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Ojo Rojo

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Posts posted by Ojo Rojo

  1. 15 hours ago, Hornius Emeritus said:



    Wow. Dude probably has 3rd degree burns on his arms and will be scarred for life.  Lower part of his pants melted too.
    On another note, those firefighters didn't seem to know what the fuck they were doing.  When the dude ran in, why didn't they start blasting the area with water to help him out?

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  2. 1 hour ago, Bregs said:

    For me, it's guys that negatively impacted the culture of our clubhouse.  Topping the list would be: Odorizzi, Gomez, Osuna and Giles.

    This is the right answer, though my least favorite player to ever wear the Astros uniform is easily Mike "Rat Fuck" Fiers.  The greatest moment in Astros history was winning the WS in 2017 for the first time.  For that to be tainted for a long-suffering fan by a bitch-made pussy who ducked us after.  Fuck that guy forever.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. I know it is unfashionable, but I want to be buried in a traditional casket and for it to be treated like a time capsule. I was an anthropology major and I like archaeology so I would like to be dug up some day and provide information about how people lived in the late 1900's-early 2000's.  I've actually been thinking about how to leave information - engraved on a stainless steel plate?  Written on a ceramic?  There are probably products for this that already exist.  You couldn't leave a thumb drive or CD or whatever.  Future people wouldn't have any way to access the data, probably. It's fun to think about.

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  4. 8 minutes ago, Gourmand said:

    and this here is the best argument for him playing every day. I'm not Team Maldy, I just repeat what has been reported and said by pitchers and insiders about Machete being the staff's QB and whatnot and how Diaz has to learn how to prepare to call games etc but he's getting there yadda yadda yadda. Diaz can only do this by playing more, not less. You cannot put his bat on the bench with Kessinger's in the lineup. 

    Fuck it, call up Singleton if you need to give Abreu a day off. 

    Went to the Space Cowboys game last night.  Singleton was 2-4, I believe, with a double.  Both down the line to right.  Looks like he's seeing the ball really well and doing what he wants with it.  Maybe he's one of those guys who perform to their ability when it's their absolute last chance.  I hope he gets a call-up. Would like to see what he can do against MLB pitching. Would be a nice story.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. We have a special needs kid who can't stay in school or most camps.  We frequently get called to pick him up.  I am a lawyer; my wife is a personal trainer. Ironically, I generally have more flexibility in my job than she does, except when I don't.  When she is with a client, which is all the time she is working, she cannot take calls or leave.  If I am in court or a deposition or a client meeting, I REALLY can't leave.  Today I had a client meeting when I got a call from the camp to pick him up. Because my wife is almost totally unavailable an hour at a time, I didn't know if she would be able to respond or what, so I made the decision to go get him myself.  I asked another lawyer to cover the meeting (he was going to be in it anyway) and I left my office and texted my wife that I'm getting him and will take him to my office until she can pick him up.  This has happened numerous times before.

    Since the last time, however, two things have happened.  1. My wife got busted for cheating the time clock at work (long, complicated story that is not entirely her fault, but still) so her hours are being heavily scrutinized and she has to meet a minimum or we lose our health insurance, 2. her step-brother is coming to town to visit her diminishing step-father today and she's picking him up from the airport. So it's complicated, which is why I was trying to make it less complicated by eliminating a variable - what fucking time can you come pick up our son from my office?

    I texted her asking what time she would be able to pick him up.  I was more than willing to leave early or whatever I needed to do, but I didn't know when she might be able to pick him up.  I was expecting an answer that ended in "o'clock."  Instead, I got a bunch of words, none of which was "o'clock." Some of the words had to do with the time clock issue and picking up her brother from the airport. Then, when I complained about her not answering the question she says, "Fine! I'll just come get him now!" She's all pissed at me now.  WTMFF?

    • Rage+1 4
  6. 1 hour ago, MissingInAction said:

    There's a solid 20 years of my life where these moments happened at least once a week.

    The one that stands out though was this one time in Georgia.

    I was going through AIT at Fort Gordon, and it had been a rough day of training. The corner PX with 99 cent budweisers wasn't going to cut it.

