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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by ChuckNorrisActionJeans

  1. It's amazing how rage-filled people get who feel entitled to everything. Completely irrational. They wouldn't be able to articulate what motive Ford has to be slinging bullshit but goddamnit she's obviously a lying sack of shit.

    I hate people.

    Right now, I especially hate women who attack other women for claiming they were sexual assaulted. Those people need to be called out on it, every time. Don't walk away, tell them they're full of shit. 

    • Like 1
  2. I watched for a bit on the local live news feed on FB.....KXAN in Austin for god's sake .... and the comments are disgusting and infuriating in attacking her. Even -- or mostly -- from women. It's shocking and sick.

    This cancerous contingent of about 40% of the population is why these old fossils feel completely entitled to do the worst to everyone. The base is going to go apeshit if the nom is pulled. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Judge and the others she named.  That don’t support her story.  

    There is a reason Feinstein sat on this bullshit 6 weeks before leaking it at the last minute. Even that old hag knew it was bullsit. 

    Judge --- who she alleged took part in it -- and the others.... who are the others and what did they say? 

  4. 4 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Out of touch? hardly I simply refuse to buy into every little cultural whim that comes down the pike and is gone the next day.

    My dad says "ungrateful thugs" to refer to the NFL kneelers. It's such a pithy and perfectly acceptable way to refer to uppity negroes these days, as our dear leader has now shown. 

    He knows what it means. So do you. 

  5. I haven't been paying attention to recruiting, spring game, roster, anything since we've sucked so hard for so long. This team has given me the PTSD's. Not giving them any of my bandwidth until they fucking show something, I've lost my trust a while ago.  My dad is at the game, it's a literal bucket list road trip for him (former longhorn player himself), he won't be around much longer to see this crap so at least there's that.

  6. And there's your "voter fraud" right there. 

    Infuriating that this is the so-called system we have. And no chance that the powers that be give a shit when it's all to their benefit. 

    brb, going to report some address changes for my parents and other olds....

  7. This is worth a read for additional levels of ridiculousness and the seeming need for Russian asbestos


    The fact that Russia is one of the U.S.'s biggest providers of asbestos recently came under scrutiny after Russian mining giant Uralasbest started stamping pallets of its asbestos products with seals of the U.S. president's face, along with the words: "Approved by Donald Trump." 


    And the upshot is "Obama could have introduced restrictions on new uses for asbestos to prevent us from doing this terrible thing we're doing. So we have to do this terrible thing that is all their fault." 

  8. Sweet gorilla, this is sad. I loved that meeting she had with Robin Williams. You could really see the kindness in his soul, and that they made a connection.

    [insert joke about how hairy they both are, blah blah]

  9. Lol at the assertion that Trump is flattering KJU in TV interviews as a negotiating tactic.

    Guess he likes to use that tactic only on awesome guys like Putin, Duterte, and Erdogan.  Not on actual allies. 

    Makes sense. He's a gotdamned genius. 

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    • Haha 1
  10. ....it's feeling a bit like there simply aren't checks and balances that function in the system anymore. 
    The SCOTUS Ohio voter ruling just tears it.

    When your side has got the electoral college, gerrymandering, voter suppression, and increasingly stacked judiciary all against it, is there really hope to turn the tide against a party hell-bent on taking us all down with them?   It's downright depressing. 


    • Like 3
  11. A Quinnipac poll says that 88% of Republicans and 40% of Independents support Trump.

    How is this even possible??


    The disproportionate power that rural whites have in this country is holding us all hostage and straight up butt-fucking us.



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