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Posts posted by ChuckNorrisActionJeans

  1. 2 hours ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    Rupert Murdoch is a smart man. Tucker’s ratings have been through the roof.  He has loyal viewers and supporters like me. We have seen what his sons have done at the WSJ in the massive backlash against their new commenting policy. They want our money but to silence the rage we feel

    Please to tell us more about this rage and its source

  2. 10 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    what compelling interest is there in the state regulating bag bans? i loved the bag ban. now shit is everywhere again.

    at least with rideshare, there's a compelling public interest regarding safety. what the fucking interest in bag bans? oh, it's just gotcha politics. got it.

    there was literally some plastics manufacturing lobbying group that got their ass chapped over it and God knows the lege can't resist a good blowjob from industry

  3. Yeah, I don't understand the discussion re: Jr's knowledge and how that gets him off the hook.  The intent element goes to your intent to actually do the thing that is illegal. Not to the illegality itself. I suppose some offenses are defined to require knowledge of the illegality but those are generally rare.

    Someone got the elements of the particular conspiracy charge at issue?

  4. 11 minutes ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    Always, _always_, *ALWAYS* get the name of the employee who gives you any information.  Ask if you can take their picture with your phone.  If they won't give you their name AND allow you to take their pic, they are lying to avoid ownership or accountability of your issue.

    lol like the gate lady in Charles de Gaulle airport who I asked if she'd check and see if my luggage had made the trip with me so far, so it would get there with me to Frankfurt.

    Checks, and assures me it's there.

    Narrator:  It wasn't. 

  5. This sucks. I freaking loved that band. Celebrate their entire catalog.

    I saw him once describing going to a pub and some dude thought he was just a random guy trying to look like Keith, and saying sarcastically, "oh look it's the Firestarter!" and Keith could only respond "but... but.. I really AM the Firestarter!"   

    He was like if Vyvyan from the Young Ones and Billy Idol had a love child.  Bummed about this.

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  6. yeah to think this is going to pan out in future times for the Dems is a pipe dream, given the way the deck is stacked against them, facts don't matter anymore, asymmetric polarization etc. Time to riot is here.

  7. Boomers are obsessed with telling everyone how fucking tough they are and how they braved their injuries, illnesses, shitty lives and the shitty parenting they received. I think it covers for their resentment that people no longer have to go through some of that shit needlessly. 

    In any event, they are insufferable and willfully ignorant. Not tough, though. Snowflakes, in fact, who are so very very persecuted and angry.

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  8. 11 minutes ago, HornPhD said:

    I believe I've mentioned this in other threads: My wife's sister is a pediatric urologist and has operated on infants born with ambiguous genitalia. In these cases, the parents often choose which gender they want their baby to be. 

    Which is rapidly falling out of favor, actually, as opposed to waiting to see the gender expression emerge. And gender doesn't always align with genitals, in phenotypically normal people. There has even been some recent research showing that genitals can develop in opposition to sex chromosomes for certain reasons.

    At any rate, people have an innate sense of what their gender is....so trust them.

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  9. 3 hours ago, 4th&Five said:


    I have such a weird feeling about ol' Ann.....is it possible she's trolling everyone?  Or can it be that she wants WALL so badly that she's willing to kill Trump in the process? 

    Given the overall public sentiment about WALL and the government shutdown, she brings to mind that evil chick who goaded that dude via text to commit suicide. 


    Except that Trump's metaphorical suicide would be a good thing in the long run.

    • Like 1
  10. 42 minutes ago, Gap03 said:

    Doesn't he realize that anyone that has been paying attention over the last 2 years is now scrambling to find these clips to figure out what Michael D'Antonio has said exactly right about his dumb ass?

    As a narcissist, he thinks that everything he is aware of is exactly what everyone else sees too. Literally.  Thus, the need to defend himself. 

    And lmao about the "third rate conman" insult.  Because "nobody knows more than me about the various ratings of conmen, and I'm first rate!"

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