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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by BradInATX

  1. 9 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I don’t disagree but we need to be honest about all the candidates vulnerabilities and not look at anyone as a magic bullet.

    I think Biden is a strong candidate against any GOP candidate in 2020.  Is he the strongest? I don’t know. 

    I think many people want to move in a new direction away from the past, regardless of party. It was a big selling point for Trump.  

    Biden doesn’t strike me as a trailblazer leading the way with new and inspiring ideas.  That could change but after Trump, people really want to be inspired.  

    I'm sort of on the opposite side, in terms of "inspiring people". Trump alone is going to energize the Democrats to get out and vote against him. Dems will not lose a state they won in 2016, obviously. So the Rust Belt is all that matters. I spend a lot of time up there for work - my three biggest clients are in Cincy, Minneapolis, and Philly. I have a pretty good grasp on their mindset and outlook. To win the Rust Belt, you need to put someone inoffensive and non-threatening up. Biden, Beto, Klobuchar for me. Maybe Booker, but I don't have a read on how his coziness with pharma will play in key states, which puts him in the "risky" bucket for me for now.

    Just put someone up there that can't easily be labeled (IE Pocahontas, Socialist Bernie), and get home with the W. Some charisma is good, but it needs to be the right type. "Down-home" charisma like the three candidates I mentioned have, not aggressive charisma (Kamala Harris, who I like a lot). 

    The obvious answer is Beto, though. He fits both the inoffensive/safe bet criteria for me, and the inspiring criteria for you. He'd run away with the Election.


  2. 1 hour ago, Bama Chick said:

    Dems need to get what exactly together?


    The election is in 23 months and primaries start about 13 months from now.


    Multiple candidate are in the process of deciding whether or not to run or forming exploratory committees.


    Is the party to be expected to already have an anointed candidate?


    Isn’t that what fucked them the last time with Hillary?


    I want a good selection of diverse candidates and a primary process that enables the selection of the best candidate to beat Trump.


    The only fly in the ointment is Bernie and his bros and outside interference aimed at fracturing the voters; resulting in a damaged candidate before they general election even begins.


    The unrealistic expectation of the Democrats having some mythical perfect savior rise from nowhere and ride to our rescue on a unicorn is driving the narrative as Democrats are the gang who can’t shoot straight.


    Take a breath and let more than one candidate declare and get to the primaries before everyone defaults to catastrophe syndrome.


    My concern, and I'm sure some share this, is that the candidates that are viable and are the surest bets to beat Trump (Biden, Beto, Klobuchar) are going to split votes and a risky candidate like Bernie or Warren will slip by, much like what happened in the GOP primaries in 2016. I think Biden and Beto have a lot of overlap with moderate Dems, independents, etc. Basically the Obama coalition. They're also the two surest bets to beat Trump. I'm hoping that the deck clears a bit after the first couple of rounds of primaries, and the more moderate side of the Dem party coalesces around someone. Otherwise you're risking putting Bernie or someone silly through, and giving Trump four more years. 

    It should be an easy win but we're talking about Democrats here.

  3. 28 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


    That's why I said "perceived" Obama baggage.  

    How this works:  GOP candidate will assign all the perceived Obama criticisms to Biden.  Biden/Obama gave Iran 400 Billion dollars and responsible for that awful Iran deal.  Obama/Biden was bringing in dangerous Syrian refugees.  Biden was responsible for failed Obamacare.  All the people that felt left behind by "globalist" Obama/Biden will be easy pickings again for the GOP.

    It isn't a huge deal but it is something that distinguishes Biden from a Beto or Warren.  

    Biden is about as old school big money establishment Democrat as they come and it's one reason people were so turned off by Hillary. 

    I'm sure there were a few people turned off by Hillary being "establishment" and her perceived corruption (fair or not). I was one of those, but still voted for her.


    But you're either massively overcomplicating and overestimating the depth of analysis of the American voter it, or being disingenuous. People were turned off by Hillary because she's unlikable and a charisma vacuum. Biden is neither of those. He will rout Trump. He's a slam dunk.

