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Everything posted by Constant

  1. Still can’t believe Cam popped up like nothing happened after getting blasted. Couldn’t be a bigger fan.
  2. This is when he gets self conscious and wants to prove his genius. He will sacrifice the game to show his offensive wonder kid chops.
  3. It’s crazy how much this looks like the last 3-4 years of OU football.
  4. Fuck yeah. Fuck you, Grinch, you clueless fuck.
  5. OU is probably 10-2 if Caleb had stayed. He’s incredible.
  6. Yeah, thats not crazy. Most years a win against OU would be much more valuable as well. Doesn’t mean shit this year, but historically speaking, thats another top 10 win.
  7. Yeah, AD’s may slow play it a little to see how things are reacted to and shake out, but there will always be value in premier non-con games, imo.
  8. I see where you’re coming from, but I’m not convinced it will totally die. Perhaps at first, but I think it could help in that muddled 8-12 range to have a signature non-con win.
  9. TFB is putting Bowen flipping to OU at >80%, so thats nice.
  10. College football has to be the only sport that has a large segment of fans that don’t want things settled on a field of play between two teams.
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