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Posts posted by Jhawkmvp

  1. On 4/20/2019 at 12:21 PM, suddenly shaggy said:

    It's hard to take your posts seriously without a shitty meme or complaint about Twitter. 

    I'll post your favorite for you to get us back on track. 


    The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing Jesus he wanted Hillary Clinton to win the presidency.

    • Like 1
  2. On 4/7/2019 at 3:56 AM, RomaVicta said:

    I don't know what the solution to the immigration issue is, but I have long despised characterizing persons like you describe as evil. In my young days I worked a lot of outdoor, blue collar jobs with guys who barely spoke English.

    They worked hard. They lived cheap. They sent money to their families. They didn't harm anyone.

    That's the best kind of man. Same goes for the women who work in homes across the nation.

    We're not spitting out evil by sending them away. The evil is in the vile language used to falsely portray them.

    People are pretty much the same all over the world. Most are good, a few are bad. Some are smart, some are dumb. Some work hard, some don't. Most just want a better life for themselves and their families.  More Americans need to travel abroad and learn this. Too bad only like 1/3 of us even have passports.  You get a better perspective on people and the strengths and weaknesses of the USA when you live or visit other countries for an extended period of time and get to know the locals.

    • Like 5
  3. On 3/9/2019 at 9:35 AM, retread said:


    Look for a nuclear South Korea and Japan in the near future. Our nukes prevented allies from developing their own since they trusted us to use them in their defense, if necessary; however, we have now become an undependable ally. Decades of relationships being torn down in less than two years based on the whims of one person.  Nukes guarantee you can make any conflict no win for the other side, even if they are much stronger than you, and regardless of alliances. It's the reason NK was never going to give them up. Maybe a few Euro countries look at the option as well. 

  4. 19 hours ago, Gatorubet said:

    From a state with idiots in Government, I must admit that I am impressed with the idiots that Texas elects.

    I think Kansas could tell Texas and Florida to hold our beer if we were the same population size. EMAW!

    I shudder to think of what Oklahoma or Alabama could do.

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  5. Trump is doing this so Turkey will drop their investigation into the Khashoggi murder at the bidding of his Saudi masters. Turkey gets to go after the Kurds, who we abandoned after the first Gulf war and looks like we are going to abandon again. This is terrible. We once again demonstrate we cannot be depended on as an ally on the world stage. Russia is loving this.

    • Like 7
  6. Only hire announced so far. Not sure who he will retain, if any, from the previous staff; however, most seem to think Hull has been offered to be retained, but might be weighing other offers. He was the one pulling guys out of LA and was the RB coach.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Kyle said:

    I'll respectfully disagree with you. I realize I'm asking for it, but despite the ESPN hype, Baylor had two arrests and those players never played / never played again after being arrested. Osbourne had myriad arrested criminals playing for him regularly. Baylor certainly dropped the ball in its governance, but much of it was accusation with not a ton proven - those that were were dealt with. No, not making excuses, but I think don't think just because a young black guy is accused he's automatically guilty. Yes, I read the Pepper Hamilton report as well as the formal letter from the university exonerating Briles. Like anything that garners popular opinion, there is often a distinction between popular opinion and reality, which is not to say there was nothing but to say it likely was not to the scale of the social media storm.

    Not trying to derail, so feel free to flame /neg away, but I'm not going to respond so as to keep on topic. I'm not defending every action Baylor took at all, but I also think it is no worse than TCU, Nebraska, FSU, etc. The university just completely mishandled the crisis and allowed it to take a life of its own.

    My beef with Osbourne in addition to putting winning above women is his ridiculous hypocrisy. I'll given Fisher, Patterson, Briles credit at least that they were not pretending to be something they are not. I don't see how a man can speak at Promise Keepers one day and have Lawrence Philips play the next.

