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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by crimsonlonghorn

  1. The thing about the masks is that they don't necessarily reduce the risk of infection for people who aren't sick, but they do reduce the risk of people spreading it who are already sick. But if you don't know you're already sick, then it makes sense for everyone to wear them anyway just to be sure.
  2. Yes, but keep in mind that while the health authorities (CDC, WHO, etc) may keep track of individual flu strains spreading from place to place, most average citizens don't pay any attention to that. Similarly, if a known illness is present in far apart locations, say, China and the USA, a person traveling from one to the other can be a vector to infect someone in his destination and we'd never know (or blame him for it) because it's already in both places. In other words existing illnesses probably spread from continent to continent just as easily and rapidly, we just don't pay attention to it because it's already in both places. The only reason we are noticing the spread of COVID across continents right now is because it's relatively unique and we are paying attention to it. I bet if we tried (or had the ability) to map individual flu infection vectors on a global scale, it would appear to be a very similar rapid spread across continents. China -> US -> Italy -> Iran -> China and so on. As far as cruise ships and nursing homes - kind of the same thing. Lots of diseases already spread on cruise ships and nursing homes because they are relatively confined and captive spaces with dense populations for extended periods of time sharing toilets and dining facilities. People have been advised to wash their hands on cruise ships for a long time predating COVID. None of this is meant to disagree with your point about it being contagious, just saying that the anecdotal data we have right now about how it spreads doesn't necessarily mean it's super contagious because all diseases spread similarly to the maps and anecdotes we've heard so far. The stuff about "can be present on surfaces for 7 days" and "14 day incubation" is much more indicative IMO.
  3. You might not be gay but based on those outfits they were wearing, I'm not so sure about the members of the band.
  4. I wasn't necessarily agreeing with the Ebola comparison, just the idea that IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD FIRE FIRE FIRE JUST SHOOT ME NOW! Hardly anything is ever as bad as the predictions make it out to be. The world keeps turning. I know I'm a sunshine pumper, but I'm also not a cynic.
  5. This is where I am. Everyone wants to panic and yes it's serious but it ain't a Stephen King novel, either. In 2-3 months we will have adapted and moved on.
  6. Username checks out. Also, Coronavirus might not be his/her biggest problem at the moment. Also, Seattle.
  7. The good news is that if it has been circulating more than realized, lots more people have had it and recovered without even realizing it. That means the denominator is much higher so the mortality rate is way lower than the Chinese 2% everyone has been wetting their pants over.
  8. After walking around in them this afternoon I agree. Enormous difference.
  9. $4 grand. Equal to 2 years of birthday presents from my wife: last year’s original gift certificate and this year’s added amount for the embellishments I ordered.
  10. Went and picked up my new pair of custom Maida's today just in time for the rodeo. They are pretty nice and fit perfectly. The difference between those and other off the shelf brands is amazing. The most impressive part IMO is the shaft, both the sizing and the quality of the build. It's about 3 inches higher up my leg and the circumference is perfect. I wore them around all afternoon and have already commissioned him to build me another pair of plain Jane red kangaroo ropers for everyday wear. Will post pics when they show up in 6 months.
  11. Maybe I missed something in the discussion above, but why would learning to drive a stick have anything to do with it? Are you guys saying that someone who never grew up driving a stick shift uses one foot for the brake and one for the gas? Seriously? Even learning in mostly automatics, I was told to NEVER do that with separate feet because it was harder on the brake pads and was too complicated. The existence or non-existence of a clutch pedal wasn't part of that advice.
  12. This. Or a P320 if you don't want a hammer.
  13. It will get disinfected and then sold and resold a couple of times and the name changed and put back in service eventually on another line and most people will never bother to look up the history.
  14. As mentioned above, I bought a pair of Cueros a few weeks ago with a similar deal and they've become my everyday boot (when I wear boots). Very comfortable and walkable. I'd recommend trying a pair for that price.
  15. Finally got to shoot it this afternoon and yessir, it is the most soft shooting 45 I've ever shot. Much softer than my P320 or my XDS and a whole lot more pleasant than the Colt 1911, too. Thank you again for the tip.
  16. Last Wednesday I came down with a very mild case of the flu. Nothing more than a sporadic fever and aches, easily controllable by Tylenol. I knew it was the flu because I was exposed to it the weekend before visiting my dad in the hospital, and I figured it was mild because I already had a flu shot. All I needed to do was wait for the proverbial 5-7 days to pass but wife was nagging me everyday to go to the doctor and get tested, even if it never got worse. She and the kids never got sick. I called the doctor's nurse and she said it sounded so mild that I probably wasn't that contagious, especially since I wasn't sneezing or coughing. Just wait it out and come see us if it gets worse. I started feeling better yesterday but she kept STILL nagging so today I went in to see the doctor. They agreed with me and basically told me we were both wasting our time but laughed when I said I was there to keep my wife happy. Get home this afternoon and report back to Ms CL. Ms CL: Did you get tested for the flu? Me: No, they didn't even mention it. They said that I didn't appear ill. Ms CL: Why didn't you ask to be tested? Me: I guess because they could tell I was no longer sick? Ms CL: Well how am I supposed to know if you actually had the flu? What if I catch it from you? Me: Because it's all gone now. Wouldn't you have already caught it by now if it were going to happen? yada yada yada... TONE
  17. Jennifer Connelly is all time smoke. She is getting better and better with age.
  18. This was my question earlier upthread. Thanks.
  19. I've been interested in buying a 357 lever rifle for a long time, but have kept spending my money on new shotguns or pistols or AR's or whatever. It keeps getting pushed down the priority list. Your post brings up a question: I've aware that 38 spc can be shot out of a 357 revolver. Can it also be shot out of a lever action rifle? Wouldn't the shorter casing be an issue with the lever ejection and magazine action and even the bolt? Or is that not the case? I'm not even close to an expert on lever action rifles, so I could just not know what I'm talking about.
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