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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by beer

  1. On 5/4/2018 at 9:42 AM, midtown said:

    My bedroom is above my garage so it's an absolute bitch to try to cool in the summer.  I close the vents near the thermostat and my kids rooms so they dont freeze and then crank it down just to get my bedroom cool.  This might be an option for me. 

    You might consider a blower - like the motor out of an attic fan - to drop that space to at least the outside temp at night.  Thats maybe 120watts...helluva lot cheaper than the added AC bill.  Its more about heat removal than cooling. 

  2. I too saw this as a child (drive-in in Dallas with my parents)...I must have been about 4.  And then 30 more times since.  Cant wait to see improved quality of the originals!  Got a box set somewhere around here of all things Kubrick....DVD quality though, its old. 

  3. When I was a resident we worked 100hr weeks (if you counted the time on call...some of which was in bed) but now they are limited to 80.  They werent all 100hr weeks but many of them were.  Only way I survived was knowing it would come to an end.  I work 25 30ish hour weeks a year now. Fuck all yall. 

  4. On 4/24/2018 at 11:31 AM, GlenFromTheMailRoom said:

    Mine is 4.5 all the way around.  I don't see the point of having anything deeper than 5 feet.  Mitigates risk and liability while providing a great place to float around in the sun while enjoying a rye manhattan.

    Think about temperature profile in the summer - and when can you start swimming in the spring (asumbing you arent fucking rich or own your own natural gas supply for heating).  We cant usually swim without paying to heat it until mid May, and it gets too warm (without cooling intervention) by late July.  We have a 6.5 foot deep end.  Also, how do you drain a pool that is all the same depth?   Real deep end pools will take longer to warm up in spring - probably resist overheating though.

    I added "sprinklers" to my returns and we are sure to run them all night (or even during the day) and tolerate evaporation for a cooler pool.  


  5. Dont forget cayman islands...when you go to visit your money.  First time driving on the left was in Ireland and it was nice learning there so I didnt kill myself when I did it in real traffic in Australia. You think shifting would be a problem but it felt fine to me. Walkers though - they are as bad as here.  Regular downtown Manchester - no prob.  Go to the fucking Louvre and its fucking 'Nam, they are all over the place. 

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  6. On 4/21/2018 at 11:13 AM, Goo Punch said:

    I don’t mind doing the power rankings myself, I just don’t know how to do it efficiently. Does anyone know what enjay used to do them? 

    you have well above average batting but could improve your pitching a bit, overall predicted to be in the top 5

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  7. On 4/9/2018 at 12:25 AM, bamachine said:

    Have done chocolate covered grasshoppers before. Also ate the worm when I finished off a fifth of Monte Alban. When I was a kid, drank some gasoline, my dad had it in a Mellow Yellow bottle, while he was cleaning the carb on his John Deere, it was hot out, I saw it, I grabbed it and turned it up.

    seriously that kills people..ends up in your lungs and you cant breather and die

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