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Teddy Tucker

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Everything posted by Teddy Tucker

  1. Like I said initial though still not an excuse not to get back on d and still give up a wiiiiide open look to Klay
  2. No it wasn’t just showed the reply. Clear as day
  3. Looked like a clear back court, but gotta get back on d anyway
  4. Offensive call really why ruin this good game with the whistles this quarter
  5. Yeah no shit we haven’t won a tony brothers Scott foster reffed game in years. Go look her had the whistles our last playoff loss
  6. Did you see how bad he was that first half? Lol
  7. Wonder if Sam Presti is watching this. What an idiot
  8. Damn that was entertaining as hell. To be honest though Durant and Harden went off slow start for everyone else
  9. Great fucking start. Love the intensity everyone came out with . Need to find a way to maintain it all series long
  10. Ya definitely shouldn’t have been a flagarent 2, but they seem to be taking every little headshot up a little so far this playoffs
  11. But but but he didn’t want to take free throws in the fourth quarter 2 nights ago and made the right basketball decision. What a scrub lol
  12. Think 10.5 for OU seems high after losing Baker. All three non cons are at home, but I see a chance of them losing to a decent Florida Atlantic or UCLA. See them losing 2 regular season games next year.
  13. Nene looks so much older than that one year difference from how he was looking in last years postseason.
  14. Agreed they have the 2 best iso players of our generation. Ride and die with that shiii
  15. I guess Mitchell is better at drawing fouls at the rim than harden. Lol this is laughable
  16. I’m not gonna call ballgame yet, but you’re right they just have to try so hard to score. Not enough playmakers, you can only lean so much in a rookie in the playoffs.
  17. You know it’s a serious debate now between Lebron and MJ when the 70s and early 80s babies start crying about how MJ was a better free throw shooter so that makes him better lulz
  18. Thank god capella is a rfa. Rockets need to match any offer even if it’s damn near a max
  19. This is why you have roles in a bullpen. Kenneth fucking Giles is the closer on this team. He has the best stuff of anyone in the damn bullpen. When you are up by 1-3 runs in the 9th inning you pitch the mfer. Leave him in the damn closers role.
  20. This crew shouldn’t get another game all post season. Wow they are awful
  21. This ref crew fucking hates us. And I’ve never understood why Miller is so anti rockets
  22. I understand some of the skepticism with his playoff performance and the recent memory of last night. (Not that the playoffs were kind to anyone that relies on a slider last year) But the lights were bright the previous night as well. The slider he left hanging to Sanchez was an awful pitch. Almost no tilt and poor placement. I'm just saying based on his usual stuff the guys a great closer. I'll take ability over "mindset" any day of the week.
  23. Speaking of hot takes, guy has one baaaaaaaaaaad outing after 10 salty ones and gets crucified.
  24. Yes blacc performed vocals on an avicii single. Someone's knowledgeable around here.
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