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Posts posted by oSuJeff97

  1. 19 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    Was out of town when all the craziness went down on Friday. I'm happy for Oregon and Washington as their patience paid off. I'm happy that Arizona State, Utah, and Arizona got what they wanted and should've had a long time ago. It definitely makes the Big 12 a fun, no defense league (outside of Utah). Stanford and Cal get their wish to be sports-irrelevant. College football relegation finally occurred with the rest of the Pac 4. I guess Stanford might be thrown a bone if it can bring in Notre Dame but I think it's going to take the Big 10 forcing USC, Michigan State, and Michigan to no longer schedule Notre Dame to force their hand. That would mean moving to a 10 game conference schedule. I'm going to chuckle that we're going right back to having divisions in the Big 10 and Big 12 when everyone was thrilled that those had gone away. I hope the SEC holds firm and doesn't add anymore for now. I hope ESPN holds the ACC line on the GOR so FSU can't get out of it. You made the deal so live with it. 

    Agree with all of this except the relegation part.

    What's happening in CFB isn't relegation, because relegation is based on on-field performance. If you don't perform, you get booted.

    In no way, shape or form do Washington State or Oregon State deserve to get "relegated" in a world where fucking Rutgers, Maryland, Indiana, Vanderbilt, etc., get to enjoy the spoils of being in one of the Prestige Worldwide conferences. 

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  2. 17 hours ago, Had Enough said:

    If you want more eyes on your games, conference games starting the season is a good thought.

    It doesn’t create more losses. Pretty even playing field.

    Big 12 ought to do it.

    Yeah I mean SECSECSEC has been doing this now for, what, 20+ years?

    It's one of the key factors that led to the perception of it being the greatest conference in the land.

    I mean, when preseason unranked Mississippi State beats preseason #8 Tennessee -- WOW! Look how good SEC is! An unranked team beat the #8 team in the country! Now in week 2 Mississippi State comes in at #12 or so but then after a few weeks of awful non-conference teams they are ranked #8 but they lose to unranked Arkansas and WOW! Yet again it's proven how tough SECSECSEC is because these unranked SEC teams are beating top 10 SEC teams!!  So basically every talking head can blather on for the first two months of the season how great SECSECSEC it.

    Fast-forward 10 weeks and both Mississippi State and Tennessee are 5-7 and unranked but who cares?

    We'll do it all over again next year and it will become a self-fulfilling prophesy because all of the talking heads will just talk over and over and over again how great SEC is so now that's where all of the elite prospects want to go. Huzzah!

    (Yes I'm fully aware that SEC has become objectively the best conference overall, but for many many years it wasn't - but there was the often-repeated perception that was absolutely bolstered and reinforced by them playing conference games in September that reinforced narratives even though those narratives ended up being B.S. a lot of the time.)

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  3. 9 minutes ago, Samson's Wig said:

    For both Fox and ESPN, It is cheaper, and ultimately better for downstream revenue, for Oregon and Washington to join the Big12.  They get them for less that way, and help bolster that conference into something they can package and sell for years to come.  The writing is on the wall, in my opinion.  PNW is not going B1G, and the PAC is already collapsed.  They have one landing spot.

    I'm thinking this is correct.

    If I'm ESPN/FOX and I want Oregon/Washington inventory, it seems like my options are:

    • Pay ~$30mm/year for them in the Big 12
    • Pay ~$50mm/year for them in the B1G

    In the Big 12 they most certainly enhance the value of the conference as a whole, making the Big 12 a clear/iron-clad #3 conference and I own all of that inventory, in addition to the "Big 2."

    Meanwhile, I can poach two much more valuable programs (FSU/Clemson) from the ACC and further enhance my "Big 2" investments.

    The more I think about it, the more this makes the most sense.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. 19 hours ago, Paul Wesley said:

    Great post.

    2). Totally agree on 2011 Oklahoma State.  They got screwed out of the championship game they deserved.  And the argument that was used to deny them their chance ("got to win your own league") was completely abandoned in order to hand Alabama a mulligan and a crystal ball a year or so later.  

    We did win the Big 12 that year.  That's what was so goddamn infuriating about putting Bama in the title game. They didn't even win their goddamn *division* and we won the Big 12 with our last game being a 44-10 beatdown of #10 Oklahoma.

    The argument that was used against us was "you had a worse loss" than Bama (double OT loss at Iowa State vs. loss to #1 LSU) even though we had like 5 better *wins* than they had. Of course that argument went away like the next year for Ohio State or Bama or some other blue blood that I can't remember.