    So I call a cab and ask for the nearest bar off base. The cabbie asking me if I was sure about my decision should have been my first clue of things to come. After driving down a winding dark road I see a light coming out of the woods from a shack that reminds me of every horror movie I'd ever seen. That can't be it.... oh yes... it is. The bar is called Beetle-juice. Spelled that way for copy right reasons I'm sure.

    Nothing but harleys out front. I was still in my BDUs so the cabbie thought I'd be safe since bikers love soldiers.

    He was right. Didn't pay for a drink the whole night. Then I met Lester, and Lester asked me if I wanted to get some pussy, his treat. I hadn't been laid since before basic 8 months ago so I was like hell yea Lester. Let's fuck some hoes.

    We grab a cab to this motel that doesn't look half bad. Lester says, first the party favors then the party.

    First stop: drugs

    We knock on a door where we get hurried in. I see drugs and weapons out all over the place. I'm all fuck this and reach for the door. Lester assures me it's cool, makes a deal then hands me some crack rocks which he tells me to put under my tongue. So I do. I'm all in now.

    Next stop: whores.

    Knock on another door where a lovely Crack whore answers with a rotted smile. I'm thinking we didn't get enough crack for this stage of the adventure.

    We proceed to smoke out and I'm so fucking trashed I came in this Crack whores mouth before I knew she was blowing me. Where the fuck is Lester. Oh he's in the bathroom with Jolene tieing off. 

    I looked at my watch: 4am... formation in 30. Fuuuuuuu!

    I throw my clothes on and fucking sprint out the door. Crack whore yelling about some shit. 

    Ran to the motel office to call a cab but nothing was available for at least an hour.  There's a man and his kid sitting there so I desperately plead with him for a ride. He says no problem and we take off. He understands my situation so he's hauling ass to base while I stare at my watch.

    We get there just in time for me to sprint up into formation for roll call.

    Tl/dr: Got drunk with bikers, smoked Crack, got a bj from a Crack whore, nearly missed formation which would have made me AWOL

    Fucking wow!

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. I was a wild-ass in my late teens/early 20's.  At least by my standards.  I did some fairly crazy shit - road tripped it to San Diego/L.A. summer after my senior year with a buddy whose parents had told him he couldn't go and we went in his car; went to Nevada to work a mining claim with a stranger I'd met at my hardware store job; the night a buddy turned 21 in Austin decided late at night to go to Mexico - left at probably midnight, pulled over to sleep in Robstown and carried on the next day and spent the weekend in Brownsville/Matamoros.

    There are many times I did shit where I should have died or been arrested.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. We're 1 SP and 1 LF bat away from being about the best team we could realistically be this season.  If Urquidy and Brantley come back and if they are themselves, that is probably every bit as good as any acquisition you could make; with no additional cost. If there is a >50% chance of them coming back, I wouldn't pay too high a price for anyone.  We have a surplus of OF talent in the minors. Parting with one of them (Leon) would be okay. After that, I'd not give up any of our top-5 pitching prospects. It's hard not to want to get in on the action and make yourself better, but you gotta protect the future.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  9. The fan in me wants them to deal for an ace and another legit bat.  I really liked the Cease and Robert idea.  Montgomery from the Cards would be a nice get at pitcher.  I don't know his contract situation and too lazy to look it up.  However, the Astros may be looking at this trade deadline as "adding from the IL."  If they get Yordan, Altuve and Urquidy back full time, that would pretty much be the equivalent of getting a good pitcher and good bat via trade without having to give up anything.  I hesitate to mention Brantley too.  Is he ever coming back?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. We've been bit hard by the injury bug this season.  Altuve, Yordan missing significant time; Brantley missing all the time.  Bregman and Abreu underperforming.  Montero turning into a pumpkin after he got his money.  Losing two starting pitchers (three if you count McCullers)...  We are probably exactly where we should be given all of that.  With Urquidy, Altuve, Yordan and Brantley back, I think we're a contending team.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  11. 4 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

    losing garcia and urquidy are the biggest reason we are were we are. Garcia’s last two starts were very good and urquidy eats innings with quality 

    That hurts, but our biggest issues have been on the offensive side. Abreu sucking was not part of the plan.

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