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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by beer

  1. On 7/20/2018 at 7:47 AM, T’Boo Ted Marshall said:

    I’m still in heavy debate on our current house. My intention is to convert it to rental #2 but there are some interior structural issues that need to be addressed.
    If I had to guess I need to spend about $20-25k to repair and update the other areas. It needs to be done if we decide to sell anyway so I guess it’s at least an expense as a rental.

    well not really but you can depreciate it.  Do these repairs have to be done if it is just a rental?  You could use rental income to defray the cost of the repairs. 

  2. Pool was neglected and got green.  I have soluble dead angae bodies in my water.   My salt cell went out mid season last summer and I just fucked around and didnt replace it - added chlorine the old fashioned way.  Flocking works well if you have a lot of tiny particulate matter (and a plain old sand filter like we do). It just requires the vacuuming.  I cant add but a tny little amount of DE to "polish" the water because the pump cant handle it on top of a sand filter.  A half a cup does wonders though. 

    Its just that to be effective, flocking requires that you temporarily raise your pH to get it to precipitate well.  I have both low pH and high alkalinity right now (neglected) so yea...thinking about hitting the reset button and draining a part of it all.  Definitely this is the season I add borates so that will help the pH a little.  I should probably just do it now.  Drain and fill,  add acid to the deep end and drop my TA a little more,  then borate should up the pH, let it all settle, vac then then hopefully I will have a little pool balance. Just measured my base demaind and to get it to a pH of 7.6 would have taken 20lbs of potash. Ugh. 


    I have to admit I have let this shit happen before and it was never this hard to clear it - in fact, I usually just super-shock it and walla, clear water with green shit on the bottom to vacuum out. 


  3. OK chemists....trying to flock my pool.  pH is 7.2 but my alkalinity is somehow too high (130).  Flock works at high pH so I want to raise the pH to make that work better.  My base demand is HUGE (like 8 lbs of potash) and I havent even added the acid to correct my alkalinity problem yet.  WTF.  Do I just move? 

  4. In related news..my rotary phone has a contact out..when i dial the Esso station which is Atlantic 3-100  I get Atlantic 2-199 which is the Sambos diner. The phone is in the kitchen hardwired to the wall and I dont like disturbing my wife when she is cooking meatloaf. How do I order parts? 

  5. Only agree to ship to his paypal verified address...I understand that gets you fraud protection but I never tested it from the seller side.  

    Who would break into your account then ship something to your address?????

    Dont estimate shipping...actual cost is never what you think on weird sized stuff and packaging costs are excessive (get off my lawn)

  6. On 5/13/2018 at 8:44 PM, dingleberryswitzer said:

    Sounds like you need to chop off his horses head and put it in his freezer. 

    Leftover steaming hot ramen cup 

    entire 6 pack of warm drinks

    opened can of anchovies inside a ziplock bag (dont worry, still works)



  7. On 5/12/2018 at 4:45 PM, RDCanecutter said:

    The sun coming up in the morning justifies tequila shots. Try this: walk into your breakfast place, and yell "Tenemos otro dia en este mundo, dame un tequilazo!". They say, "Sir, this is McDonalds," but you just keep on yelling what i told you to. Something will happen.

    Tequilazo? I get it, just never heard it put that way. 

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