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Posts posted by 1leggedduck

  1. Top 2019 Football Team Recruiting Classes per Rivals as of 10/11/2018 fify

    This will change as the ag coaster runs out of manure fuel and plummets to the ground. Wouldn't surprise me if last week's game didn't cost the gooners a recruit or two. The mantra was "just win." We be doin that.

  2. I'm not a Tim Beck fan, but anything that changes the regular flow of things just scares me to death {hand wringing}. On the other hand, if things go as they have been going, or better, many theories gain traction. Either way, hope the guy gets better.

  3. On the non-safety play, am I the only one who thinks we should have handed the ball off 3 times hoping for a 1st down, but being satisfied with more room to work with on the punt? As it turned out, the short run to the punter gave us a 1st down, but I didn't like Sam scrambling around in his own end zone. History suggests that having him drop back in what he may feel is a desperate situation is dicey, at best. Generally, I saw some improved play calling. This and the throwback to Sam, and the failure to throw more to TE/FB in the middle of the field being the exceptions.

  4. The Trade Center. Haven't thought about that place in a while. Haven't needed a knockoff fashion item, bad movie DVDs dubbed in Spanish or a fake id lately. I always wondered who would buy a surplus, offshore survival pod. What does one do up in them things, other than get shot by SEAL snipers.

  5. The reason I remain an optimist is because last year they went out and got honest to gawd, motherfucking Verlander, and he is such a bad ass. I was hand wringing before that happened. So maybe, just maybe, the  pen will get some much needed help. 

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