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Everything posted by heso

  1. I’d love to know how much of that is the cost of education vs the for-profit EDMCs & u of Phoenixes pumping out “college graduates” with useless degrees vs the lack of wage growth
  2. I think it breaks out thusly, with Florida as the wildcard. I expect PA, MI, & WI to all flip back to Democrat just based on young, apathetic, independent, non-voters turning out to refute trump. Johnson got more than double the margin between Trump and Clinton in all 3 states. Jill Stein beat the margin in WI & MI. Darrell Castle beat the margin in MI. Trump country in those places is Trumpier, but I expect the fringe voters and no shows to turnout for the Democrat. I don’t think the numbers are there for the Trumpers because it’s so rural. A 1% blue shift in the cities and suburbs is more than entire voter turnout in some of those Trump counties.
  3. Completely agree. They gave up their right to any benefit of the doubt in perpetuity.
  4. I’m saying that it was much easier to cover things up 20+ years ago and that everyone involved had to know that even the slightest hint of a transgression would by hyper scrutinized. im certainly not saying that I don’t believe the lawsuit, just that if it’s true it’s remarkable how stupid Franklin is. If it’s even somewhat true the program should be shut down i also know that the attorney filing the lawsuit now has 3 active lawsuits against penn state. In one of them, an assistant AD is suing the school because he got demoted after a kid died in the frat house he was living in. He claimed he had no idea there was drinking going on at the house despite security footage showing him walking past a kid that was dying on the floor.
  5. Wisconsin my point was more that after the multiple investigations into Sandusky and that coverup there were all sorts of measures put in place to prevent something like the Sandusky crime and coverup from happening again. There are two groups outside of the athletic department plus local police that investigate everything and it all gets sent to the DA for review. If that system is either corrupted or fails, just shut it all down. it is beyond comprehension that after the Sandusky fallout, the MSU fallout, the Baylor rapes, the Current lawsuit over the Ohio state doctor that sexually assaulted hundreds of athletes and students, Zach smith at Ohio state, that something like this could happen at penn state of all places and anyone could think that it could be covered up.
  6. Republicans hate regulations. They hate regulations of all kinds (except for those related to any sort of social issue. Those need to be tight as a drum lest some undesirable be seen smoking a joint in the park or two dudes kissing) and tump is the god king deregulator. The god damn democrats aren’t just coming for your guns. They’re coming for your incandescent bulbs and water pressure too.
  7. I don’t see how the school could review this and not fire Franklin on the spot if it had any credibility, with the rhythmic slapping sounds still echoing across campus.
  8. A technicality, but it’s a civil case. It was investigated and sent to the DA and no charges were filed, but he was probably afraid of disappearing like the DA in the 2000’s.
  9. I have a suspicion something similar is leading to my wildly inconsistent iron play. Definitely taking a series of lessons.
  10. Pga tour leader from 5-10’ was 66% last year. Last place was 40%. The entire tour was better than 94% inside of 5 feet. the best putters in the world are only draining half of their 5-10 footers. Get your chips/pitches inside of 5’ and drain everything inside of that. if you want to practice your short game, take 10 balls to a practice green and chip 10 each to a short, medium, and long pin from 1, 5, and 10 yards off the green. Set up some tees at 1 and two club lengths from the hole. Keep score: 1 point inside 2 club lengths, 2 points inside of 1 club lengths. Use that score to identify your weakest areas then practice just that one distance until it isn’t your weakest area. the next game is par 18. Pick 9 spots around the green and drop a ball. Each one is a par 2. Keep score.
  11. I have two goals for 2020: get both GIR and up & down percentage north of 30%. Right now both are below 20%. The GIR has been so frustrating because I’ve been pretty good at hitting the fairway. 56% FIR average last two seasons. I had multiple rounds last season where my FIR was 70+% and GIR less than 15%. my standard hole is a drive into the fairway, miss the green, wedge on, 2 putts. The big problem is my iron play. I’d bet I have a better shot dispersion with a 3 wood from 235 as I do with a 9 iron from 135. Par 5 GIR 54% par 4 GIR 17%. I have every kind of miss possible with an iron in my hand, from a 45 degree push to a hard snap hook. Fat, like 2 inches behind the ball fat. Thin skulls that roll 20 yards. To resolve that, I’m starting lessons in a couple weeks because it’s the only part of my game I have no clue where to begin. Lessons and as much practice as I can fit in. Trying to figure out how I can set up any sort of hitting area at home so I can maximize practice. To improve my u&d % I need to work a bump and run into my short game. Right now I struggle with chipping to deep pins. The only wedge I use around the green is my 60* and I consistently find myself struggling with distance control on medium to long pins. Additionally, improving my iron accuracy should lead to closer missed greens, leaving me with easier up & downs.
  12. He’s like a living, breathing Gerald Scarfe drawing.
  13. Moorhead to be the OC at Oregon per Brett McMurphy.
  14. When this is all said and done and we’re far enough removed from this shitshow to look back at it and laugh, this is probably going to go down as my favorite moment of the trump presidency. It was the perfect encapsulation of his fragile ego. A man so incapable of admitting that he misspoke, or more accurately, was speaking on outdated information because he spent the weekend golfing after his Thursday update, that he showed a press pool an outdated hurricane path that was so obviously drawn on in his favorite fucking sharpie (which didn’t even match the color of the projection) in a pitiful attempt to prove that he was in fact right all along. The fact that anyone could have expected anyone to see that and not laugh out loud at how pathetic it was.
  15. Well the dude bloviated for 5 mins at the coin toss. Knew they were gonna be part of the game.
  16. Herbie: he got in front of him but he’s a defenseless player right there.
  17. I think Ohio state was the better team last week. Took a number of things breaking the wrong way for that game to go clemsons way.
  18. Just stopping in to laugh at both Harbaughs ending their seasons in disappointment. Insufferable cunts, the both of them.
  19. How accurate is an Irani ballistic missile at 200 miles?
  20. I think this was a first step just to quiet what I’m sure were loud cries for an immediate retaliation for killing Soleimani.
  21. Fox News pumping for escalating things. Calling for the US to launch cruise missiles and target Iranian oil facilities and missile launch sites.
  22. Lady on CNN in Baghdad says no US casualties but there are Iraqi casualties.
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