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Posts posted by oSuJeff97

  1. 2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

    Interesting. Based on this, it appears that elements from the non-cannon Thrawn books will become cannon by their inclusion in this series. I am surprised that the cannon Thrawn books (which are excellent) aren't included on the list.  

    I don't think so. Whoever made that chart notes that they are non-canon. And yeah it's weird to include that as a recommendation and not the actual canon Thrawn books that Zahn wrote.

  2. 2 hours ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

    When the Big 12 only gets one team into the playoff because their strength of schedule is dehydrated dogshit, Gundy may want that game back on the schedule. Until then, watch the fuck out Murray State. 

    We have at least one P5 school on our non-conference schedule every year in between now and 2030, including home-and-homes with Arkansas, Oregon and Alabama. I think we'll be fine in the SOS department.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 4 hours ago, ouflak said:

    I know things are probably not finalized yet, but I'm sure I've heard from multiple sources that regular OU/OSU matchups will occur yearly in all sports except football.

    I assume that's the case as well; likely because non-conference schedules for pretty much every sport except football is done a year in advance, not like a decade in advance.

    And for the record, I'm for continuing Bedlam in all sports, including football.

    I'm just sick to fucking death of listening to assholes try and say it's somehow OSU's fault that Bedlam is being interrupted when OU is who left the goddamn conference.

    It's like one spouse leaving the other and then being like, "it's kind of shitty that you don't want to hang out with me as much any more" to the one who was left. 

  4. Jesus. Fuck.

    We're re-litigating the stupid fucking Bedlam football thing again?

    Facts: OU ended the Bedlam series in all sports by leaving the Big 12. The rest is he-said/she-said bullshit.

    Has anyone here ever happened to notice that when new non-conference series between P5 schools are scheduled it is typically done a decade or more in advance, barring like a one-off game at Jerry World or something?

    I don't care what the fuck anyone says, Bedlam football will return, likely some time in the mid-2030s. I'm actually looking forward to it, mostly so whiney OU people will shut the fuck up about it.  It's funny how much time/effort/energy they put into complaining about not getting play a "non-rival", lol. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. Yeah very strong start. This show is so great. 

    I think my favorite bit was Colin Robinson being the annoying restaurant server, lol. 

    "Can I get that without the cheese..."

    "Ooooh.... I'm gonna have to ask the chef..." 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 18 hours ago, Michael Knight said:

    I don't think you can have any appreciation of who Ahsoka is without knowing her story. 


    I will say there are a lot of Star Wars YouTubers who have put together good summaries of Ahsoka's plot lines through CW and Rebels. 

    I feel like people should definitely watch those at a bare minimum if they don't want to watch those series.

    But I really think Rebels is almost required watching, given that that Ashoka series is essentially setting up to be a live action new season of Rebels.

  7. On 6/1/2023 at 8:51 AM, mdmost said:

    Hell yeah. Bring them all back. All throwback uniforms especially to replace the terrible ones they have now like the Patriots, Broncos, and Bengals.


    Yeah the late 90s / early 2000s were an AWFUL time for NFL uniforms. Off the top of my head, the 49ers, Bucs, Patriots, Eagles, Broncos, and Bengals (maybe more) all made horrendous updates going with like darker versions of their primary colors and stupid stylized fonts for the letters/numbers. 

    Of those teams, I think the 49ers are the only one that has gone back to a more "classic" look. The others are still stuck in their early 2000 crap-fest uniforms, with a "throwback" week here or there notwithstanding. 

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  8. 21 hours ago, YChang said:

    Yeah, is Sabine force sensitive now? Also now I'm even more sad that Ray Stevenson passed away, his character looks full of menace and mystery. 

    I don't think so. Or at least I hope not.

    I'm guessing that "master" line was more a reference of Ashoka continuing to help train Sabine as a warrior in the same way Kanan was training her with the darksaber?

    And in the trailer the hot dark jedi (or whatever) chick says, "You have no power..." 

    So maybe wishful thinking but I really hope she's not force sensitive. It just gets old being like, "oh wait! That person has the force now!" I have more faith in Filoni than that, so here's to hoping.


    35 minutes ago, Buzzrock said:

    I know some of us sound like broken records on this topic but: yes you should watch Clone Wars (use the episode guide so you know what to skip) and Rebels (all of it) before this comes out. I still don’t love the choice of actor to play Ahsoka, but I love the Ahsoka character. She’s right up there with the OT crew for me. Rebels has some great characters too, quite a few of which will feature prominently in this show.

    100% this.

    I'm sure the show would be enjoyable for someone who hadn't seen those shows, but it's going to be WAY more enjoyable if you have seen them.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. On 7/2/2023 at 9:14 PM, shadow_operative said:

    yeah this was by far the best episode of the season for me. the mj suit and the gang thinking that aaron paul is malcolm are the two funniest moments of the season for me. it wasn't great, but it was fine. it certainly wasn't anywhere close to the low point of the series (frank's brother, the female boggs episode, most of the last several seasons, etc have all been much worse imo). 


