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Certifiably Surly
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About ChuckNorrisActionJeans

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  1. NYT Pitchbot: How RFK Jr's Brain Worm Actually Helps Trump Wriggle Out of More Jams
  2. ah man, you should have seen his confirmation hearing. He's an unapologetic activist and completely, utterly unfit to wear the robe.
  3. Soon to join the Turning Point USA tour along with Rittenhouse and the Covington red-hat guy
  4. I wouldn't trust her at all, that's not a lie that'll be easy to definitively uncover, and she knows it'd be a bombshell if she said he admitted it
  5. Fuck this guy. Also, the feds' investigation into Paxton is coming right along, I take it? It's only been a few years now, I think.
  6. Lubbock and Amarillo -- Shangri-la for judicial assholes
  7. Ha ha-- reminds me of the classic "Fort Asshole"
  8. Tx/Paxton already sued and won, apparently. https://www.texastribune.org/2024/02/27/ken-paxton-proxy-votes-congress/#:~:text=Attorney General Ken Paxton sued,passed mostly by proxy vote.&text=Sign up for The Brief,the most essential Texas news.
  9. Orangs are awesome, too bad humanity is eradicating them
  10. omg, when I took my cat in for neutering, they wrote him down as "Tomcat Supreme." Is this stuff vet-tech humor because I've never heard the term again
  11. We ArEn't a DEMocracY LibTAARD!!11 IT's A coNStiTuTionAL RePUbLIC huurrrr durrr I see this stupid talking point almost every fucking day. No, they don't support democracy.
  12. but I can't say I'm completely unamused at the vision of lil Jamaal going all in, no lube on his special olympics competitors
  13. Through his special education classes Jamaal went on field trips to Special Olympics events, then ultimately competed, and thrived in track and field. His involvement with Special Olympics continues to this day as he serves as a Global Ambassador for the movement.
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