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A-Tex Devil

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Posts posted by A-Tex Devil

  1. 1 minute ago, Native Horn said:

    Pinthouse Pizza seems to do ok.

    I've been wondering what their deal will be.  I presume it is something like Highball and Alamo when they redid the Alamo S. Lamar center - have to shut down then reopen in a new and improved facility.  But maybe they'll just be allowed to stay there?  The Park was doing just fine, but when the lease was up they were out.

  2. 1 hour ago, tx 3 putt said:

    All talk imo ….


    I mean, this dude seems sincere enough - and he's right:  sitting on the sidelines is not enough.  It's the pitch I give my dad who says "I won't vote for Trump or Biden."   If you are lifelong GOP (my dad says he's a "Jack Kemp Republican," whatever the fuck that means), and you hate what Trump did to your party, then the only fix, and it may be too late, but it's the only one, is to vote for Biden and against every Maga on the ballot so there are massive defeats up and down the ballot across the country from the municipal level up to the presidency.  Sitting on the sidelines just enables Trump if he wins, and even if he loses, it allows the party you grew up with to winnow away at the hands of the Paxtons, Mike Johnsons, and Ravaswamis of the world.  


    Who am I kidding, it's too late.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 9 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:


    Is he talking about his lawyers, the thugs, that could have called some witnesses?  Jesus, Donald.  They probably could have called Eric, Don Jr, and Laura Trump, too (not sure Ivanka would vouch for you).  Why weren't they called?  Huh? And who is he talking about at the end.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, Zonahorn said:

    Joe Biden is in no universe losing black voters to Donald Trump

    Sorry... wasn't clear.  We are in agreement.  My point is it wasn't just the black turnout that won Georgia for Biden.  In fact, I'd suggest it was secondary to Biden winning the Atlanta suburbs.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 52 minutes ago, Snake Diggity said:

    Georgia is very easy to see going back to Trump, and I consider that likely.  There is too much smoke that black voters are not as energized for Biden this round, and that is what carried him in GA.  That gets Trump to 251.  PA gets Trump over the line but it’s hard to see that happening and hard to see Michigan going for Trump either.  To me, Trump’s path is to win GA and then get Wisconsin and Arizona close enough to have the Supreme Court decide for him.  It’s pretty unlikely.  But not impossible.  I would say it’s more likely Biden wins 2020 plus NC than it is Trump gets to 270.

    47 minutes ago, Zonahorn said:



    Yeah..... Biden outpaced expectations in the counties surrounding Fulton.  The suburban college educated apathetic citizen that Trump woke up with his incompetence first term needs to be reminded why they bothered voting for the first time in a decade in 2020.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    At this point I just assume that he could answer that with "I'm not planning on leaving. I'll just be president until I die, I guess" and it wouldn't affect his poll numbers much, if at all.

    CNN: "Some strong, brash words from Trump. Is saying he'll stay president for life a good or bad thing for Biden? We'll discuss, next." 

    I think it may get some apathetics off the couch though.  There is a massive group of people that just don’t care - they believe their lives are same regardless who wins - and just take for granted our system will handle Trump if he exceeds power.   

    Not trying to change Trump voters minds.  They are beyond lost.  

    • Like 2
  7. 22 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    I tried a new tactic last night, suggested by Ben Wikler of WisDems fame. Asked what % chance they thought he would try to stay in office after a second term.  The idea is if they truly value our republic (lol), anything more than 0 is too much of a risk. 

    Response: Well, if he tried that, “they” wouldn’t let him. And Biden is senile. 

    I just can’t. I. Just. Can’t.  

    Can someone please put him on the record with this question?  While we shouldn't beat around the bush and just ask him straight out "If you win, you know you have to leave office when your term is up in 2029, right?" I'd settle with someone coming at it obliquely with something like -- "if you win, after your term is up in 2028, do you have a list of people that you'd like to see win the republican nomination and be president after you?"

    Although if the dictatorship on day one comment can't get traction, I presume this can't either.


  8. 1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:


    Ex parte communications and assistance like that, not on the record (e.g., not via amicus briefing filed in open court), would be highly unethical and improper.

    So, there's a good chance that it's happening.  Seriously.  In this timeline, I assume the worst.  That has proven to be the safe/correct assumption repeatedly.