    Frank's Brother is a freaking tour-de-force of absurdity. Just having Danny DeVito play himself as like a 19-year-old just wearing his "go out" wig is all you need to know. Then there's the whole "Shady Nasty" thing and then the reveal at the end when everyone is old... it's fucking weird and absurd and ridiculous and hilarious.

    I understand why some people don't like the Female Boggs or a lot of the recent episodes just because they are veering in different directions with the comedy... e.g. the Female Boggs episode is a pretty blatant satire of female re-boots of classic movies, all the way down to the episode itself being intentionally not as good as the original.

    They've done lots of episodes like that over the past several years where they are trying to something very dryly satirical on a specific topic; stuff that is more "clever" vs. laugh out loud funny.  

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  10. 2 hours ago, statsman said:

    When you invite Oregon to your conference, you get a team with big ambitions, willing to bid up the price of your recruits and that doesn’t make a big positive impact on your media contract. 
    Are they worth it?

    Are you sure about that part?

    I thought Oregon had viewership that was in-line with bluebloods. They wouldn't add incremental value to the Big 12's media contract?

  11. On 6/21/2023 at 10:12 PM, billfromlaketravis said:

    Dennis gets a little GD weird in this episode, but it tracks. 

    I mean... he's just a man who needs his tools.... for... fetish shit.  He also really enjoys the skins because the skins are the most interesting part of any animal.

    What's the big deal?

  12. On 6/17/2023 at 2:47 PM, Trojan Man said:

    I've heard a pretty interesting theory on why Colorado recruited better in the Big 12 than they have in the Pac 12, and it's not just because they were complete dogshit their entire time in the Pac 12 while they had some success in the Big 12.  When Colorado was battling Big 12 schools for a recruit from Big 12 territory Boulder was a much more unique place than most Big 12 towns.  They were the only mountain town in a conference of plains schools which would stick out during visits, especially for recruits who have never spent much time in the mountains.  In the Pac 12 Boulder isn't even the only mountain town (there's Salt Lake City if you want to live in the mountains and play for a competent football program), plus there are mountains nearby most of the other schools in the conference so there goes the uniqueness.  If you're recruiting a kid from California he's much more likely to have spent time in the mountains and not be as impressed by that like a kid from Iowa might be.

    I think fans make WAY too much of thing about what kind of city/town the schools are situated in. 

    I'm sure a handful of recruits make decisions based on that, but the vast, vast do not. They tend to go to places that are (a) successful and (b) help them get to the NFL. That means being a winning program and having top-notch facilities.

    I think the simple answer as to why Colorado fell off is that they weren't willing to keep up in the facilities arms race with the rest of the Big 12 that started in the early 2000s and essentially never let up.  CU was always behind the blue bloods, but all of a sudden OSU, Tech, K-State, Iowa State, etc., started pouring hundreds of millions into facilities through the mid-2000s and also blew past CU in that regard.

    Now their facilities are dogshit compared to pretty much everyone in the Big 12 except Kansas; they compare a little better in the PAC just because most of the schools don't care about football, but still way behind schools they would be competing against for recruits like Utah, Oregon, Washington, etc.

  13. Yeah I enjoyed the first two... especially episode 2.  Haven't watched 3 yet.

    As for Mac's/Rob's appearance, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what the "nut allergy" joke was about as his face got more and more swelled through the episode. In fact, I'll have to go back and re-watch, but I think there was actually a line like, "I don't even recognize him any more..."

    Those guys are all extremely self-aware and it's one of the things I love best about the show.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  14. On 6/7/2023 at 8:24 PM, mdmost said:

    Well if you didn't watch Rebels then you missed some of the best Star Wars content that the man has produced. 

    Yeah I don't get the whole "I don't want to watch cartoons" thing. Good stories are good stories.

    None of the live action stuff is "real" anyway. The CGI or other visual effects used are basically making them live action "cartoons" so what's the difference?

    • Hook 'Em 2
  15. 3 hours ago, 'stache said:

    Holy shit, I loved both episodes, the first a little more. The extra room is one of those things that after 15 years is so random and hilarious, they still think up great stuff. Of course they look older, they’re mid 40s, Dee had some work done sure, still hot af to me. 

    Yeah I mean I sure wouldn't want 4K HD cameras pointing at my upper-40s face today if there was literally thousands of hours of me in my early 30s to compare with, lol.

  16. 4 hours ago, mdmost said:

    August 23rd


    Sabine fighting the dark Jedi chick with Ezra's lightsaber. PUT IT IN MY VEINS!!

    EDIT - I can haz post-fight scissoring?

    • Drool 1
  17. 7 hours ago, MissingInAction said:

    I have 100% confidence Rosario can carry the show. Her and the late great Ray Stevenson along with OG Thrawn...just keep Robert Rodriguez the fuck away.

    I mean, his episode of Mandalorian was badass.

    So bring him in as a hired gun to direct an action-heavy episode? IN.  Have him run a whole show? NOPE

  18. I'm probably looking more forward to this than any Star Wars in recent memory.

    I absolutely loved Rebels and this show basically being a live action Rebels sequel has me fucking pumped. 

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