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Posts posted by mr.goodkat

  1. 43 minutes ago, Lhorn said:

    Man, this suck for him.  Even if he wasn't going to be a big contributor on the field, this is going to stick with him for a while.  

    Although riding around in a car is not one of those situations you can avoid, it makes TH warning about the Elliot party a bit more reasonable.  Keeping these kids out of potentially risky situations when they can ruin their eligibility must be like herding cats.  

    The guy that hit them, makes you wonder if there was some shenanigans going on (road rage, following them, etc).  Seems like there's more to it than just being pissed that he got rear ended, but I'm sure that'll come out.   


    thats the feeling i get . like there was previous shit going down .i mean you have to be a hard pipe hitting mother fucker to get out and just go off on someone . i mean you gotta know by the condition of the cars that cops, ems , fire truck are en route . i mean its just a camaro how the fuck you get that mad ? 

  2. 1 hour ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    I wonder if he decides to tell us next year on the 20th anniversary of the incident, what the hell actually happened the days before the Cotton Bowl game

    didnt some one drive a car through the entrance of a building on the drag ? on one of the corners ? possibly tower records . i vaguely remember something along those lines 

  3. 1 hour ago, GoonerSooner said:







    Win Percentage

    Total Games

    1 Michigan 915 328 36 .729 1,279
    2 Texas 884 361 55 .701 1,301
    3 Notre Dame 882 310 42 .732 1,234
    4 Nebraska 881 346 33 .712 1,260
    5 Ohio State 863 319 39 .701 1,275
    6 (T) Oklahoma 850 317 53 .718 1,220
    6 (T) Alabama 850 325 43 .716 1,218
    8 Penn State 849 376 41 .687 1,266
    9 Harvard 848 383 50 .681 1,282
    10 Penn 830 481 42 .629 1,353
    • Like 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, TtomTerrific said:

    I don't know.... but I kinda like that Herman is a prick. 

    Fuck a bunch a friendly mother fuckers.. stand up for your squad and your school and fuck everyone else. 

    well we know where orange slices and cookies gets you . 

  5. 47 minutes ago, Glenn Quagmire said:

    I thought it was funny and cool that the texas players mocked Locke, I think that's well a part of the game. But I think the head coach ought to be above it, at least on camera. Living in the vaccum of fanhood we often let "our guys" slide on stuff like that.   If fortunes were reversed and the mizzou coach did that, I would think he was a douche for it

    nope . houston nutt fucked that up for everyone . you do the horns down  i want you dead , i want your family dead , i want your house burned to the ground . 

    • Like 3
  6. On 6/27/2018 at 9:51 AM, BigHorn'13 said:

    It would be great to have a non aggy vet

    my vet went to Mississippi st and she was awesome . however she has since moved back now i have an aggy . he's meh .

  7. 9 hours ago, Texas25 said:

    Anybody else see that fat fuck do the horns down lol.... Rent free since the beginning of time.

    i saw that . surely he was indicating 2 down in the bottom of the ninth . if not...... that is just sad 

  8. 36 minutes ago, slorch said:

    Congratulations, assholes.

    Y'all earned it.  Nobody predicted this kind of season for Texas. Team kept working its ass off.

    Things went your way.  Now do something with it.

    Good luck this coming weekend.

    right back at ya , shitbrick 

  9. 45 minutes ago, Hank Chinaski said:

    I mean, how's that different than 2000-2009, when B12 teams played in 7 of 10 national title games and the conference was considered to be as good as any? I guess Nebraska helped carry things in 2001, but that's really about the only difference, and they haven't been worth a shit since then, really.

    and they prolly shouldn't have been there 

  10. 16 hours ago, OnAComputer said:

    On the CDC calling A&M. Perhaps there is a hole in my argument, but it seems like they rejected the offer because they already have Miami scheduled then. That'd be a lot for OOC to be fair.

    that miami schedule can be changed if aggy was inclined to play or ,wait a minute ,  maybe  play two ooc teams with a pulse ? they have a spot open if they choose . there is nothing risky about it . its fucking football . Texas has proven ,up or down,they will get recruits so will aggy  . fair has nothing to do with it 

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