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Posts posted by Crapinon

  1. 1 hour ago, Snake Diggity said:

    That’s a thing I have noticed about aging.  I do not think I ever used an entire bottle of any kind of OTC medicine prior to about 35.  Advil, NyQuil, Sudafed, etc. all would be thrown out due to expiration.  Now I consistently run out of that kind of shit.

    Throw expired meds away? You're not that old then. I just took Tylenol that expired in 2018 because I never throw anything away and it's all I had in my truck.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

    You want me to tell you about A&M? This pretty well sums it up.  Over on TexAgs right now there's a thread in which Aggies are earnestly arguing the superiority of white, male, Christian culture.  It's pretty amazing reading some of the comments. Some of them are arguing that society has penalized them for being white, Christian males. 




    And a 30 second internet search shows that Franklin Graham never said it. So it's a lie too

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  3. 23 minutes ago, Armybrat said:

    I didn’t say any Texas OL guy had to fight Suh, just that none of those pasty-faced bystanders didn’t have the courtesy to help the smashed Colt get up off the turf. 
    There were a lot of harsh words on Shaggy describing that disgraceful conduct towards theirteammate and leader who was taking such a beating because of their ineptitude.

    Where was Conrad Dobler when you needed him?

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  4. 3 days post op for rotator cuff surgery. Hardly any pain at all right now. I took hydrocodone and tramadol for the first 24 hours and hated that shit. I'd rather hurt like hell than go through Tramadol withdrawls again.  I don't know how you get addicted to that crap. It makes me sick. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, troph said:

    quick double check - you folks that work out regularly and are 50 ish - are you always sore?  in addition to nagging injuries, I'm always work out sore, it never stops. even maintaining current levels of fitness, sore. ugh.  my diet is pretty good - I may look at my Vit D/Calcium intake as I don't drink milk, but I do eat a lot of cheese - I stretch quite a bit not all the time. Fairly well hydrated. maybe I'm just getting older, but I'd love to hear I'm not the only one.

    I type this getting ready for my 2nd rotator cuff surgery on Monday. I started lifting weight in '76 and have most of my life. It definitely hurts more/longer as you get older. Recovery time is much longer and unless your adding testosterone the weights get heavier. That being said, I wouldn't change anything. I had a 45th HS reunion a month ago and most of the guys were way out of shape and taking meds by the handful. Weightlifting/exercise has kept me from having to take any. My shoulders sound like I'm walking on gravel but I don't plan to stop. I'll just change what I do. 


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  6. 1 hour ago, Beau Vine said:

    It's an incredible idea.  They're the only P5 school in the country that has this opportunity, so they should definitely take advantage of it before the NCAA notices it and outlaws it.

    I can already see their claim to fame; We've put more corps members in the NFL than all the military academies put together.

    • Haha 1
  7. 58 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    closetojumping's law - the longer an Internet football discussion goes forward, the probability of a comparison in some form to Nick Saban approaches 1.

    LOL. I'm not sure about Sark either way. But I have no control over the situation. I went to games when DKR was coach so I've run the gamut of emotions. I could have picked Tom Herman who averaged 9 wins a year his first 6 years but would have been neg'd into oblivion. Predicting the future in something as complex as football is useless. 10 years ago if you said Bill Belichick was about to get fired at New England you would have been laughed out of the room.  


  8. 9 hours ago, Blotto said:

    Meh.....if he gets to 11, he'll be averaging 8 wins here at Texas, so I'll probably  bump him up to 8 win Esteban.

    8 wins is what Saban averaged in the first 10 years as a head coach. The first 8 years he averaged 7. 

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