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Posts posted by utxmike05

  1. Some of you are high.  Guess I don't get the blackwater love.  It was fought with wildfire magic stuff, Joffrey was a bitch, Hound quit (Im glad he did), and fuckin Tywin Lannister saved the day but we don't see it.  That was the first battle we saw in GOT, but no way better than last night. 

    We have already seen the NK raise dead, that's why none were amazed like hardhomme.  And we already saw Jon kill a WW with one swipe.

    Yea I wish someone would have gone toe to toe with NK, but Arya using her skills was fine with me.

    The Long Night and Battle of the Bastards are the shit.

  2. It wasn't a dragon glass blade, so it had to be valaryian steel.

    Yup same blade from murder attempt on younger Bran back in the day. It passed along too many...Baelish took it from Ned. Then gave it to Bran later...then Bran gave it to Arya recently. Sam had come across it too in his readings.




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  3. Red Witch dishing out temporary assists. Runner up MVP to Arya.

    My arms are sore from watching everyone wielding swords/ax/spears. Damn!

    Still can’t tell which dragon is which. Weren’t the eggs colored...should have had each dragon a distinct color.

    I yelled out “where the fuck did Arya go?!” ten seconds before she appeared with the buzzer beater!

    Her stealth training was put to use for those who thought it was BS no white walkers saw her coming. Kinda would have been cool if she had “faceless man” turned into a white walker to sneak close...but her kill was still bad ass.

    I totally didn’t think the white walkers plot would be finished this episode.

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  4. I liked it. The time travel is what it is. Like they made jokes about it so they didn’t have to explain too much.

    The stone locating missions were kinda cool but too long. The team going to get soul stone should have known they (or one) would be fucked.

    I wanted to see some more fighting earlier but everyone was doing regular civilian life.

    But...when everyone reunited I felt like a lil kid.

    And easily my favorite part was Cap wielding the hammer....when he spun it and uppercutted Thanos with it I went from six to midnight. Lil homo.

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  5. 4 hours ago, wild_turkey said:

    The situation with the Golden Company sort of annoys me. Most of the Lannister army was destroyed in season 7 so Cersei just buys another one from Essos. They make it seem like there's an Amazon Prime for ordering armies. It kinda takes away the consequences of a devastating battle if the survivors can replenish seemingly overnight. 

    Euron is a similar situation with his Iron Fleet. He was down to nothing but now he magically has the biggest fleet in the world because...the writers said so.

    And iron born can also build ships super fast. Probably picked up a crew at home depot.

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  6. Biggest problem with the How to Train Your Dragon scene was why don’t they use them to do some scouting of the WW army location? I thought that’s what they were going to do and get some snacks for the Dragons along the way.

    “Hey, my Dragons are starving so let’s ride them and waste their energy...”

    Winterfell seems like a horrible location to survive in. Alamo part 2 is about to happen.

    Some fan favorite characters will start dying soon. We haven’t really had a shocking death since Red Wedding (to a good guy). (Or Oberyn)

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  7. Finished the series last month. “Dont Stop Believing” playing in a burger place right now...I cant enjoy my food. Keep looking at the door.

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  8. I'm glad Paulie lived.  Likable asshole our all the assholes.

    Chris was the shittiest most annoying one on the show.  I wish he would have went out worse.

    Tony did what he had to do as mentioned by others....he had to go so he stops hurting others and no risk of bringing down the family.

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  9. I had seen a youtube video breaking down the final season trailer...showing the Stark kids running through the crypts below Winterfell.  It was mentioned maybe dead Starks will be raised from the dead (assuming actually physically buried there), and used by the WW.  Or maybe the good guys wind magic tricks to do the same and dead Starks rise to help them.  5 more days!!!

  10. Michael. When you start buying watches Hollywoodcolt won’t bitch about?  Also, very nice. 

    Haha. Traded the Jetsons watch straight up for it. ;) (and quite a few others)


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