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Not that Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Not that Bob

  1. "Talk to your doctor or medical practitioner". Actually you can buy these on Amazon, but medical advice wouldn't hurt.

    When geting out of bed, "dangle", hang your feet and legs over the edge of the bed for 30 seconds until your blood has a chance to equalize. Getting out of a chair, stand by the chair for 30 seconds to see if you are going to need to sit back down. I'm going to be a merciless, obnoxious "I told you so" if you fall and bust a bone. 


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  2. Okay, I know I'm starting to be a nag...but yes it is a big deal. If you fall and break a bone your exercise plans go to hell in the proverbial handbasket. There goes your diet plan for months while your bone heals. Nag. Nag. Nag. 

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  3. I remember this time I was listening to some Tannehill Weavers. It was really getting good to me...full on toe tapping and head bobbing. I looked up and said to myself, "Wait a dadgum minute! You're jamming  your ass off to...bagpipes!??!" Oh well. Wasn't the last time.


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  4. 4 hours ago, Buzzrock said:

    Have y’all reached the point yet where you don’t tell your wives things because you know it will lead to a lengthy and pointless conversation?

    Friend of mine calls this “Need to know basis”. Does she really “need to know this”? Is there some danger or serious outcome if she doesn’t have this information? If she doesn’t “need to know” then just keep quiet.  There’s nothing good to come of it otherwise. 

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  5. I’m no good at the maths but it looks like you have lost around 4 lbs. since Monday. Man, in my thinking that’s phenomenal. You had a short plateau but now you are losing again. I’m in awe of your success. I hope you feel some pride/hope/motivation from your successes.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 32 minutes ago, swraith said:

    I applaud the work that this landowner is doing it.  However, it strikes me that he faces long odds if the regulatory agencies won't aggressively enforce rules and regulations.  If ultimately, Greg Abbott wants Elon Musk business here in Texas, it strikes me that the portfolio of Musk companies will be able to get away with most rule-breaking.

    Texas regulatory agencies have been flaccid since long before Greg Abbott. 

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