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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mr.goodkat

  1. wait, did someone oblige him ? would love to know that story
  2. they did when i purchased my baby blue hat last year . may have been year before last
  3. they already did i'm sure they will again this guy is currently on ebay . i flew right past that part of your post as i instantly went to g&s
  4. i get it .just pointing the difference in charges . we both know what it isn't and are making an assumption on what it is . again its stupid
  5. i think a gram of thc is prolly not a gram of flower and likely a cartridge of some sort but still fucking stoopid
  6. do you think he will really know where to draw the line ? cuz i don't
  7. Texas Driver License issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS Texas Personal Identification Card issued by DPS Texas Handgun License issued by DPS******* United States Military Identification Card containing the person’s photograph United States Citizenship Certificate containing the person’s photograph United States Passport (book or card)
  8. dude runs way meaner than bush. i'm old but my 1st impression is a lil' warrck dunn-ish
  9. many thanks sir that one slid past me !!
  10. where did you find the coffee break ???
  11. Hook ' em maalik nothing but good vibes to him . and Merry ffffin Christmas to his new coach .
  12. 12 angry men . i "watched " this movie as a pre-teen and didn't get it . watching through 2023 goggles at 49 was quite interesting .
  13. so there wasn't a dead longhorn in front of a frat this morning ? again give zero fucks why. that is as fucked up as skinning a cat , dude . that is what i'm saying .
  14. no i do not . nor do i care if it had any thing to do with a football game . the killing of an innocent animal to prove a point , anger , intimidate or for fun is fucking disgusting . and the fact that it just so happens to be a longhorn is an "interesting" coinky-dinky giving the timing
  15. and oklahoma state has entered baylor level detestation for me . fuck that entire state .
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