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Posts posted by Jhawkmvp

  1. 4 hours ago, Wanker Bob said:

    Americans threw away all their freedoms and condoned a surveillance state constantly spying on them because of 3k deaths. Americans are acting like their rights (which they threw away for 3k deaths) are being violated and are ignoring a threat that's killing well over 50k Americans in less than 2 months. 

    Why are Americans so fucking stupid? 

    Who's that guy that moved to the Czech this year? How does one go about this?

    I currently work in South Korea and will retire to a little spot by the sea on an island in the Philippines some day in the future.  The main ways to get a visa in many foreign countries (outside of employment or marriage) are retirement visas which usually require showing a steady income stream (like social security and/or pensions) or investment visas which require investing or depositing X amount of dollars into a business or bank in that country. Most countries have some form of the latter while the former is a smaller number, mostly in South America or Asia.

  2. That bump for Trump is gone. A lot of interesting information from this YouGov/Yahoo News poll.  Worth reading. Here are some highlights:


    After a brief period during which some polls found more Americans approving of Trump's coronavirus response than not, half of them (50 percent) now disapprove, according to the Yahoo News/YouGov survey, compared to only 42 percent who approve. Among registered voters, that gap is even wider: 54 percent disapprove vs. 43 percent approve.

    Likewise, only 38 percent of Americans are satisfied the Trump administration is doing everything it can to stop the virus; 47 percent say they are not satisfied. That spread — 9 percentage points — has more than doubled over the last two weeks.


    Of those who have heard from the president in the last seven days, a full 56 percent rate his performance as either fair or poor. Wide majorities also believe the president is doing only a fair or poor job on a variety of leadership metrics, including unifying the country (59 percent fair or poor); organizing the government’s response (56 percent fair or poor); communicating with the public (55 percent fair or poor); listening to scientists (57 percent fair or poor); relating to problems faced by average Americans (58 percent fair or poor); and taking bold actions (53 percent fair or poor). Each of those ratings has worsened since the previous Yahoo News/YouGov poll was conducted in late March.

    Part of the reason for that decline may be that Americans increasingly blame Trump for the vast scale of the U.S. coronavirus outbreak. Asked how much the president could have reduced the damage if he’d acted sooner, 65 percent said “a lot” (40 percent) or “somewhat” (25 percent). Only 36 percent said “slightly” (14 percent) or not at all (22 percent). Likewise, the percentage of Americans who say the Trump administration was not adequately prepared to deal with the deadly pathogen has risen from 51 percent a month ago to 63 percent today, while the percentage who say the administration was adequately prepared has fallen from 30 percent to 22 percent.

    That’s a net shift of 20 percentage points — and it has been driven mostly by Republicans. One month ago, 15 percent of Republicans told Yahoo News and YouGov that the administration was not adequately prepared for the pandemic. Today, after the president has stopped dismissing the threat of the coronavirus and started predicting as many as 240,000 Americans could die from it, nearly twice as many Republicans (29 percent) think his administration did not adequately prepare.

    More Americans than not — 45 percent to 32 percent — also say government officials should not encourage the use of hydroxychloroquine



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  3. 42 minutes ago, NorthLoop said:

    Wait.. water goes bad?

    Many disposable plastic water and soda bottles contain the chemicals antimony and bisphenol A (BPA). They are leeched into the water/soda from the bottle when left in direct sunlight or a high heat environment (like a car in summer) for too long. They have been linked to reduced sperm/hormone levels, cancer, heart problems, and stomach ulcers and a host of less long term illnesses/problems. 


  4. 15 minutes ago, mulletpelini said:

    the fucking entitlement is what gets me.  I blame the dads.  You put them up on a gotdamn pedestal and now we get to deal with this shit the rest of our ragey lives.

    I'm telling my sons to find women from 3rd world countries fuck this shit.


    As someone with a wife from a 3rd world country, Eddie Murphy was right. With Facebook and social media they will talk to other women from their country that have foreign husbands that let them get and do everything they want and then they will start asking for the same.  Not to mention American women getting hold of them if you live in the USA. There is no safe wife pool.



