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Everything posted by krevo

  1. So what is the old guy driving down the road supposed to do when his car is swarmed by protesters (now carrying guns?) Keep driving and run people over? Stop, get out and start protesting with them? Serious question though. I'm trying not to get shot for trying to drive somewhere. If I start driving in order to get to my destination with my car surrounded by protesters - should be I shot for it? I'm guessing most people would just try to keep driving (and now get shot for it because there are "pedestrians" banging on their car.)
  2. What zone and what grass type do you have? I follow my own schedule but there are general calendars for different zones/grass types you can follow for your insect treatment, fert, pre-em, etc. I use prodiamine and i usually put mine down right when it starts to cool off (Octoberish) Usually the same time I put down a bag of Winterizer. Then again in early spring and early summer. I'm in centex w/ tifway bermuda
  3. From those three options - I honestly think the 365 is the best. Way smaller than the P2000, good capacity, accurate even with the short barrel, and definitely lighter to carry. I carry my 365XL and hardly notice it sometimes, compared to a G19
  4. Good on you. I agree with you on not using MSMA. One other option might be to contact a professional turf company to have them solve the problem for both you and your neighbor - and ask the neighbor if he'd split the cost of the 2-3 treatments for just that area. Shouldn't be too expensive and it may get it under control enough for you to prevent it in the future, regardless of what your neighbor chooses to do. I had some new sod installed on the sideyard over my fence between the fence and sidewalk by the builder, and it was filled with dallisgrass when they installed it. I opted to glypho it very gently, fertilized the shit out of the patches that were browned, and then hit them with iron and humic acid to get the turf to start coming back after the glypho had done its job. Worked really well but I was spot treating patches - not nuking an entire sideyard.
  5. one of the problems with making micro double stack magazines that hold 10-12 rounds like the APX, 365, etc - they are a bitch to load.
  6. I've heard a lot of independent lawn guys mentioning a combination of Celsius and Revolver to keep dallisgrass under control (claim its 90% effective) Both are not cheap though. Also - if you have MSMA that you bought before 2011, you can continue to use it. So there may be some companies out there that will treat your lawn with MSMA that they kept stocked before the cutoff.
  7. I'd be willing to bet the big name companies are not using MSMA. Arsenic in ground water is a pretty significant thing and they a lot of lawns. They do use professional grade pre and post emergents and they stay on a schedule to manage the weeds. I do three pre-em applications a year - mostly prodiamine (Barricade) but mix in dyothopir (Dimension) granuals as well. I also spot treat with concentrated 24d/quinclorac or glypho when its stubborn. You can paint glypho on with the roundup sticks or spray it on a rag on a stick and apply it directly to the plant. My front yard is almost completely weed free, with the exception of the side yard that will get yellow nutsedge occasionally - which I kill off with Image or Sedgehammer. One thing that really helps weeds like that stay gone is getting a nice healthy stand of turf to choke it out. Nuke the weeds, fertilize the hell out of the grass, and once its growing dense - keep your pre-em schedule consistent.
  8. Saw one on a hidden fb group today Brat. Looked like he put a bunch of upgrades into it, and its the takedown version.
  9. Should've bought one in March. I ordered an extra one around that time when I saw things starting to go crazy. Took about 10 days from Primary Arms (props to them on the good communication, fast shipping, etc) Right now - production is slowed due to C19 and demand is extremely high. The events surrounding George Floyds murder didn't help matters from a demand standpoint. Even if you got one - ammo is being hoarded at an all time high. Worse than I've ever seen it before. (Obama, School shootings, social unrest, etc)
  10. I'm a total idiot. I sold a Talo limited Ruger Vaq in .45acp a few years back. It wasn't my most used, or carried - but it was the most fun gun I owned. I reload 45acp so it was nice to shoot with some soft shooting reloads. I need to buy another one asap.
  11. Dammit now I need to show off my bear gun.
  12. nov 2019 means your pistol should be clear of any of the original issues/recalls.
  13. The 365 line of guns is amazing. Whats the born on date on yours? (should be on the box) The first gen had some firing pin issues and possibly trigger/safety issues but I believe the recent models are all good. My XL was built around March of 2020. They are damn near impossible to find but you can get one if you dont mind ordering online and waiting. Holster recommedations...I bought a cheapy on Amazon because it had a good clip and was molded kydex instead of injection molded plastic. There are probably 20 different options available for the 365 on Amazon with prime shipping. For the XL - I carry mine appendix but the 365 I would honestly carry in the pocket. They make some nice pocket holsters for the 365 as well.
