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Everything posted by heso

  1. I was just thinking that. 2016 was a thing of grotesque beauty, a sort of jolie laide. The next 10 months are going to be off the charts.
  2. Biden was the only chance PA had at beating Trump. Before they all saw that his mind has turned to mush. The best play the Dems have in PA is to play ads highlighting Bloomberg’s racism. That’s going to be seen as a positive in most counties.
  3. In the most recent Michigan general election polling I could find everyone beats trump ranked thusly: bloomberg biden sanders Buttigieg Warren no one else was named in the poll. It should be noted that in that poll Sanders had the highest direct support, but when Bloomberg was the candidate Trump had the lowest direct support with the highest undecided. Buttigieg had the highest number of people that didn’t recognize the name (30%) followed by Bloomberg (16%). Trump and Sanders were the only two that had 0% “do not recognize” Edit: Poll is from a month ago. I expect everyone in Michigan has been bombarded with Bloomberg ads since then. We certainly have in PA. Every tv channel and radio station.
  4. FWIW A lady in Pittsburgh that’s currently quarantined for two weeks after coming home from what was supposed to be a 3 month* trip to a village in China: “My friends in China had friends who worked in the hospital and said ‘These numbers you’re seeing aren’t the truth. It’s much worse. These crematoriums in Wuhan are burning 24/7.’”
  5. Just on the surface this graphic is bullshit. If you’re going to make an infographic to visualize data, at least make an attempt to make it somewhat accurate. That non-voter section should be less than half the size of Hillary’s section. There was a 40k increase in turnout to Hillary’s 95k votes. When you can’t even get that basic part right, it probably means your voodoo formulas are probably bullshit too.
  6. They also scrolled an exit poll that said the vast majority decided who they were voting for before January.
  7. Fake news. He only had 2 votes in the democratic primary. One of those 3 Bloomberg votes was a write-in by the 1 Republican voting in the primary.
  8. And employers outside of trades with specific non-college training aren’t going to stop using a degree as a hiring metric. It’s a simple indicator of baseline skills: communication, critical thinking, problem solving, writing, etc. No not everyone that has a four year degree excels in all of those areas and one can certainly excel in those areas without a degree, but using it as a filter is going to be pretty effective.
  9. Trump pulls any pin he can get his fat stubby fingers into on every grenade within reach screaming that every explosion is the Democrats fault.
  10. The difference between a Goldman Sachs owned EDMC (before its collapse and sale) and a top tier public research university couldn’t be more extreme. but you knew that.
  11. A huge part of the problem is for profit schools. The students on average borrow more while accounting for the majority of defaults. they are predatory in nature, targeting minorities, low income, first generation college students, and ex-military. These are people that don’t have anyone to guide them. They get targeted by people pretending to have their best interest at heart, but all they care about is getting the loan signed. The Obama admin was taking steps to kill the worst offenders, but Trump and Betsy Devos are doing their best to revive the industry.
  12. Is that the same John Ziegler that made a documentary claiming Sandusky was a “chaste pedophile” and committed no sexual crimes?
  13. And in the least surprising news of the day: the guy that was responsible for getting that investigation opened in 2016 was Trump’s Vermont campaign manager and ended up being given a job working for Barr at the DOJ.
  14. So they want a smiling face who will calmly reassure them that everything is going to be fine in their newest safe space, instead of a fat orange retard telling them that things have never been better and we’re winning bigly again. Meanwhile the rich keep getting richer, the poor stay poor, nothing really changes and they’re ok with that because it’s back to the kinder gentler team D in control of things. As China’s plan to become the economic and technology center of the world comes to fruition while we crumble into idiocracy caring only about our team winning.
  15. Because a huge segment of his base is old white people and religious zealots.
  16. Legalize weed and and put a federal sales tax on it.
  17. Pay for part of it with a fat tax. No fee for under 25% body fat. Goes up from there. Can’t afford it? Go for a jog or drink 1 less pop a day. would reduce the prevalence of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, mental health issues, and many many more, which in turn would reduce spending on chronic illnesses.
  18. I live in western PA. unless you’re personally gaining financially from fracking (which is a very low %), you’re either indifferent or negative towards fracking. And even then, you’re talking about Uniontown, not Pittsburgh. Counties that trump won 65-35, at the closest. Short of trump turning black and replacing pence with a Muslim, there no hope for those counties.
  19. Having been born and lived nearly the entirety of my life north of the Mason Dixon line, I don’t really get a say in it. But I can only assume the ones on the side of okra are the asshats.
  20. Buttigieg with a 6% bump in New Hampshire polling since the Iowa caucus.
  21. I live in Pittsburgh and for a while Steyer was the only one advertising here. And it seemed like every commercial break. Now it’s only Bloomberg.
  22. What were they shouting at him there?
  23. Lol he knows he got fucking crushed and is grasping at straws.
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