the bench and didn't feel like singing it. 

    I'm not giving much credence to the idea that they are forced to sing it and thus my enthusiasm toward the song is not as destroyed as yours, you having compared it to finding out Santa wasn't real. 

    I might compare it to finding out the tooth fairy wasn't real since I never believed in her anyway. 


    1 minute ago, South Austin said:

    I was just offering a perspective with no scientific data.  As did you.  Your response is also an anecdote that proves nothing, other than two avid Texas fans and season-ticket holders since 1996 disagree on this.   

    Exactly but I did mistype the date since I have been a season ticket holder, 1971 here. If people didn't give two shits about The Eyes, this thread wouldn't exist or would have ended. 

    It is hard for me to believe anyone who has been to the games and/or graduations think the song has awkward lyrics and a lame melody.  It is the act of the song, all being sung together that makes it fucking awesome. 

  7. 15 minutes ago, South Austin said:

    Unpopular hot take, from a season-ticket holder since 1996 who's revolved much of his adult life (and sometimes to an unhealthy degree) around University of Texas athletics:

    I never really liked The Eyes of Texas.  Awkward lyrics, lame melody.  I've always sung it with those around me, but I don't give two shits if we ditch it.  It's not a hill I'm going to die on.

    Anecdotes prove nothing. I've been a season ticket holder since 1971 and I love the song. It is sung at wedding, births, funerals and more. WAY more people have the opposite opinion of your hot take.

    One swallow doesn't make a summer. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, MrBig said:

    My point is that the song was originally written FOR the purpose of being performed at a minstrel blackface act.

    “The act is racist” is your quote.

    The lyrics are irrelevant if the act itself is racist. 

    Prove your point. 

    Were you there at the Austin Opera House?

    Did you talk to someone who was there? Provide their name and phone number.

    This excerpt is from the University of Texas about the origins and history of UT's songs:

    A Varsity Minstrel Show was scheduled for Wednesday evening, May 12, 1903, in the Hancock Opera House on West Sixth Street, and was packed with music, dances, skits, and even a tumbling act. Proceeds from the show would pay for the University Track team to attend the All-South Track and Field Competition in Atlanta.

    Leading off the show was an overture by the ‘Varsity Band, followed by “Oh, The Lovely Girls,” “Old Kentucky Home,” and “The Castle on the Nile” performed by the University Chorus or student soloists. The fourth piece listed on the printed program was cryptically labeled a “Selection” by the Varsity Quartet.

    You have no proof that all the music, dances, skits and tumbling act were all done in blackface and you continuing to post it as fact is not correct. Enough.


    • Like 4
  9. 1 hour ago, hayden_horn said:

    you'll stand there proudly in the stands singing a song that our football players find offensive?

    and the song being steeped in racism has been outlined, and it's sort of hard to avoid. 

    The song is not steeped in racism. Statues of Jefferson Davis and Robert E Lee and the confederate flag flying are steeped in racism. How President Prather ended his speeches admonishing staff and students to remember to do their best and the right thing because the eyes of Texas are upon you is not racist. 

    I've marched in BLM protests several times, my significant other is black and we both stand and sing The Eyes before and after the games. 

    • Like 8
  10. 7 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

    the origins of the song are steeped in racism

    Really? You and I see steeped in racism differently. I'm all for BLM, I marched over 3 hours a couple of Sunday's ago and I'm old. I remember when R L Moore Hall was built and named the PMA (Physics, Math, Astronomy) building and yes as a math major I knew R L Moore was a racist and when they named the PMA after him it was controversial and written up in the Daily Texan. 

    I'm in favor of all of the demands except for ending The Eyes of Texas. 

    • Like 3
  11. 4 hours ago, ChampionshipLevelPiss said:

    I think one of the players' objections was that they were required to sing the Eyes...so no, they aren't able to just "walk off the field".

    Have you ever been to a Texas game? I've had season tickets since 1971 and individual players are NOT required to sing the Eyes.

    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, Gatorubet said:

    FWIW, maybe Texas lost some of the right to bitch about the song complaints when you left a building named after a guy so racist he would not teach black students unchanged until 2020 - when they complained?  Just maybe you forfeited some shit when that happened - like the right to push back as hard on other examples - like the song.   Had you been addressing the other clearly egregious issues earlier, you might have more moral authority to push back on The Eyes issue.  But you didn't.   Maybe this is -  I dunno - more like having to take personal responsibility for doing some undeniably bad shit in the past and failing to correct it till now - even if the consequence of that delay is way more uncomfortable than you'd like.  Or even more uncomfortable than it deserves.   Consequences are not always equal to the original injury.

    I know, Gator, not my fight song, blah blah.  Just a thought I had after reading ten pages of this.

    You think all Texas students or Texas Exes or Texas fans knew a building on campus, R L Moore, was named after a racist professor?  Th.ey didn't

  13. When I was a kid we would drive the 40 miles from a small rural east Town to Tyler to shop and my mom always took us to Luby's. She loved that place and so did I. LuAnn with fried fish and mac and cheese. After moving to Austin in '71 I used to go to the one at Twin Oaks shopping center which is catty corner to the HEB at Oltorf and Congress.Yes, I go way back. Then the new one at Oltorf and 35 opened and we went there for years. 

    Haven't been to a Luby's in almost a decade though. Good memories though.

  14. 2 minutes ago, SimonBolivar said:

    This doesn't make any sense. So Trump was going to go out there and interact with the crowd for his photo op? Yeah that's believable. 

    Didn't you get the memo: History is written by the winners.

  15. 17 hours ago, GRHorn said:

    Austin will get ugly. The white lefties there have to be salty about how much uglier the protests have been elsewhere. If there aren’t a certain number of broken windows and looted retail outlets then the systemic racists win. 

    There were thousands there and it did not get ugly.

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