    While I don't doubt there may be some of that, I presume she has a bunch of MAGA law clerks that can provide plenty of ammunition for her.  My guess is most of them are way smarter than her.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 1 hour ago, mdmost said:

    But no one cares about that who might vote for Trump. What they claim to care about is immigration and border security. So go non-stop on how the Republicans are failing on this because of Trump. Link the two. Maybe it resonates with some, probably it won't. But stop wasting time when this is the moment to seize on things. Otherwise, it's taking your timeouts into halftime with you. To me, this is 2016 all over again. It should be an f'ing layup to beat Trump. Don't assume people are going to do the right thing again. 

    That’s not going to work either. Everyone other than rounding error that has decided to vote for Trump is going to vote for him no matter what.  He isn’t losing voters.   Everything is about turnout.  Plain and simple.  And it’s going to require constant reminders of the shitshow between 2017 and 2021 combined with testing the apathetics’ “don’t give a shit, nothing matters anyway” defenses with things like loss of reproductive rights, fasicism and Christian nationalism, and revenge politics. The people that don’t think it matters whether Trump or Biden are president are the ones to target.   And they have different triggers.  Keep trying to trigger them into saving the union. 

  10. Bumped.  We are switching it up this summer and going to Park City instead of Vail. We have driven to Vail from Austin the last three years.  Has worked out great.  The drive to Park City looks challenging in two days.  I’d do it no problem just me.  But unless we do it in 3 days and go through Colorado, most of that drive from Albuquerque to Park City looks fucking desolate.  Worried about everything one worries about with two kids that need to hit the head every two hours and an anxious wife who has seen too many “breakdown” movies.  This isn’t really us being cheap more than we like to bring a lot of stuff with us when we go - bikes, fishing poles, etc.  And it could be a ton of fun if done right, it seems.  Thoughts or advice?  

  11. 1 hour ago, Red Five said:

    At this point I don't think anything he says matters. If he started talking about how as President he'll nuke a different US city every day... maybe. Maybe.

    If a reporter asked Trump, “What do you think about republicans in red states wanting to give all unmarried males over 25 the right to conscript their choice of a local unmarried 18-25 year old at an annual mandatory barn dance for marriage, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers style, in order to encourage procreation?”

    his answer would be “Our people are looking into it.”

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 4 hours ago, safe sex said:

    It's not baffling. Lots of people, I'm sure, are in the mindset of "oh it's not good for one party to have all the power even tho the other party is insane and traitorous"

    I know literally zero people that vote like this.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
  13. One of the years ACC hosted WGC  I was at Trianon/Summer Moon on Thursday morning and this straight 10 was ordering coffee a few spots in line ahead of me.  She got her coffee and hopped into her Escalade driven by Dustin Johnson.  And that’s the day I blew my shot with Paulina Gretzky.  But I also remember thinking it was super weird DJ was driving himself.  /csb

    • Haha 1
  14. In an Uber with a boomer driver listening to Fox News Radio.  Apparently Cohen was pantsed today and the entire case is blown and Bragg should just give up now.  Jury clearly ready to acquit etc etc. Defense may not even need to bring a witness. 

    • Haha 1
    • Rage+1 1
    • Drool 1
  15. Draft upside, particularly given our roster. Clingan’s upside is limited.  I have no idea why he is rated so high.  

    i would rather have Edey (although not at 3). Look,  he might be Boban and inconsequential. But I could also see him being a force in limited doses at 7’5”.  You don’t draft him to play heavy minutes next to Sengun.  You play him to wreak havoc in short doses.  And who knows? Maybe he is even better than that.  

    He won me over this year and also seems to have a little fuck you to him.  But that’s really just me saying don’t draft Clingan.  

    In addition to Mitchell, I think one or more of Giannis, AD, Booker, Embiid, or guys like that become available.  I want to be ready for that. 

    I’d love to get Myles Turner on this team.  

  16. Dems are chasing the voters that won’t show up unless they are scared enough by Trump to make it worth their while, right?  So need to get actual sound bites of the shit he told Time and blast that out in swing states.  

    And fucking get him on the record re running in 2028 via audio clip.  Worst case is he answers correctly - “of course I can’t run.” But more likely, he stumbles over it and/or says something to effect of “well, we will see.”  

    And the dictatorship on day 1 shit needs to be put on blast all over again.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
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