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  5. 8 hours ago, Goredho said:

    I think he's keenly aware of the magnificence of Ivanka's manufactured tits.

    "Look at these magnificent tits.  Glorious.  They don't have tits like this in China.  Only in America will you see tits like this, and that's a good thing, am I right?"

    Not so fast. 

    Video: Tech developer makes her breast implants glow | Daily Mail ...

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  6. In South Korea school is being delayed again until Mid-April. When it starts it will be online for the foreseeable future. 

    My employer added another requirement besides masks. Now we have to get our temperatures taken twice a day. If your temperature is over 37.5 degrees C (99.5 degrees F), you have to go home and get tested before you are able to return to work, if the test is negative.

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  7. 11 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Actually, there are two big issue that makes wet markets different:

    1 -- the conditions in which the animals are kept and slaughtered.   Stacked on top of each other to insure cross-contamination (and inter-species mutations and transfers of pathogens), stressed beyond belief so as to make them more susceptible to infection, and slaughtered in a manner that allows for cross-infection with humans.

    2 -- bats.  Bats are a particularly dangerous animal when it comes to dangerous pathogens that can make the inter-species jump.  The hypothesis is that bat immune systems are so strong that they actually harbor only the strongest of pathogens, AND, they don't succumb to them -- so they are great carriers.  Bats are the source of Ebola.  The best thinking is that they are the source of MERS, SARS, and COVID-19.  Man needs to stay the fuck away from bats.  All bats.  Always.

    I shudder to think about what those poor bats are being exposed to at Kyle Field.

  8. 6 hours ago, cam4mav said:

    - just like everybody else, praised the administration Trump and Pence, for their open communication with the state. Having "good conversations"

    - When asked for how those conversations go, he visibly had to pause and just say they are going well and we want to keep that communication going. Sure looks like he wants to call Trump a numpty but can't cause he knows he'll get cut off.

    The governors know they will get no help if they call out Trump and only get help by praising him. Trump will use those soundbites of Democratic governors in campaign adds in the fall to try convince the idiots, I mean American public, he did a great job addressing the  COVID-19 virus.

  9. It is so weird reading about all the panic buying going on in the USA, but it is not surprising considering the average American. Here in South Korea, stores look the same as they ever did. No hoarding. People just buying what they need to get them through the week.   Then again the government here jumped on things quickly and South Koreans almost universally followed precautions to limit the spread of the virus (social distancing, masks, hand washing, etc), plus have universal health care. If it were not for one lady, breaking quarantine to attend multiple religious services, attended by thousands, the number of cases here would have been much lower. Too bad America is full of people like that lady. 

    The school year start (school year starts at the beginning of March here) was just pushed back another 2 weeks as well. 



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  10. In the South Korean news they are reporting that a couple hundred North Korean soldiers have died and they have over 5000 cases in just their military alone. North Korea is still denying they have had any cases. I imagine the civilian population is going to suffer extremely as the military gets everything there while the civilians get the left overs. During the famines that killed millions the military got all the food. I am betting they are getting most of the health care as well. 

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  11. The USA is going to get hit hard almost for certain. When I left S. Korea to visit the USA there had only been 30 or so cases. When I returned 2 weeks later, there were around four thousand cases. A week later (today) they have around eight thousand cases. Korean's also took it seriously early on and followed the governments instructions on how to avoid it and it still spread, and is spreading, quickly. This in a country where you can get a test for it anywhere, everyone is wearing a mask, and everyone has government provided health care that they use at the slightest sign of illness. The mortality rate is only .6% due to it.   The USA containing it now, when the country lacks tests for the virus,  has high health care costs which cause people to wait until they are often very sick to seek help, and has a president and administration providing bad information that at least 40% of the population will follow to their detriment and others is a bad mix for it not spreading quickly. Hope I am wrong though.

