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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by George

  1. 19 minutes ago, Gravy Train said:

    It's not even about the "attack" but all the economic and strategic pain our allies would bring about, with an economic game of chicken to brew and wait for China to break first-- because they well.  Naval blockades and denial of access to food, energy, and rare earths imports would break them in a matter of weeks.  Yes, that will all hurt us too, but I hope our lazy and naive politicians have realized enough that the CCP's butt-fumbles (cargo, manufacturing, Covid-19) are severe enough to diversify and onshore.

    I believe butt-punt is the preferred nomenclature. 

    • Haha 1
  2. I think I might dig the user experience. Seems like you can switch ‘channels’ and it keeps your spot in the main stream. We’ll see if it carries over to the game action. 

    im using prime app on Apple TV. 

  3. This seems like a good thread to temporarily derail with a Verizon 5G/cell question. 

    I live in west McKinney and have Verizon cell service and it’s absolute dog shit. I can have 4 bars of LTE or 5G and get no service. Any idea what would cause that?  Has been like this for 1-2 years and on multiple devices. How would I even begin to troubleshoot that or get someone from Verizon to actually give me an answer? That last one is lol-worthy, I know. 

    previous attempts to reach out they said it was a temporary service issue which was obvious bs. 

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