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Posts posted by Handcruser

  1. Academy has G19G4 for $540. There are a shit ton of used and police trade in Glocks in the $400-450 range. There is a reason the G19 is a gold standard in CCW handguns, you would be well served with one. 

    Listen to this guy

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  2. I don’t have a great solution. Not sure there is one.

    But I would look hard at the following:
    1. Uniforms - simple school color T-shirt and jeans/shorts.
    2. No backpacks. Let the kids have study hall and provide curriculum online as well. No reason to have backpacks.

    Up north we have the issue of large coats that can conceal weapons. Not sure what to do about that.

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  3. Looked up Fehner.
    Couldnt find a list of mfg they carry.
    Pics look impressive. I like the mom and pop shops like that.

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    Cz, H&K, Springfield, Glock, sig, etc for pistols
    Lots of options on shotguns and rifles (not my thing)

    It’s a really nice place.

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  4. Fehner and sons firearms in Gonzalez is pretty kick ass. Fairly new place.

    He’s stocking Some CZ comp stuff (like the shadow 2 and Target 2 from cz custom shop).

    Worth a trip over there. His inventory is the best I’ve ever seen in a family store. He’s got 1mm+ worth of guns.

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  5. Yes with the blackface tubes or someshit. Can’t remember. My friend said it sounded good. He has one but a 65. I’ve learned I can’t play. 

  6. Not sure why you negged me, you must never have worked in an office where the managers cared more about their bonus than putting out good tech - IE - the vast majority of dinosaur tech companies like old retailers and the Giants from the 90s. Running a DC is significantly different from writing and maintaining the software that runs in that DC. Your DC could be fucking fort Knox, but if your guys are writing shit code then it's not gonna matter how physically secure your boxes are. 
    Plus, in my experience if a contractor was bad, management just rotates them through TCS to get another person and the cycle of shit continues. Write and run shitty code, get shitty security. Simple as that. 


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  7. Yeah, it's a little short $$$ wise.
    But can you imagine having your band mates buy you a new instrument?  That would be absolutely cool.

    P bass seems like a really good choice.

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  8. Need a quick rec -- what is the go-to "value" 5-string bass these days?  A buddy and his bandmates want to buy their bass player a new one for his birthday.  They're kind of hoping to stay at $700 or so.  There is a Fender "Standard" model in that price range, any other brands or models to consider?  The G&L Tribute looks to be a little more $$$.

    What’s he play now?

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  9. Levon Helms was brought in to play a track or two on a comeback album from some country/rockabilly guy from Texas. I can’t remember, but everyone knows him. I’ll think of his name.

    Anyway rockabilly guy picks Levon up from the airport (this is mid to late 90’s I think) in Dallas and they’re driving out to the studio in like midland or some shit and anyway (shit I think it’s Leroy Parnell) Leeroy asks Levon what he wants for doing this and Levon says “10,000 dollars in cash in a brown paper bag” and leeroy pulls over and calls his agent and his agent says “we don’t have that kind of money for this” so he turns around and drives Levon back to the airport and buys him a plane ticket home


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