  14. Its an Amazon special but it's designed for the pistol with the optic on it. The optic was designed for the gun by Sig - Romeo Zero (meant for pistols less than 1" in width.) Holster link: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=fierce+defender+p365xl&ref=nb_sb_noss_2
  15. Its basically a G43 with a slightly longer slide and grip. 1" thick. Could fit in a big pocket but sits next to my dick like its not even there. I've carried it SOB and right hip with no issues. I love the flat trigger (breaks right after 90 degrees) and I love the fact that the XL comes factory red dot ready. I had to track down the Romeo Zero as all the Covid-19 / China manufacturing is delayed as fuck right now. I'll say it again. Owned the G42, G43, G26, G19, etc. I shot this gun and then immediately went and bought one. I run mine with hot ammo I've had sitting around and it chews through it. Pretty sure most of the 365 woes were corrected after the first gen and 2nd gens were released. Seems like anything that was wrong with the original 365 was corrected on the XL (imho)
  16. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07WF96JGM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Amazon has a bunch of rigs for this pistol and they're all cheap w/ good reviews. I'm buying a TXC "Aloha Now" appendix holster w/ mag carrier as soon as they start taking orders again.
  17. New pistol, appendix holster and optic. Great setup. Will never carry a G19 again.
  18. I'd also recommend an AK variant or cheaper SKS variant which is infinitely easier to operate than an AR15 for a new shooter. They require less maintenance/upkeep, and are great platforms to teach new shooters on. Little bit more recoil than an AR. Better caliber for deer and hog should you ever want to take it hunting.
  19. Even with the heavy barrel, heat dissipation was also an issue with the original design. Once you ran a mag or two through them, you couldn't keep rounds on paper at 100 yards. They are just flat out not better than a much less expensive AR in almost every way (save for A-Team cool factor)
  20. I've found poured out concrete, large segments of oak trees they cut down, and plywood under dry spots in my lawn. Couple of things I'd recommend - a soil probe (basically a big ass spike with a T handle) and a flat bladed landscaping shovel. I can cut and pull my lawn up, dig out the offending trash left 2" under my sod and then fill in and re-install the same piece of sod almost without noticing it was ever cut up. Also - I've been using Penterra to get water down through the dry spots and into the root zone with great success. You can buy it on Amazon. Any localized dry spot, or compacted clay on swages or hills - this shit works wonders. https://drylawn.com/water-penetration.html Its nothing really special compared to most surfactant/wetting agents - its just a helluva lot stronger. Three treatments on low spots that collect standing water after heavy rain or irrigation and they are gone. The water absorbs into the soil like its a dry sponge. It's good shit.
  21. sorry for the delay - yes - it is basically a 6.8 that doesn't require a unique bolt and mags. you can check out the ballistics of the two but it's way better than a supersonic 300 and slightly less than a 6.8spc -
  22. I found a .277 Wolverine barrel in my parts box when I was re-orging the garage. Got it in trade thrown in with a bunch of AR parts and never even bothered to do anything with it. Its basically a 270 bullet shoved into a 556 case (similar to 300blk) and the only unique part on a standard ar is the barrel. I'm building up a short 277 wolv pistol to hunt with because why the fuck not. Also - I traded a Loomis/Shimano combo for a Keltec CMR30 the other day and I'm pretty pleased with it thus far. Way better than the first gen PMR30 I had with regard to reliability and accuracy. As long as you keep the mag loaded to only 25 rnd, and shoot 40gr CCI maxi mags or 50 gr GameShoks its deadly accurate and runs like a sewing machine. Perfect truck gun for shooting shit at the ranch.
  23. If you stay on top of your pre-em routine you wont have a lot of winter, spring or summer weed issues.
  24. I've dabbled in the big bore AR uppers (50 beowulf, 458 socom, etc) The 458 is a badass round if you plan on using it for hunting. I like heavier, hard hitting rounds like that for hunting pigs on the move or for places where you're not shooting more than 100 yards. I'm usually using a red dot so your distance with those types of rounds may vary - but they are fun to shoot and they knock the shit out of whatever you hit with them. They work really well in the south texas thicket.
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