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  1. Hersh is definitely “out there” and his theory is questionable because he has only one anonymous source, etc. But it is interesting to me that: there is still no official word on who blew up the pipelines; it took skill that only a few actors could pull off; the winners and losers as a result of the action are pretty clear; whoever gave the “go-ahead” was either very confident they wouldn’t get caught / didn’t care / has very high risk tolerance.

    I think those are reasons a lot of folks (myself included) think it’s very unlikely the US did it: we’re bad at keeping secrets and it would probably get leaked; Russia (and Germany?) would demand and be owed compensation; political fallout very risky; etc. That’s why Russia was such a likely actor (its their infrastructure, they can keep secrets, Putin has no fear even if it does come out). Only problem is it’s a little hard to define how Russia benefitted from them being blown up.

  2. Went in all arrogant, got their asses beat, learned nothing, and somehow became more arrogant.  Aggy.  Aggy all the way.

    One of the replies in the thread was wondering if this is being released now to communicate something inside Russia. Like Wagner (maybe Russian Army?) conveying to Putin and the general public: “the US completely annihilated our superior attacking force with Reapers, Apaches, F-16s, and stationary/aerial artillery in Syria. A little US artillery is already in Ukraine (fucking us up daily) and they’re talking about Reapers and F-16s now, if you wait till those weapons, etc. are in theater to finish this thing up, we’re fucked”
    • Hook 'Em 3
  3. @crimsonlonghorn I think you’re getting a good deal - my Farmers agent said:
    “Scheduling the highest valued rifle ($6k) will run $71/year, no deductible and all-risk type coverage. If we then add $14K to gun value coverage the premium increases by a total of $175 (full term premium change).”

    I’ll keep shopping it.

  4. Man. Why do you have to be putting grown up thoughts into my head.  I just recently put a spreadsheet together of current value of my stuff.  Wife absolutely cannot find that sheet. 

    I called my insurance agent and he’s working up some options for me, maybe an endorsement to cover them all, maybe scheduling some of the more expensive ones. Mostly for theft, my homeowners personal property limit should cover them for fire, etc.
  5. I knew a guy who had well over 1000 firearms. He had so many, he bricked in a 40' container and put a safe door on the front. Years ago when AR prices went nuts I ask him about selling some of his. He said he had at least 28 of them. When I told him if he sold them he could clear $70K he told me he was going to wait until they were outlawed and sell them before the ban went into effect because they would be worth more. For someone so gun smart, he was a dumbass. And I think the gun hoarding scenario is more common than most people think. I know a few people who have a LOT of guns and like you said, most people keep it quiet for security purposes.

    At least your guy did something secure (sea container with vault door). I just cant imagine >$500k of guns in a residential garage. In addition to the easy theft, I mean what if your wife/kids catch the house on fire, etc? How do you travel without constantly worrying about your stuff?
  6. Man. Why do you have to be putting grown up thoughts into my head.  I just recently put a spreadsheet together of current value of my stuff.  Wife absolutely cannot find that sheet. 

    I started a spreadsheet awhile back too and then had the same “oh shit” thought you did and stopped updating it. Maybe just keep the data of make, model, and serial. Also need to use an under the radar name for the sheet instead of something obvious like “gun inventory” that I used.
  7. I was a a little like “bro why didn’t you call me?”, but my buddy said the guy was very paranoid about word getting out about this collection in a not-so secure arrangement, and didn’t want people coming to look, which I understand. In his position I probably would have considered armed security or something until I could get things more safely stored.

    I asked if it was insured and buddy said insurance status was unknown. (Yikes!) It did make me think about calling my insurance agent for my little ~$20k collection, I think the maximum for firearms in my homeowners policy is about $1k.

  8. Don’t know about those boxes in particular, but there were multiple Citoris in every caliber they made. Actually a lot of .410s in the collection.

    Buddy was able to buy a nice No. 1 and Red Label out of the collection both with great stocks:




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  9. Dumb.  Just dumb a bottle of fox piss or something else near the stand if you really have a bug up your ass, but Jesús, don't try to get the guy hurt.

    In one of Rinella’s “Close Calls” audiobooks, a guy tells a story about how he fell out of his tree stand on public land. Broke his back I think and EMS wasn’t working for some reason. He was hesitant to call some of his hunting acquaintances to come get him, because he didn’t want to disclose the location of his best spot, but that was the only option. As they are dragging him out, one of the guys actually comments to the other, “that was a great spot, I’m hunting it next weekend.” Savage.
    • Haha 3
  10. I wish I could share a legit hunting pic I have of a former Texas VB player, but I’m too respectful to do shit like that. 

    Was she sitting on top of you and pulling your ears back too far or showing some poor trigger discipline or what?
    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Haha 1
  11. Anyone else having the county trying to fuck them on a wildlife ag plan? Not sure why a plan that was fine for a decade is suddenly no good. They now want >300ac for white tail management. I sort of get it, but if nobody

    We have always made efforts to stay in Ag exemption even though Wildlife would be easier, because we’ve always had some lingering fear that they will take away / raise the bar on Wildlife and then also make it hard to get back into Ag. I’m actually kind of surprised that the Wildlife Exemption has made it this long without being curtailed by the state, similar to the Texas Tomorrow Fund.
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  12. I did a little e-calling last week from my hog stand.  I put the caller about 20 yards or so from the stand. Problem for me is that owls start flying around the caller looking for their next meal and invariably fly straight at me in my stand.  The last thing I need is a lechuza clawing me in the fucking head.  I usually scream like a bitch and the peel off.  

    Big owls are serious business. We had big owls at our last ranch and they would startle the shit out of you, but weren’t territorial. I firmly believe in the “owl theory” of the “staircase murder” of modern true crime fame. The Natives knew they were harbingers of death. Super sharp claws under a big bird at approach velocity are super destructive.

    On a semi-related note: I found a frozen, perfectly preserved, dead barn owl while pheasant hunting in the panhandle many years ago. It was beautiful, I put it in my cooler and called a taxidermist to mount it when I got home, and the response was “you need to get rid of that and we didn’t have this conversation”. I was ignorant of the law, which had never come up before. Interesting that millinery damn near drove some birds to extinction and initiated some of the early wildlife protection laws (that maybe a little out of date now, maybe in another few decades we’ll be able to relax some things). Crazy that hat fashion drove so much exploration and exploitation of this continent. Hats!
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