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Everything posted by BrickTop

  1. They’re heading northeast and getting out they were finally convinced of the seriousness.
  2. Jesus I had no idea it was that bad, will no longer be waiting for last minute decision making
  3. I was still in Austin then so no, I’ve been in Houston since 2013 only experienced Harvey....I’m in emergency services so wouldn’t leave anyway just thinking of contingency plans for a wife, mother 2 kids and a dog
  4. In theory how well would a last minute evacuation of Houston go should the need arise?
  5. Lol well they are talking to her and she seems intent on riding it out I’m a pretty ballsy guy but no way in hell, my fear would be when the ocean winds up in my yard, power goes out and the water starts rising then the r da ligation maybe you made a grave mistake. I can think of better ways of dying
  6. My buddy’s wife’s mom couldn’t get out of Lake Charles is that like the target zone for the surge? They tried to tell her but she turned because 1-10 was borked and didn’t want to sit in traffic
  7. My chief won’t believe it until the nhc says it
  8. What’s funny is they’re saying they don’t want to put another 7 million people in play(Houston area) unless they have to, yet they’ve been liberal enough bouncing that cone around over the last few
  9. https://tropicaltidbits.com, I’m a shift captain for a fire department in the burbs of Houston they’re watching this close will decide whether to all call everyone at 10 am Tommorrow
  10. I think maybe this is the one he’s referring to.
  11. Maybe someone here knows? Why does twc have 3 spaghetti modes sliding west towards Houston with only one heading towards New Orleans for Marco?
  12. That ridge of high pressure is steering it, the further west it sinks the further west Laura shifts from how he explained it rides the outside of that high pressure and then it turns up
  13. Like Levi said, if it passes south of Cuba the track favors Texas, north of Cuba Louisiana, apparently it’s all about the “launch point”
  14. Makes me think it’s bs or just hasn’t been reported yet can’t find it anywhere else
  15. I’m in the fire service they are doing 10 days after onset of initial symptoms we have had 5 cases out of 28 guys
  16. I tried subbing it out one year with a 45/70 promptly saw and missed the biggest axis buck I’ve seen in my life, would of been great too as I was on a 1 buck 1 doe hunt for 300 bucks regardless of size the guy had never seen or ever saw an axis again on his land
  17. It’s definitely never let me down with the exception of ammo, I bought some rando’s hand loads in bulk about 10 years ago off gunbroker because my Ammo search came up empty, biggest take was a 450 pound boar at 225 yards, pretty much dropped him where he stood? This round decent for stepping up to larger game? Bullet itself is smallish but it does have great velocity
  18. My apologies it’s a 600, always mix those up, stubby little thing
  19. I have a 660 in 6.5 Remington magnum learned to hunt with it, still have the same Nikon scope since 1990, I have inherited it when my dad passed, Ammo is hard to find and expensive and not easy to reload. The damn gun kicks like a mule too and is loud I know there are better options but I can’t bring myself to hunt with anything else, it has anchored everything I’ve ever shot with it within 10 feet and is an absolute laser, serial number has it from the early sixties.
  20. BrickTop


    And I work with a girl exactly like Teeter, but far less attractive.
  21. BrickTop


    I mean I understand pride and all but 500 million or lose it? Build a bigger one for about half that in south Texas, and spend the rest on hookers and blow, still plenty of people for kayce to kill
  22. Absolutely how do I do That
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