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Posts posted by Woland

  1. My kids’ preschool is fully open for “camp” in the month of June. Surely I’m not the only one that thinks this is crazy, right?
    They are requiring temperature checks, masks while indoors and keeping the classes small...but still. No way to enforce social distancing with a bunch of 3-5 year olds.
    Surely (surly) this is bad news waiting to happen...right??? 

    Maybe not. Small children seem not to be able to receive sufficient viral load, but I haven’t done any reading on it in weeks and the the knowledge bank is expanding rapidly.
  2. Our Secretary of the Treasury was/is a big player. 




    After the housing bust, a group of men profited by destroying the American dream of homeownership for hundreds of thousands of families. On Reveal, we learn how these Homewreckers — many of whom are close to President Donald Trump — did it and meet a woman who fought back. 

    • Like 1
  3. Remember the wall? I’m guessing the same people who are accusing others of living in fear because they choose to stay at home, keep social distance, and wear a mask are the same people who demand a wall to keep out the hordes of rapists and murderers from the south. And don’t forget liberals, Democrats, socialists, black presidents, women who wear hijabs, and congressmen with Puerto Rican backgrounds.

    • Like 8
  4. Correct, it was a voluntary interview in Flynn's own office. 

    I’m lazy tonight. Do you have a link? Nothing I have found discusses these specifics and I would love to bring up that it was voluntary to a couple of folks. The way they make it sound, he was kidnapped and underwent water boarding.
  5. 22 hours ago, Jack Straw said:

    do share - did you use a recipe for that or sort of make it up as you went? ive been trying to formulate a mushroom dish along those lines to put over creamy polenta


    ½ stick butter

    5 tbsp olive oil

    2 lb 4 oz white mushrooms

    4 fast garlic cloves, finely chopped

    1 fresh red chili, de-seeded and finely chopped

    1 tbsp lemon juice

    salt and pepper

    fresh parsley sprigs, to garnish



    1.Heat the butter with the olive oil in a large, heavy-bottom skillet. When the butter has melted, add the mushrooms, garlic, and chili and cook over medium-low heat, stirring frequently, for 5 minutes.

    2.Stir in the lemon juice and season to taste with salt and pepper.

    3.Transfer to warmed serving dishes and serve immediately, garnished with parsley sprigs.

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  6. Help me out here.  There's some video from an anti-vaxxer that every fucking loon on my FB feed has posted.  Something about how the virus is a plot from the government or something.  It's like they all took marching orders at once.  I'd post it here but I don't want my computer getting AIDS.

    Can someone tell me what's going on here?  Why are the loons all coming out at once?

    The plandemic conspiracy? Susceptible users of FB are already catalogued through the shit they follow and share...easy enough to push more crap on the people who will spread it around the internet.

  7. A new paint job that Mexico is going to pay for.
    President Trump is once more pushing to have his border wall painted black, a design change that is projected to add at least $500 million in costs, according to government contracting estimates obtained by The Washington Post.
    The president’s determination to have the steel bollards coated in black has fluctuated during the past several years, and military commanders and border officials believed as recently as last fall that they had finally talked him out of it. They consider the black paint unnecessary, costly and a significant long-term maintenance burden, and they left it out of the original U.S. Customs and Border Protection design specifications.
    Trump has not let go of the idea, insisting that the dark color will enhance its forbidding appearance and leave the steel too hot to touch during summer months. During a border wall meeting at the White House last month amid the coronavirus pandemic, the president told senior adviser Jared Kushner and aides to move forward with the paint job and to seek out cost estimates, according to four administration officials with knowledge of the meeting.
    “POTUS has changed his mind and now wants the fence painted. We are modifying contracts to add,” said one official involved in the construction effort who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of being fired.
    Trump, during that meeting, directed aides to seek input from North Dakota-based Fisher Sand and Gravel, a company the president favors. Fisher has a $400 million contract to build a section of new barrier in Arizona, an award that is under review by the Department of Defense inspector general.
    The Post obtained a copy of painting estimates that federal contracting officials produced, and it shows costs ranging from $500 million for two coats of acrylic paint to more than $3 billion for a premium “powder coating” on the structure’s 30-foot steel bollards, the high end of the options the officials have identified.
    The White House has not yet chosen a grade of paint, but Trump has insisted for years that the barrier should be black to discourage climbers. He has favored a shade known as “flat black” or “matte black” because of its heat-absorbent properties.
    During the same White House meeting, Kushner expressed frustration at the pace of land acquisition in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas, where the Trump administration is preparing to seize hundreds of parcels of private land from owners who have refused to sell.
    Trump’s son-in-law, who is also at the center of the administration’s pandemic response, has been placed in charge of overseeing construction. He expressed frustration at this role during the meeting, telling others the wall was not his favorite project but that he is the only one who can get it done.

  8. 53 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    The funny thing is that we should have a ton of influence over the WHO, but Trump has chosen to completely neglect our role in international organizations, ceding that control to others (in the WHO’s case, China). China doesn’t effectively control the WHO because they’re nefarious and secretly took it over, they effectively control the WHO because Trump gave them the fucking reins.

    I think it was that noted liberal James Baker III that stated in an interview in "The American Ruling Class" that if you don't use power, you lose it. I wish I could find a transcript.

  9. 1 hour ago, tx 3 putt said:

    I just don’t see how a person with any common sense supports this idiot / conman / crook ?


    A Trump supporter posted an article in which the author (incorrectly) based his thesis on the psychological studies of Jonathan Haigt. The article ended up being a "conservatives good/liberals bad" garbage piece, but it did get me into reading about Haigt,  and I followed links and leads to other opinions.

    My conclusion, based on an afternoon of surfing the internet, is that Trump supporters at this point are authoritarians who are now lost in tribal psychology.

    • Like 4
  10. 3 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

    I’ve been saying it for weeks.  People should be blasting hashtags like #TrumpVirus #TrumpPlague #TrumpCrash all over social media.  

    But Dems also need to be patient.  Do your job now and make it clear you’re working to make things better and to provide meaningful aid to those who need it.  Note along the way what you’re doing, why it’s important, and why it will help.  Point out what the admin and GOP congressmen are doing that is stupid.  But withhold ultimate political judgment until the pain from this pandemic is undeniable. Then while we’re all surveying the damage, make very clear who did this to the American people.

    It would help if the Democrats had a foreign government to do the dirty work.

  11. Needs to have a more sporting atmosphere imo. Convert the NFL stadiums to lion pits.  Throw the politicians in there and let them scrap among themselves.  Then let the beasts finish them off. 

    With pool cues. Someone else can post the GIF.
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