  4. Well in the end, it worked out for chicago didnt it?  

    It's common sense. You just beat the shit out of the vikings in a vikings must win game in minnesota. There could not be more of a guarantee wild card win than bears vs vikings. But letting the super bowl champions in and then having them go toe to toe with you eventually beating you? Lol. I could tell the first drive where philly drove it down for 3, chicago regretted letting them in. Vikings got their first first down in the second quarter last week


    Nagy shouldve rested everybody and used the most vanilla playbook ever. Do u think new Orleans is thrilled that philly is coming in or would they rather play dallas? I'd rather play dallas



    To this Saints fan it's sorta six of one, half dozen of the other. Gun to my head I'd rather play Philly, but we will/would beat either Dallas or Philly in NOLA. The Rams are the only team with the talent to go win in the Dome.  

    That said, you're sort of right. Dallas had no business going full steam in that game. Rest key starters, play fairly vanilla, etc. But it has nothing to do with picking your matchup or keeping philly out. It's just about rest and health. Garrett gonna Garrett though.


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  5. 1 minute ago, Mileslong said:

    Lmao please make us a video, we all really want you to. Here is your template





    1 minute ago, Mileslong said:

    Lmao please make us a video, we all really want you to. Here is your template




    Did not watch. But your mom and I will make a video for you after the Saints send the Cowboys back home with the L. 

    • Fuck You 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Machinator said:

    I'm enjoying the Saints fan doubling down after talking shit backfired on him the first time. Gotta have balls in the postseason.

    Hey, I took the loss. Said the better team won on that day, and they did. Cowboys were more physical and dominated the LOS on defense.

    Nonetheless, y'all bout to get fucked up.

  7. 1 minute ago, Irish Wrist Watch said:

    Ideally, and I don't know how it happens, we get another game before we play the Saints in NO. (Or somebody beats NO for us.) At least N.O. would get a little banged up that way.

    Eagles win tomorrow sends Dallas to LA. Don't really see it happening since it's in Chicago, but who knows.

    • Fuck You 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Mileslong said:

    I’m surprised the NFL even counted it since the cowboys really wanted to win.

    I bet you'd trade that win for the one the Saints are going to get next Sunday. Y'all beat us in 2009, too.

    • Fuck You 1
  9. 1 minute ago, mdmost said:

    Teams that rest don't always come out hot. 

    Fair enough. Worked out okay in 2009 for the Saints, though. And they needed the rest this year, they got banged up on the OLine pretty badly towards the end of the season. 

  10. 6 minutes ago, Irish Wrist Watch said:

    We want to play whichever team loses tomorrow. Unfortunately that won't happen.

    I think the Bears' D is probably no better than the Seahawks. So I want the Bears. Our D shuts them down. Dak and crew are one game better. we can definitely take the Bears - almost certainly the Eagles.

    If the Bears win tomorrow the Cowboys won't be playing them in these playoffs.

  11. 8 hours ago, burntorangebongos said:

    So far, ADHD and Achooloco are Purg for sure. Jury is still out on the other socks but BradinATX is starting to stink.

    lolwut? I know tons of posters IRL. Get outta here with that.

  12. so BRAD IN THE ATX is a racist trump defender...but somehow also thinks it is okay to neg like a little bitch? why don't you speak up brad? or are you just a coward? 

    This is what a Trump supporter has been brainwashed into thinking a "libtard" thinks like. Nobody is buying your stupid ass schtick. The fuck outta here with it. It's not funny, it's not clever, and nobody is even taking the bait.


    In the same way that Trump is what stupid people think a successful person looks like, this sock is what stupid people think a "great troll lol pwned the libs lol" looks like. Stop it.


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  13. GRHorn is obviously very aware that alcoholoco is a troll, but it makes him feel good to finally win an argument here. Who knows, he might have two browser windows open "arguing" against himself. If so, well done. If not, STFU both of you. Jesus Christ. So obnoxious.

    • Like 5
    • Fuck You 1
  14. Bird Box is awful. Way too long and dragged out. Every "twist" was predictable by anyone's standard, marginal acting, insulting and patronizing to the audience. A golden shower of unnecessary scenes and cliches.


    It was a SyFy Channel B movie (ala Sharknado) wrapped up in a big budget and Sandra Bullock. Cinematography was great. Some beautiful shots. Otherwise long and shitty.


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  15. There's no way my regular trash bin would fit a week's worth of amazon boxes and beer cans. So yeah, team green all the way here! Fuckin' love the environment.

    • Like 1
  16. It is. Drew Brees is an owner.

    Anyone ever eaten there?

    Once saw two drunk LSU fans almost come to blows over one of those punching arcade machines after a game in Tiger Stadium. Don't remember much else.


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