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Posts posted by 686

  1. Nah. 
    They’ve been living by the World War II Nazi playbook this entire time - so I assume at the end they’re gonna Dietrich Bonhoeffer every high interest foe Putin has imprisoned. 

    Its seems like murdering political prisoners is something Putin sees as bad for his internal politics. He obviously has attempts made on political rivals outside of prison, but not inside (yet to my knowledge). Khodorkovsky and Navalny still being alive are the big data points here. The only thing I can attribute this to is it would be too much like the worst of the Soviet era for most Russian’s taste, and he doesn’t want to go there.

    http:// https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/11/02/russia-political-prisoners-day-of-commemoration-victims-political-repression/
  2. I wonder what Navalny is thinking right now. On one hand, maybe he’s hopeful Putin’s reign is nearing an end. On the other hand, I have to wonder if he’s thinking “I’ve risked my life/freedom for a country full of drunk sheep?”

    If I’m him I’m just trying to live through the next year or two, get to the other side of the coming Russian internal crisis and then be in a place to try and lead the recovery.

    Pretty decent odds Putin isn’t in power (or even alive) in 24 months, but the defenestration directed by him is going to probably pick up speed as things devolve. Prison may not be a terrible place inside Russia for Navalny at the moment, if he isn’t murdered he could pull some from Nelson Mandela’s playbook on the backside of Putin’s shitstorm.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. [mention=680]deadshank[/mention] How did your trip go? Also, has anyone in the Houston area purchased a compound bow lately? I need a new one. Is West Houston Archery still the place to use?

    What brand bow you considering?
  4. Our final cooler tally…

    Any elk steaks consumed yet? What else did the processor work up for you? My go-to quick and easy elk steak recipe from the last year of enjoying them is: defrost steaks, (tenderize with a bladed tenderizer if the processor didn’t) put in 1gallon ziplock bag with ~1/3 cup Fischer Weiser Raspberry Chipotle sauce and ~1-tbs Worchestshire sauce, mix thoroughly and refrigerate ~30 min. Get a good fire going (or gas grill as hot as it will go~ 500+), and cook the steaks over direct heat for ~3 min per side(total only about 6 min, depending on thickness), check internal temp as needed, don’t overcook. The marinade will caramelize, hot fire gives you some crispy outside, comes out nice.
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Drool 3

  5. I’ve never heard of an area where it is illegal to debone, but the fucking hunting regs are such that I just know the regs for the game management units I hunt, 20A and 20C. 

    It may be some of the remote fly-in areas, like in Unit 25 the regs say “meat taken prior to Oct 1 must remain on the bones of the front quarters, hind quarters, and ribs until removed from the field”. I just never understood why the state is requiring pilots to fly out ~200lbs? of bones instead of just deboning before transport. Maybe it’s for ease of hanging as you mention and they are worried about spoilage if it’s warm.
  6. Looks awesome. My wife’s family’s place is just up the road in Mills County. I would love to build a house there when we retire. 
    What’s the semiauto pistol on the rock column in the first pic?

    A cheap ~30 yr old smith and Wesson 22; fun to shoot and lightweight.
  7. Doesn’t really matter what you wear. Moose hunting is cold and wet.
    They hunt the non-motorized areas as well. That’s where you hunt if antlers are a priority for you. He was 4 miles from moose camp. They have to cut that thing up and haul it by hand 4 miles. He said he was so soaked thru with sweat and blood and rain he had to squeeze the liquid out of his base layers just to hang them up to dry by the fire at camp. 

    Packing out in waders sounds insanely swampy. Yeah in the research I’ve done about Moose hunting, calculating the meat pack out is basically priority 1 before going after a bull. Can they fully debone it in their area? Isn’t there an area where you can’t fully debone prior to transport?
    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. Might want to have your suppressor adapter and mount checked carefully. Generally they improve accuracy.

    Something isn’t right with it, but it’s a quick detach model (so two sets of threads) and it also has a slight end cap strike (got a little loose running on a full auto gun). I don’t have time to figure it out at the moment, and it’s really too heavy to hunt with. I’ll probably look at a lightweight titanium unit for hunting for next year.
  9. Great looking patio and set up you got there [mention=2146]686[/mention], Is the 686 for Beretta 686? Those are great scatter guns!

    In my case 686 is for one of my favorite pistols, the Smith and Wesson 686. Beretta 686 shotguns are very nice, too.

    I set up a steel target game ~30 yards off this patio and the kids have a lot of run “racing”against each other. My folks just renovated this ranch house west of Lampasas over the last 18 months, it is nice.

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  10. Excellent point.
    I almost recommended a Mossberg as an alternative. 
    I have an 870 Wingmaster that was made in 1973 that I bought in a pawn shop and an Express that was made in 2010 that I won in a raffle. You can guess which one is better quality. 

    I have a 870 Wingmaster built in 1964 and the action rings like a hammer on an anvil when you close it; its great. I hunt better with autoloaders, but the old 870 has never had a hiccup.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. Dad got a new tree shear we did some work with it last weekend. Setting up two new spots. Have a decent 10 point on camera at this spot, but this will be a down year for us with the drought.


    Factory 300 WBY 200gr ELD-X is back in stock, so I got some practice in with my elk rifle and did some 400 and 500 yard work. I was going to try and hunt with my suppressor on this year, but I was having accuracy issues so abandoned that effort and went back to the muzzle brake and the groups tightened back up.


    Still have some work to get myself where I want to be accuracy wise. I’m having a harder time just keeping myself still and getting the crosshairs to calm down than I remember from past years. I think it’s harder for me to get to that mentally calm “zen” place. Too much feeling rushed/stressed, etc. Need to get it figured out in the next 3 weeks.

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  12. Mission accomplished

    Epic bull amigo!!! Congrats! Awesome shot placement and a 1 shot kill is really gratifying. All the practice and prep was totally with it, as you said, the muscle memory takes over when there’s a giant downrange. What a bull!

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  13. If those reports arr true of Duma members calling for Putin to be tried for treason because their losing and not because he started it in the first place, that's disconcerting.   
    Could Putin actually get overthrown and an even worse person get put in charge?

    The St. Pete duma members were against the war from the beginning, so they haven’t changed their stance. I don’t know about the Moscow members that issued this second motion. My read wasn’t that they wanted to replace him with someone who would “win”, more that they probably know they aren’t going to win and want to stop the bleeding before the Red Army is completely gutted and the country potentially bankrupted. I’m no expert so I may be over optimistic.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. Everybody should watch the Julia Davis video above, their talking heads are both contradicting one another, and clearly worried that shit is going wrong.

    It’s like a Dave Chappelle sketch. You coudn’t have scripted it to be more awkward. The interesting thing is that now that things are really serious for them, they are talking less and less about nukes. The nuke threats are getting more and more veiled. Today it’s “why aren’t we bringing everything to the fight?”; when months ago they were showing mushroom clouds and tidal waves over Great Britain (yes and Ireland, but honestly, who cares about the Irish?) Anyway, now that it’s getting down to the nut-cuttin’ time on tactical nukes, it seems like they aren’t reaching for the football.
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