  12. 3 hours ago, SameSame said:

    We all know he is internally bitchmade, but you know what he sounds like is someone with a serious drug problem.

    Say one thing one day, the next day completely contradict himself or just say he never said it in the first place.

    Mood swings out of nowhere. Jumpy and nonsensical.  That somebody coming up and down off dope.


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  13. 55 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

    Why are we wasting so much money on a hoax that was going to go away in April when it got warm? I was told the 15 patients here would probably be zero soon anyway. 


    South Korea, a country 1/6 the size of the USA, just put $20B towards fighting the Corona virus. Plus, they have universal health care here so everyone goes to the doctor here anytime they get an inkling of being ill, so they are probably are catching most of the cases out there and getting them treated ASAP, which is why the mortality rate here is so low compared to other affected countries. They are also extremely community focused which is why everyone is wearing a mask and isolating as much as possible here.  If it ever breaks out big in the USA, it will likely get ugly fast with all the uninsured and under-insured.

    A worldwide recession is coming. It is just a matter of how big it becomes. Some companies in Korea have shut down manufacturing because they can't get parts they need from China. It will start happening in the US soon if it hasn't already.  A lot of businesses just closed since nobody is going out much. If the virus ever gets loose in the USA like it has in China and South Korea, we could be looking a depression instead of a recession.

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  14. I just returned to South Korea yesterday after 16 days in the USA. Interesting to see the change in a couple weeks. When I left there had only been a few cases like the USA, but while I was gone it started spreading quickly. First flight back here was canceled (Japan Airlines), but I was able to fly American Airlines over. The flight over to the USA was full; however, on the flight back every single passenger had 3 seats to themselves.  You could nap laying down. The airport immigration is usually 10-15 minute wait. Most stations were closed, I waited less than 2 minutes. They had temperature cameras set up and people in full body suits between the gates and immigration. The only people getting special attention were the Chinese who had to go through a different line, and the people with body suits, to enter. I was actually surprised how easy it was to enter, if you were not Chinese. Pretty much business as usual for non-Chinese travelers.

    I flew to Seoul then took the high speed train to where I live, since my city flies through Tokyo when you go east to the USA and Japan suspended all flights to S. Korea. If I flew there, I would have had to wait a day, so it was faster just to take train down from Seoul. The KTX (high speed train) was almost empty. Of 15 cars, only 2-3 had people and those cars were like 15-20% full. The subways/buses I have taken the last couple days were also very empty, like 10% of capacity.

    Everyone has a mask (99%). Masks were already in high supply here as people often wear them when sick here and/or on days when the pollution that blows over from China is very bad.  Though the average mask is not going to be very effective keeping you safe from infection, they are much better at keeping a sick person wearing one from passing it on. So everyone wearing one should help a lot. Hand sanitizer is provided at many businesses for people entering and exiting the building. A lot of businesses are closed or open only during the busiest part of the day and are extremely slow even then. Schools are suspended 3 weeks. My employer requires a mask to enter the building. Everyone spends as much time as they can isolated at home for the most part. 

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  15. Back in those days the top schools could have well over a hundred guys on scholarship and bogart all the top talent. Some teams prior to 1973 had over 150 players on scholarship as it was only limited by what you could afford.  In 1973 schools were limited to 105 scholarships (to free up money for women's sports), in 1978 to 95, then later in 1992 to 85.  It was easier to be very dominant pre-1990, and especially  before 1978.

  16. 2 hours ago, NWBuck said:

    Eight More Years!

    (drinks bleach)


    It would be fucking hilarious if they successfully argue that a president, who is not convicted in an impeachment trial, should get a 3rd term, due to the distraction, which allows Bill Clinton to run again and win. Limbaugh's head would explode.

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  17. 54 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

    If he's the nominee and he finds a way to challenge Trump to a pushup contest without it coming off as weird or creepy, he will swing some voters his way. It would rule so hard.

    Trump wins this easy. His belly would already be touching the floor in the up position. He would just move his arms up and down like a floundering turtle.

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