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Posts posted by texhorn

  1. Novavax was slower than Pfizer and Moderna to get their US-based investigational sites up and running (lots of earlier enrollees in their trials in the UK).  There is question about whether FDA would review solely their UK data for the EUA, and not the US/Mexico data.  Not sure if that's going to happen or not.  Novavax was also not quite as up to speed on the manufacturing end, either.  Every vaccine was manufactured at risk before EUAs were granted, but sounds like Novavax had some trouble getting regulatory approval for the North Carolina facility they wanted to use.
    Some are believing this is because the US government wanted Moderna and Pfizer out front (Moderna partnered with NIH and took Warp Speed cash; Pfizer didn't but has huge lobbying pull).
    From reading about the Novavax vaccine, it may provide the best combo of safety and efficacy, including all the variants.  Once production gets rolling, this may end up being the booster of choice for me.  But I need to see more.

    Novavax was also part of warp speed - took $1.6b in funding if I remember corrrectly...
  2. It's a very small volume injection.  I took allergy shots for years that increased in volume.  The ones at the end of the cycle blew up your arm on sheer volume, they were a syringe-full, a full cc, I think.  This one is like 0.1 cc.  
    Got my Moderna today.  Felt fine, but conked pretty hard on my 3PM Covid nap, which about half the time involves just reading no sleep, the rest of the time a half hour catnap.  I was out for an hour and a half.  My delt is a little sore I just noticed raising my arm.
    I did not shit myself on the way back from Alvarado.  I did not, however, chow on a Popeyes 8pc with chocolate sauce coming or going.

    Thanks for triggering my allergy shot PTSD
    • Rage+1 1
  3. According to what the nurse told my wife at the Wilco setup at Georgetown HS, it was a cluster because someone fucked up and they had close to 1000 doses they had to use or lose today. Apparently Wilco let it known on social media anyone could come get one even if no appointment. The site was understaffed and not ready for the amount of people who showed up.

    Edit: nevermind, sounds like it was Curative.. I retract my FHS jab.
  4. Got my 2nd dose of Moderna on Thursday afternoon. Woke up 12 hours later in the middle of the night with a headache, body aches, fever, hella sore/sensitive arm/shoulder, and chills. Symptoms lasted about 24 hours after onset. Fever at one point got up to 103 and wasn’t really responsive to any meds. Back to normal now but man that sucked.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  5. So, as I stated earlier, I got my first at Kelly Reeves on 1/25. Some I know (same date for first shot) got a specific reschedule invite and got the second one yesterday. Others, like gsoda got an email with a master list of time slots by alphabet.

    I got no emails at all. Same date, lack of emails, etc., for my mom and her husband. I guess I should show up anyway, or else possibly losing my second dose altogether?

    Yes, show up anyway, if you got your shot there 1/20-1/26 you’re good if you bring your card and go today or tomorrow

  6. WTF?!?!?

    First shot there on 1/25. Second dose initially scheduled for 2/22. Last Thursday, I got the email stating that my appointment was going to be rescheduled and that I should expect an email with an invite link within the next 7 days.

    As of 5 minutes ago, that’s the last communication from them. No email breaking down alphabet groups at all. I may just show up according to that schedule anyway.

    1/26 here (along with 2 other family members) and we didn’t get the email above either. Nor had any sort of appointment set, rescheduled, etc. other than expect something in 7 days (which never came). what a mess.
  7. How long did you end up waiting? My second shot at kelly reeves was last Thursday but because of the weather was cancelled. I'm supposed to get an email telling me to schedule for this week but so far haven't gotten one. My wife got her email last Friday. I'm starting to get anxious

    Look in the email they sent saying you are being rescheduled. There should be an email address you can contact if you don’t get automatically rescheduled for some reason (I don’t want to publicly post).
    I’m overdue for a 2nd shot with them and have heard nothing other than be patient. I think it’s a shitshow right now over there trying to recover from last week.
  8. APH has now said there is no maximum time between first and second doses.  what a cluster.

    The CDC guidance page they linked to in this morning’s tweet says this:

    The second dose should be administered as close to the recommended interval as possible. However, if it is not feasible to adhere to the recommended interval and a delay in vaccination is unavoidable, the second dose of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines may be administered up to 6 weeks (42 days) after the first dose. There are currently limited data on efficacy of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines administered beyond this window. If the second dose is administered beyond these intervals, there is no need to restart the series.


    I’m not seeing “there is no maximum”. shitshow, indeed.
  9. We were in a deep freeze for a goddamn week and then the day after it warms up I got itchy eyes and started sneezing like a mofo. Looks like cedar was low today but most places weren't recording counts for the last week, so I'm guessing it was a bit of cedar yesterday? I mean, come the fuck on. 

    Same here.
  10. Georgetown sounds like a clusterfuck right now.   A bunch of folks without power, that has nothing to do with the rolling blackouts.  And more people are talking about the water.
    Still can't confirm tower - have friends near there, waiting to hear back.

    Saw reports that an overflow valve broke, and the flow has been stopped. Millions of gallons and possible flooding is quite the exaggeration.
  11. So 106 pages (28 pages in the other thread) of drip the faucets or don't drip the faucets....cut the water of or don't cut the water off.....put heat source on interior wall opposite faucets or don't put heat source.....single wrap, double wrap....even triple wrap faucets....after 83 hours of no heat, not cutting water off, not dripping faucets all I did was put one  the these on my 2 (1 on north side of house other outside garage wall east side of house) and I have no runs, no drips, no errors....

    Yeah I started with those and all four of my hose bibs froze last weekend. They don’t work for 0 or 4 degrees, My new strategy is if it’s less than 20, I’m streaming.
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