    You blast Osborne for being a hypocritical Christian and then defend Baylor and Briles?  Fuck Baylor and fuck Briles and their rape enabling ways. Yeah Briles did not pretend to be something he is not ... like a good Christian. Not hypocritical at all.  Not a ton proven? Multiple players convicted of rape, a high number of women paid off to avoid going to court and having lawyers crawl up Baylor's ass with a microscope. Starr and Briles forced out. The university intentionally limited what PH could investigate then only wanted a verbal report and a short summary, not a full written report, because they knew if it got out they would be fucked in court. Baylor refusing to be transparent and hiding behind their status as a private university to avoid disclosing things that a public university would have to. The scandal was probably worse than we think because Baylor did everything they could to cover it up and then limit the damage when it got out.  Are you a BU grad? 


    • Like 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

    Yeah Barron is completely off limits.

    Fuck the rest.

    I do give Tiffany more of a pass than the other three though. She hasn’t been involved in any of the garbage except showing up as silent background support at debates and the convention and the like. She’s kept her head down and pretty much stayed out of the spotlight.

    She is doing just enough to stay in the will.

  9. 5 hours ago, LTtxfan said:

    Surprised Mad Hatter's contract is only $2.775M per year with retention bonuses in Nov.2020 and Nov.2022..... 5 years total. 

    Gonna be interesting to learn about guaranteed amount and other possible benefits paid separately by alumni instead of the School.

    Nice to wake up to this news in Asia. Surprised that we got him for that amount per year. I assumed $4-5M. Means we will be able to more easily afford bigger name coordinators.  I assume there will be heavy incentives included.  Really interested to see what he can do with recruiting this class as we have 1 recruit right now. Hiring him is a win; hiring him at that annual salary is amazing.

  10. Senate will flip in 2020. Democrats had to defend 24 seats versus 9 for the Republicans in the mid-terms. Two independents, who vote with Democrats mostly, also had to defend. Next time Republicans will do the majority of the defending of senate seats. It won't be pretty. 

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  11. KU overachieved my expectations this year, but Beaty sold out the next couple years to get in JUCO guys to try to save his job this season. Glad they let him go. Recruiting is a mess right now.  It was a gamble taking a position coach as a HC who would learn on the job. A gamble that failed spectacularly. They hoped if he failed he would still recruit well enough that KU would have full roster and some talent when he was let go. Instead with the last 2 years of JUCO heavy classes and transfers out, we are only slightly better off than when Weis was fired.  I think we can only offer 15 or so scholarships this year.   

    I think KU will pay enough to at least talk to some good coaches. KU paid $2.5M to Gill and Weis which was top 20ish at the time. I think KU will pay $4-5M+ to the right coach. Making Long one of the highest paid ADs in the country shows KU is willing to pay to get things fixed with FB.  Fixed for KU would be to win 5-7 games consistently (be in the hunt for a bowl game most years) and not be an easy win for the middle of the conference.   Maybe an outlier year like 1995 or 2007 every decade or so.  See Mangino, Mason, and Gottfried. Problem is KU never follows those coaches with one who can maintain competitiveness; therefore, KU is always trying to rebuild the FB program. KU needs someone who knows how to run a successful program to set a solid foundation for the program going forward. Even a coach with only 4-5 years left would be a successful hire if they can manage that. 

    Like Jhawk, I'd like to bring an option offense like GT or the service academies. We are behind the eight ball on recruiting being in a small state that we share with another P5 program.  A running based offense would allow us to recruit guys with flaws who could excel in a running offense. It would also be hard to prepare for and players that excel versus pass oriented attacks often struggle with smash mouth.  In the end though, bringing in the right coach is more important than the offense he decides to run.

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  12. Beaty mettles constantly with the offense and doesn't let the OC just run things and call plays that best suit our personnel. He might as well take over since he interferes so much.  Carter Stanley has been the best QB on the roster for 3 years and Beaty seems to hate him. He is the opposite of a QB whisperer. Former QBs Cozart (BSU) and Willis (VT) have both done well since they left KU. I assume Stanley will grad transfer after this year and do well somewhere else.  Beaty also loves the air raid and doesn't run the ball enough. Our OL has been a mess pretty much for 4 years and this OL group is new as well; our RBs have been the most talented group on the team, IMO, for the last few years. However, Beaty would rather pass than run, even though running is easier for a less talented, cohesive OL unit to do and that is where our talent lies (RB). It would also keep our defense off the field a little longer and shorten games. Can't wait for the day he is let go.

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