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Posts posted by randygilman

  1. 4 minutes ago, TtomTerrific said:


    there is nothing preventing us from using that network to our recruiting advantage beyond dressing a recruit up in a uniform and having him do a fake interview on the sound stage. 


    what is "dumb" is to continue to allow that albatross to lie latent with restrictions on its use put on our administration by the other school's administrations who were concerned about us gaining  unfair advantage.  Fuck them, and you.

    Nick Saban has made a career of stretching the rules to his advantage and daring someone to force him to stop...that's how this extra-coaches thing was born in the first place. 

    The first rule of breaking rules/cheating is not to put evidence of blatant disregard for the rules on regional/network television, but I haven’t checked that rule book in a while

    the first rule of television is how do I get eyes. California HS FB and HISD football do not draw eyes.

    finally, and most importantly, that will never happen because the content on LHN is decided by ESPN, not by Herman or CDC. ESPN is not going to sign off on providing a blatant record of cheating when it would be in their worst interests to do so.

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  2. 49 minutes ago, TtomTerrific said:

    correspondingly, I would like to see the LHN more fully utilized in recruiting....right up to the edge of what is permitted and even crossing the line some because, who the fuck is going to do anything about it?

    We are stuck with this thing, we have an asshole coach who doesn't mind going right at the jugular when it comes to anyone outside his "ever tightening circle" and an "ouside the box" thinking AD...fuck aggy's sensibilities and screeching envy....put that McCoy kid's games on network television....have a crew at all of Demas' games next year....if that nimrod Hamm is getting into these games, send in an ESPN crew for interviews and highlights, if not a full broadcast of the game.  

    This is real dumb

  3. 6 minutes ago, Goodman said:

    Times have changed for SC, LA is now a Rams town. SC wants a return of the PC days, that ship has sailed. Chip at UCLA and the Rams being one of the best teams in the league take away from the SC fanbase which are largely t-shirt fans. 

    Prisoner of the moment right here

  4. 2 minutes ago, sidis said:

    happier.  not happy.  will be even happier when we have one, single dt in the class.  but this is a step in the right direction.  yay!



  5. I like that Texas and Cain is seemingly the trendy pick, but I don't know what to think of "wait around and see what happens with other schools and take who's left." Better recruiting leaves other schools waiting on us, but this strategy (or only available option) still netted a top 200 player in a transition cycle and could work out this cycle. 

    Maybe it's not worth getting too concerened about how we get there as long as we get there.

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