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Posts posted by utxmike05

  1. On 3/23/2019 at 10:13 PM, GabrielsHorn said:

    Saw it and don’t know if I liked or didn’t like it. The message of the film is muddied to say the least, but the acting, cinematography and music were all really well done. 

    Think the movie really fell flat on its explanation for what was happening. 

    Kinda where I am as well.  I've been reading reviews and discussing with my friend I saw it with.  And the nerd in me wants to know more about the tethered and how/wtf/wth....some of my questions are probably irrelevant to the overall theme, but still some holes (as in any movie).  Pretty cool original story though and well filmed.

  2. I liked it. I picked out the head Skrull actor as soon as I heard his voice. Had some light humor similar to latest Thor and Galaxy Guys. 90s setting was fun also.

    Alamo had a good preview thing they do before a movie when you get in early before trailers. It had videos of a narrator explaining the history of Capt Marvel and all the versions.

    No nudity but I was Brie would show those tig ol bitties.

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  3. First time visiting the Houston store. I fought the urge and just had them clean mine. They told me they will have a tech full time by end of the year. They would be able to do in-house service (to an extent). Gasket replacements are free though.


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  4. 12 hours ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:
    Mike, you own some really ugly watches. Were you on acid when you bought that jetson’s tribute watch?



    All old gifts...except far right

    Jetson from mom.

    Your mom. We were both high affff

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  5. 2 hours ago, BBQ2Bayou said:
    Mind if I ask where? I love Hamilton watches. 


    I got quite a few Hammys I’m open to selling....except the far right. DM if interested



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  6. Looking for a watch for my wedding....this is the front runner after I saw it (for sale used) at my friend's store were I got the ring. 

    I got 8 months to sell some older watches...and may have to cut back on the catering...



    • Like 4
  7. On 2/12/2019 at 3:18 PM, huge said:

    I have bought and sold used on the Watchuseek forum.  Would recommend.

    Nice. I have been trying to build up my # of posts on their so I can get access to sale.  Ebay really drains you..10% + 3% paypal fee when selling.

  8. Bunch of haters and apparently future Hollywood writers/directors in here.  So what was THE best movie of the year?  Everyone has different opinions/likes.  Yall act like your sports team got robbed.  Who cares.  Dont watch a movie jf you won’t like it. Just like I won’t watch the favourite bc I hate old british costume stuff. 

    • Like 1
  9. 37 minutes ago, naija said:

    was apparent this was going to be a disappointment about 4 episodes in.

    Im glad my body was ready for the letdown.  Just great acting wasted smh   

    Lame story that I never really cared about to get dragged out 40 something years.  Were we really supposed to care about Julie that much?  Nothing better happened to these guy’s careers over this span that they sulked over it?

    One eyed man basically tells the entire mystery in 3 mins and spirit of wife tells Hayes about Julie being still alive (all 40yrs later). Jeezus, Worst Detectives.  

    What a shitty couple they were also...hated seeing scenes between them. 

    Only person I feel bad for is Mr. Purcell.  

    I think I prefer Season 2 over this one as far as content. Yea I said it  


  10. 20 hours ago, futureman said:


    it’s not formulaic, it happened.  it makes an effort to show unity between black and white at a time when people, like yourselves, would prefer for there to be division.  shirley has a line in the movie where he says you don’t win without maintaining your dignity.  that’s what the movie is about, holding onto your dignity when you’re faced with adversity.  well, nobody wants to be dignified right now.  you want division.  see jussie smollett.  

    and shirley and lip were good friends, contrary to what ATLasshat read in his pinko commie rag. 

    This. Green Book and Star is Born are my top 2.  Green Book haters if you don’t care about the true story, the actors deserve it.  I would watch a sequel. 

  11. I don’t think the wife called Hoyt. Hoyt came over the next morning before Hays told his wife anything.

    Roland dirty...eh. If he is then pretty good at playing it off. Although at times he does seem to want to “kill” the case or any momentum that they have. Example: Hayes getting out of the car when Roland wanted to call it a day. I dunno.

    Hoyt must have been alerted by something when Harris was pulled over. They thought he reached for a gun but it was probably some pager or something instead. No way they put it all together in 12 hrs and arrive at Hayes without some signal.

    I hope there is some real shady/creepy thing going on (even though that sounds fucked up). I don’t want the Hoyt to actually be some sorta nice guy saving kids from dangerous homes. Better be some twisted stuff! Julie better show face too.

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  12. I am enjoying it but think payoff will be limited.  Fool me twice and all. Performances are good enough for me to get beyond that. 

    Kinda where I am. I imagine we are not going to get clear cut answers to everything. Or maybe not even see the chicken club or whatever. Since well....it’s 2015 now and not solved. They going to shake down the nursing homes for the guilty chicken company people?

    Great acting as always but some scenes are irrelevant and they dance around the important things they should drill into. Hope it’s more than just a town conspiracy and cover up.

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  13. On season 4 now.  Such a let down when each season finale ends with zero cliffhanger or drama. They all just kinda...end.   Not like every series nowadays which has big ending scenes. 

  14. 13 hours ago, TexasEd said:

    What size tires did you get?  thinking of getting 235/60R15 on mine

    Currently running 245/60 R15.  Next set I would like to widen back a lil and go to 235 in front.  Purely for looks, I have been happy w current set. 

  15. Love the Seamaster 300s, but the lack of date would drive me nuts.

    Agreed. It’s probably my favorite I own bc I have 4 straps/bands, but hard to wear everyday....I often catch myself glancing at the dial looking for the date.

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