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Posts posted by SpiralOut

  1. I just love how after 9/11 we let the government basically do w/e the fuck it wanted.  So we got the Patriot Act, trillions spent on unending wars, and we invented a new Department out of thin air that seems redundant as all fuck. 

    Department of Homeland Security?  Isn't that what the military does already?  Protect the homeland.  Or ya know, the FBI who are supposed to investigate shit inside America and catch the bad guys.  Nah, we need a whole other Department which just sucks down taxpayer dollars like a black hole and which does, what exactly?

    Oh, I guess it's the beta version of what will eventually become the Ministry of Love.  Nice. 

  2. On 4/3/2018 at 2:07 PM, bwub60 said:

    Malazan book of the fallen by Steve Erickson. Would have to be a series 

    I second the Dark Elf Trilogy. The underdark is the best part of all the Drizzt books.

    Talking about unfilmable shows.  BotF would be amazing, but how would you ever put that on the screen? 

    Maybe one day when AI takes over all this will be possible on the cheap.

  3. People have to remember that NFL GMs are idiots and that the Draft ain't fair.

    Jamaal Charles went in the 3rd round after like 6 mediocre as fuck RBs.  He's the all-time leader in YPC. 

    There's always some guys that go in the 6th and 7th rounds that end up being franchise, All-Pro talents. 

    Poona is gonna be fine.  Dude is a monster.  We're going to be seeing a lot of him on Sundays for a long time.

  4. It would never work as a set of movies, but I'd still love it if they did a Wheel of Time TV run.  Though I don't know if that's really possible either.  Just so much to get through and unlike GoT where the magic is basically nil, you'd have to have a real budget for showing Rand and friends weaving spells. 

    I thought I read awhile back they were trying to make a WoT show, but I guess that never panned out. 

    Also, throw me in with the crowd that wants to see adaptations of Asimov's Foundation trilogy, Scalzi's Old Man's War, and Sanderson's Stormlight Archive. 

    • Like 1
  5. Along with the keto I'm doing intermittent fasting.

    I eat one time a day in about a 1-2 hr window.  It'll fuck with you the first couple of days, but after that you just aren't hungry whatsoever.  Grub time comes around, you chow down on a big ass meal, and then you forget about food until the next day.


  6. Down 45 since December.  Only started doing keto two weeks ago.  Down 10 since then.

    I have zero problems with eating keto.  I meal prep my food for the week and it's fucking great.  Throwing a bunch of meat in the slow cooker is awesome. 

    The only problem I'm having is downing all this fucking salt to keep the heart palpitations at bay.  Supplementing magnesium and making sure to dump lite salt on my food for more potassium, too.  But if I'm not drinking tons of salt water to go along with all the salt I dump on my food the heart rate goes up and I start noticing the thump, especially when I lie down.  Shit is real annoying.

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  7. The gang hanging around the office being assholes to each other was what made the show great.  Once they started veering off into other shit it went downhill quick.  Last season was just an all-around mess and completely unfunny. 

    Don't really have high hopes for this upcoming season. 

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