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Posts posted by WBT

  1. 18 minutes ago, statsman said:

    I’m trying to think of guys that could have gone anywhere, going to small programs (not hidden gems excavated by small programs, which happens all the time). Robert Strait to Baylor and Micah Parker to TT are all that come to mind right now. 

    Ed Oliver to Houston - liked grills and kisses on the cheek.

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  2. 55 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    His career minus his two months with unsustainable BAbips.

    633 ABs, .218/.281/.357/.638 45 BBs, 197 Ks.

    He has just under 800 MLB ABs.  Most players aren't going to look as good when you arbitrarily eliminate the best 20% of their ABs.

    He looked good in his 2021 cameo, fucked up his shoulder in the 2021 playoffs, looked bad when he came back early in 2022, looked better but still not great in 2023, and in 2024 looks about back to the 2021 this year.  That timeline gives me hope.


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