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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by crimsonlonghorn

  1. LOL sorry, gents. I spent my time away training for the spelling bee.
  2. Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of respect for game wardens and I 100% acknowledge how difficult their jobs are. That being said, showing up "randomly" in a way that appears to be correlated with data that they supposedly shouldn't have seems sketchy and unnecessary and feels like more of the virtual panopticon our society is turning into.
  3. Thanks for the responses. Just ordered paper licenses to be shipped to my house in 7-10 days. FWIW, I asked my brother just now as well - he is much more plugged in than me - and this is what he responded with: I find that to be totally believable and is persuasive for me not to buy a digital license.
  4. Anybody have an opinion about the digital licenses? Yay or nay?
  5. We are at the AAU Jr Olympics waiting for my son to throw the shot put. Son is in the second flight so he’s waiting too. He texts that he’s hungry. Mrs CL walks off and comes back with… a tub of popcorn. Son says “no thanks”. Mrs CL gets all swollen up that he’s being ungrateful. I apparently used the wrong tone when I told her I agreed with him that it wasn’t a particularly good choice before an athletic event. Mrs CL stomps off and says she’ll watch from a different location.
  6. So I finally got around over the weekend to opening the meat grinder I got for Christmas last year. I started with a simple pan breakfast recipe I found in an artisanal sausage cookbook. Basically, it was a whole ground up shoulder mixed with some different spices and it turned out much better than I expected. Even my picky 13 yo son said, "That was really good." Very excited to try more. My goal is to eventually come up with a German central Texas-style recipe of my own that I can add to the smoker rotation for more variety when I barbecue on the weekends.
  7. Little bit off topic, but kind of on topic... When I visited Cortez, Colorado, a few years ago, one of the major industries is hay farming and I daydreamed about the idea of being a farmer in the area. It was just beautiful. All of western Colorado apparently grows a lot of irrigated grass and alfalfa with so many streams flowing west out of the mountains. I have no idea how the economics work, but it seemed idyllic.
  8. Couple of things to keep in mind: 1.) Having been an off and on customer of USAA for the ~20 years I've been married, they've provided some good deals and service that I have been surprised by. This wasn't the first time. Maybe this is just another one of those USAA things like the time I was pleasantly surprised by our new roof after Ike. 2.) We have multiple houses, multiple vehicles, and a ton of other stuff to insure in addition to the normal homeowners insurance. Like I said, my wife took on our insurance consolidation and bundling as project to be tackled. I am quite certain there are some volume discounts and economies of scale floating around in there that are tied to the amount of other stuff being insured, along with some haggling from Mrs CL the attorney. 3.) As much as I don't understand USAA in a good way, my experience with the insurance industry in general is equally hard to understand in a bad way. That industry is infuriating to me with the scams they run on people ("That's not a flood, it's surface water... and you're not covered for it!") and the way they just pop up out of the blue and ask for more money (It's called a "premium audit"). I'm not surprised that one company would be so different than another. Definitely shop around more. OK that was three things.
  9. I realized about 18 months ago that I was over $100,000 in total value and my homeowners only covered less than $1,000, so I bought a separate forearms policy from Gun and Trophy for really cheap. Something like $300 or $400. Then my wife decided a few months ago to swap out all of our insurance and ended up switching our homeowners to USAA. They increased the firearms limit to $200,000 for something like $100 in additional annual premium. Point is, insurance is extremely cheap compared to having to replace all your guns. The only issue with USAA was that I had to do an inventory with serial numbers and estimated values... so Mrs CL saw the number and didn't flinch at all. She was surprisingly cool about it. I think I have to keep her now.
  10. Normally keep it concealed in the car and brought it inside because I didn’t want it to be stolen. Took it out of my backpack and put it down on the dresser. It was in a holster and unloaded. This particular hotel does not have safes in the room.
  11. No, clean record, all that good stuff. Perfectly legal and I just had it renewed last fall Gun was in the hotel room all weekend - I was by myself - and unless the maid brought her kid to work, shouldn’t be an issue there. Definitely didn’t leave it on a bench outside or anything like that.
  12. Question for shaggy firearms lawyers and experts: I accidentally left a handgun in a hotel room in a mid-size city in Texas this morning. Completely my fault and careless of me. The front desk called me later and said the maid had found it and they had turned it over to the police. I called the police and they said I could come retrieve it from the property room Monday through Friday. He didn’t seem like it was that big a deal. Is it a big deal and should I be worried? Should I find a lawyer before I go back? I have a CCL and I know how careless this was. I’ll accept the consequences. Just don’t know how anxious I should be about this and don’t want to be surprised when I get there next week. Thanks. ps - Ms CL is a lawyer and she’s going to give me all kinds of shit about this when she finds out.
  13. Who had the bright idea to advertise to girls during bowl games about needing to poop and having a smelly crotch? The first time I saw it, I thought that maybe it was a mistake but it was on ALL FUCKING WEEK and now I just saw it on ESPN during the middle of the day on a Tuesday. Who the fuck do they think are seeing these ads and how much of these girl supplements do they think they'll sell to this audience on ESPN DURING THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY ON A TUESDAY.
  14. To be fair, losing by 37 to the Cowboys accounts for almost a third of the delta.
  15. You should call NFL network and tell them. I don't think they knew that.
  16. This Colts +4.5 bet is going to be an even more brutal beat than the Giants back door on Thanksgiving.
  17. Don't get down by 33 its in the second half...
  18. People are going to be talking about this game and that fumble for a long time.
  19. That's unbelievable from several different angles,
  20. Matty Ice: "Buy my book! How to play for three quarters and quit!"
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