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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by George

  1. 4 hours ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    at the exact moment of detonation, there were 5 guys within 3.5 feet of the explosion. 4 of whom have a clear line of sight to getting peppered with shrapnel. the 5th guy may be covered by some boxes and 2 guys bodies in front of him... however, within 3 feet of that kind of explosion, the pressure wave royally fucks with your internal guts and hes probably dead in a few hours anyway from hemorrhaging.   

    The guy who runs basically due north ends up being about 7 feet away at impact.  he probably survives the pressure wave, but hes taking up about 10 degrees of arc radius of the explosion, so really good chance hes been peppered.

    The guy  who runs due south end up being about 7 feet away from it, with several bodies in front of him.... pretty good chance he got away unscathed

    that leaves the guy on the stretcher.  using the stretcher as the measuring stick hes sitting up about 6 feet from the explosion- hes got about 5 degrees of unobstructed arc radius.... so hes probably got some new holes in him, and clearly wasnt able to move easily before that... barring a super unlucky hit, in the US army he lives..... not sure about being in the Russian army.

    So I am going with 7 casualties, 5 of whom probably died from wounds.

    You mind drawing this up in ms paint for us? :)

    • Haha 3
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