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Posts posted by SpiralOut

  1. 16 minutes ago, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

    What will a whole season of Scherzer look like next year?  Need to invent some long-reliever-role-but-for-games-that-are-still-somehow-tight for him. 

    I'd be fine with him not being on the roster.  

    He ain't what he used to be.  He hasn't been for a long time.  

    And now he's getting injured every time he pitches.  

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  2. The HW division in boxing has been thin as fuck for a long time.  It's gotten even worse as dudes have blown up in size.  Usyk is considered to be too small and a complete runt for a HW, yet he's exactly the same size Ali was when he was fighting.  Maybe even a few pounds heavier at this point.  And as size has gone up, boxing skill has fallen off a cliff.  It's just huge guys who can hit really hard.

    As for Fury, he's a paper tiger and anyone that really pays attention to boxing has known it for a long time.  Of course, it gets more engagement, clicks, views, etc. for the media to prop him up as an ATG HW and whatnot, but his resume is thin as single ply toilet paper.  He has victories over two notable guys.  A 39 year old Wlad Klitschko in a snoozer of a fight that was essentially a hug-fest.  Neither guy deserved to win.  It was that bad.  Then, he was going to get popped for PEDs so he made up a story about mental health and disappeared to avoid the heat.  Never gave Wlad a rematch.  When he comes back he's fighting Cruiserweights like Sam Seferi.  Realizes he has to have a belt to be relevant whatsoever.  Does he fight AJ?  Nope.  He goes after Wilder.  A can crusher who literally has never had a notable, elite opponent.  A one-trick pony who is awful at everything else.  Takes Fury three fights to put that whole thing to bed and it wasn't easy for him either.  The second fight was the only one where he looked truly dominate.  Once those fights are done does he challenge AJ or Usyk?  Nope.  Right back to cheese fights against his pal Chisora and a shot-to-hell Whyte.  

    Fury has made his career on avoiding the tougher fights and just being the bigger guy who grabs and leans on people.  He doesn't have real power.  He had good movement and boxing for a guy his size, but not taking care of himself and age have severely diminished those qualities.  That's why Francis looked so good against him.  He couldn't bully Francis and tire him out in the clinch.  Once that was off the table Fury was completely lost on what to do.  He legit hit Francis with an elbow and it didn't do a fucking thing.  He got massively exposed in this fight.  And I imagine he's going to do everything he can to wiggle out of fighting Usyk.  He certainly can't handle Usyk by the 23rd of December.  Seven weeks?  Usyk will eat him alive.

    Props to the announcers, btw, who said Fury was shaped like a six foot nine bag of milk. 🤣

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