    All of a sudden it was about "more/better wins" instead of a "worse loss."

    That was likely OSU's best chance to actually win a college football title in my lifetime and so of course we get fucked over.

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    1 hour ago, Ghost of LL said:

    Aggy could actually get into the conference championship game in the Big XII (and did).  But they're not sniffing that in the SEC.

    Aggy was the Big XII equivalent to Auburn in the SEC.  They're decidedly below the top two in their division.  But in the right set of circumstances, they'll make a run and get into the conference championship game.

    And that is a lot better than being Aggy in the SEC today.



    I think calling Aggy the "Auburn of the Big 12" is a pretty generous reading of where they were when the left.

    Aggy hadn't sniffed the Big 12 title game in more than a decade by the time they left the conference.  They made the Big 12 title game in 1997 and 1998 before Stoops took over at OU and before Leach got TTU going and Miles/Gundy got OSU going.  Once those three things happened, they never sniffed it again.

    Their last 5 years in the Big 12 their records were:

    7-6, 9-4, 6-7, 4-8, 7-6

    They had once decent year along with two seasons with losing records and two 7-6s. They were clearly behind OU, Texas and OSU/Tech in the Big 12 South pecking order.

    If we play out what happened over the next decade, it's pretty clear they would have remained the 3rd or 4th best program in the Big 12 South with OU/OSU clearly ahead of them and while Tech and Texas faded somewhat from where they were, we had Baylor ascending under Briles so there were still going to be a ton of road blocks from A&M ever sniffing a Big 12 title game in those years as well.


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  6. 6 hours ago, DickSolomon said:

    I like how in 2024 the Big 12 will have 13 teams and 28 years of history, yet only 3 big 12 champion game winners among their entire group of members, with Kstate being the winningest conference game champion at 2 wins. literally a conference of losers. More than 2/3 of the conference's title game winners reside in other conferences now, lol.

    Yeah like we all remember how the two schools that are leaving the conference have co-dominated this "conference of losers" over the past two decades... 

    Oh wait... I just checked my notes and that doesn't seem correct at all.

    • Haha 3
  7. 19 hours ago, statsman said:

    And now, your stadium is the worst in the B12, with dangerously small sidelines, endangering players on and off the field. 
    I don’t intend to be insulting, but just stating a fact. 

    Yes the sidelines are so dangerous that zeros of players have actually been injured because of the sidelines in the past 80 years.

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  8. 17 hours ago, mininghorn88 said:

    I recall leaving the theater after the end of SPR.  It was so quiet.  No one was saying a word.  Not out of displeasure of the movie but of the emotional toll it took on people, particularly the opening sequence.  I have watched it several times and will stop to watch it whenever it is on.  An all-time favorite of mine.

    100% this.

    I remember thinking it felt like when people leave a funeral.  Nobody said a word and just somberly walked out of the theater.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 2 hours ago, statsman said:

    Perspective- Here is what I’m hearing on this thread:

    ”We’re going to take the weakest six programs from the 1991 SWC, and drop Rice and SMU. We’ll add the four weakest programs from the Big 8. Then, we’ll add WVU from the Big East, Cincy, UCF and BYU from wherever they’re from and we’ll mix it all together and be the third best conference, baby!”

    Does that make sense to anyone? (I’ll concede that OSU was screwed out of the BCS CG in 2010, fwiw). 

    It definitely doesn't make sense if your perspective on those programs is stuck in 1996.

    Thankfully the people who make the decisions about where to invest their media money don't have a perspective stuck in 1996 and it makes sense to them so that's all that really matters.


    • Hook 'Em 6
  10. 15 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    Because our on-field success and TV ratings (even excluding UT/OU games) are in the upper echelon of the post OU/UT Big XII? You also realize that the games are broadcast in more places than Stillwater, right? No movement has happened because the PAC programs don't know what they might make. You can't compare USC/UCLA moving to the BIG because it was known with absolute certainty that they'd make more money there than any PAC possibilities. The longer this drags out, it increases their frustration within the PAC 10 that they can't make any decisions until Klavikoff gets off his ass and actually produced a real offer. Until then, no decision maker in their right mind would make a move without complete information. I get it, "OKST and everyone else are worthless." The media companies disagree, but the faction of surly-ites who insist that nobody else matters are gonna surly, which is fine, it's your board, just a bizarre theme to get hung up on in an otherwise interesting conversation.

    Yeah with everything that has been discussed and all of the data thrown into this thread over the past years I can't believe comments like this are still being made.

