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Posts posted by Parliament

  1. 2 hours ago, B00M said:

    Is it though? The land they’re taking at this point is worse than undeveloped. All infrastructure is destroyed and left in ruin. There’s unexploded ordnance, mines and chemicals in all the fields and forests… the next (or first?) great leader of Russia will be the person that focuses on internal development: educating the population, raising standard of living (you know, luxuries like flushing toilets outside of Moscow and St Pete), and increasing GDP. Make it a first world nation. How does someone as intelligent as Putin look at his country and decide what will make people remember him is increasing the land area by a couple percent? The 500k men that have been killed or disabled in this war could have been improving infrastructure in that shit hole of a country. 

    If you’re talking farm ground yes.  Nothing to cut down, plow under or drain.

    Re: unexploded ordinance, they do they really care about getting some Russian “colonists” kilt?

  2. 36 minutes ago, B00M said:

    Tartarstan looks like a far flung region of Russia and then you zoom out and it’s really not. It’s just mind blowing how much land they have, how undeveloped they are, and it just makes their modern land grab even more insane. 

    Much easier to steal improved land than it is to develop your own.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  3. Quote

    That sounds a little dramatic. I was hungry less often, but I don’t think I would have stopped eating

    He might be overplaying it.  But good on him for following a regime.


     now I just need to find a way to convince my wife to start taking it  with it appearing it was solely her desire and I didn’t care either way. 

    Make sure she sees all the neighborhood Karens checking out the new, buff UT_O81.  She has competition now, and needs to up her game.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. It’s definitely magic.  A friend is/was pre diabetic and got on it a month ago.  Down 20#.  Said you gotta literally set a reminder to eat.  Appetite totally gone. 
    Gotta meal plan to make sure you get enough protein and veggies and everything.  He said electolytes need to be a focus too?

    He also thinks if you don’t do the meal planning thing it could be dangerous.  You’ll literally starve to death.

    The “no doctor walk in clinic” thing scares me.  Seems we’ve had problems with those before?

  5. 56 minutes ago, Schulz2.0 said:



    "Several days before the terrorist attack in Russia, Tehran shared with Moscow information about a possible major terrorist attack inside Russia, which was obtained during interrogations of those arrested in connection with the explosions in Iran, which led to casualties," said one of the agency’s interlocutors.

    So did Russia just let it happen so they could blame Ukraine?  Or are they simply that incompetent?

  6. 6 hours ago, MrBig said:


    Watched it with my Gen Z niece who had never seen it. Instead of being into the Jack and Rose love story, she couldn’t stop saying how they did Billy Zane wrong. 

    Watching this now that I’m older and married, I agree. Billy Zane didn’t snap until he realized his fiancé was fucking around behind his back with some drifter. 

    If I spent a shitload of money (allegedly $130K in today’s money) to bring my fiancé and her mother and all of their shit to America with first class accommodations, I would be so fucking pissed off beyond belief and go berserk the way he did, sinking boat or not. 

    Did it bother her that he pushed her into a traditional gender norm and, you know, PHYSICALLY ABUSED her>

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. Yeah I know Christianity stole the Spring Solstice and made it about Jesus, but still.  No reason Christians and Pagans can’t celebrate together.  Along with the Transgendered folks and their supporters.

    Gonna be a great day, filled with ham and deviled eggs*.  Let’s all enjoy it in the best way we can.

    *Unless you’re vegan of course.  You do you.

    • Hook 'Em 8
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