    The data has conclusively shown that OSU has been consistently the #3 TV draw in the Big 12 after OU/Texas. It's not fucking complicated.  The idea that we wouldn't be included in any kind of PAC/legacy Big 12 merger is absurd.

  11. 5 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Respectfully, I think your view of the WW2 army is a little too romantic.

    Also, the average age of a US soldier was 26. (Google page with multiple sources.)

    I think The Best Years of Our Lives (great war movie even though it's post war) represents the mix of soldiers well. The sailor is very young, the pilot a grown man, and the army sergeant pushing middle age. 

    Plus, even the young soldiers who would see combat may have arrived as kids, but that would have to fade away quickly. That army was a cross section of America with the shameful exclusion of Black people for the most part.


    But one area the did skew really young were the 8th Air Force pilots. I remember they covered it in that "Cold Blue" documentary that came out a while ago. The average age of the B-17 pilot and co-pilot in the 8th Air Force was something like 23-24 and the average age of the crew was like 20-21.  That's wild when I think about my top priority at that age was securing booze and banging chicks while running around Stillwater.

  12. 17 hours ago, Helobious said:

    Movie was completely meh after the beach scene. Fight me.

    I won't fight you but I've seen this sentiment a lot over the past two decades and I think it's born from watching the movie over and over again and analyzing it to death.

    That movie is about seeing it for the first time in the movie theater and getting the visceral gut punch that is the Omaha landing. 

    We've become numb to it now because it's been done over and over and over again from Black Hawk Down to Band of Brothers/Pacific, etc.

    The Omaha Beach scene and then the ending battle are what makes it great because we'd never seen anything like it before.

    Point being, nobody who walked out of a movie theater in 1998 when the credits rolled were like, "yeah the middle of that movie was kind of meh" because you were still reeling because you had just experienced ~40 minutes of the most realistic depiction of war ever put on film.

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  13. 38 minutes ago, Nivek said:

    at least we won't have to hear every announcer talk about how some kid who really wanted to go to Texas but wasn't recruited, is going to kick our ass at some irate 8 school anymore.

    Oh sure you will... I'm sure there's some 3-star Texas kid at Arkansas or Mississippi State that is already planning his revenge. :D

    • Hook 'Em 2
  14. On 7/21/2023 at 1:12 PM, Vertigo said:

    The B12 mouthpieces are convinced that their next TV deal is going to be around $45-50 million per school. But to get that, they are going to have to have a level of sustained success over the next few years and I am just not convinced that is going to happen. Texas and OU going to the SEC is going to put a squeeze on the level of talent that B12 schools get. Not only will TX/OU feast on the top guys in state, but A&M will also be right there getting their share of dudes, and LSU, Arkansas, Bama, Georgia, and a few others will also be making pushes into the state now that they will be seen on primetime TV every week.

    That essentially means that the level of talent left over for the likes of TCU, Tech, Ok State, etc is going to continue to fall. Whereas TCU could get an occasional highly ranked 4 star or even a 5 star under the right circumstances, they will be fishing in the low four star and three star pool from now on. It would not surprise me to see BYU rise to power since they have a niche pipeline of high quality talent and access to the west coast regions with far less competition there.  

    I see this line of thinking brought up all the time and I've yet to have someone explain to me how it would be any different than the current status quo.

    Who in the Big 12, outside of OU and Texas, have *ever* pulled anything approaching an elite recruiting class? Every once in a while OSU, Baylor or TCU might pop a top 20 class, but generally all three rely on classes that are far and away 3-star classes with maybe one or two 4-star guys sprinkled in here and there.  All three rely on coaching/development and have all succeeded on specifically taking the players in Texas that OU/Texas/A&M *don't* want.

    How exactly does that change by OU and Texas moving to the SEC?  

    • Hook 'Em 3
  15. 3 hours ago, statsman said:

    If the PAC schools could accept reality, the conference can start stabilizing, and become the #3 conference. However, I suspect there are a few schools that won’t surrender their ambitions.

    Honestly I don't see any way for the Pac to be the #3 conference, even if Oregon and Washington stay. (Obviously that's way out the window if/when both leave for the B1G.)

    There just aren't enough people at all of the other schools who care enough about football to put them ahead of either the Big 12 or ACC.

    Oregon/Washington (from a brand/viewership standpoint) are marginally better than anything in the Big 12, but they aren't OU/Texas, so them being marginally better than the top legacy Big 12 schools isn't enough to off-set the fact pretty much all of the Big 12 fan bases are highly engaged and drive consistent viewership numbers all the way down the line, unlike the bulk of the remaining Pac schools that mostly don't care about football.

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