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Posts posted by SpiralOut

  1. On 6/5/2018 at 4:01 PM, ScottishHorn said:

    I wish Hollywood could respect women by giving them original content instead of just sticking them in formulaic male dominated successes 

    Well, they actually do that quite a bit.  Just, for whatever reason, the feminists and SJWs never have anything to say about those films.

    Annihilation is a movie made by a phenomenal director, based on a good-to-great book, and the cast is almost entirely women.  And not stock standard cliche women, either.  They're smart, capable, and flawed.  Portman is the main protagonist and she's a badass, but a realistic one and not some Mary Sue nonsense.  IMHO, it was a fantastic fucking film.    Not a fucking peep to be heard about it from all the people who screech about how we need more female-centric movies, more females in movies period, blah blah blah.



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  2. Usually I stick to Sci-Fi/Fantasy, but I've been trying to work through some of the all-time classics that I never got around to in my youth.  Currently reading Crime and Punishment.  Starting to think all Russians are fucking nuts.

  3. 22 hours ago, CooterBrown said:

    That was in some of books.  IIRC, in the Empire Strikes Back picture book, while Luke is flying to Dagoba, he is wondering about Han's back story and thinks that his last name is an alias to show he's a loner. 


    See, that kind of works.  Because it's Luke musing about Han's last name while not definitively giving us an answer.  It isn't a damn Imperial recruiter going "Hmmm.  No family?  I guess we'll call you Solo!"

    Usually good storytelling involves leaving things open to interpretation and not hitting it on the nose with a sledgehammer.  Just my .02 cents.

  4. Honestly, I think the show went out being true to itself.  It was never about Russia v. USA or being spies or any of that stuff.  It was about two married people and their family. 

    They lost everything and only have each other. 

    The garage sequence and the train sequence are some of the best television I've ever seen.  Flat out.  And poor fucking Stan.  As if his life wasn't blown up enough Philip just drops that last poison pill on him about Renee. 

    Gonna miss this show.  Had the balls to slow-burn itself all the way to the end.  Understood how to build its characters and stay true to them and how to keep the story about them. 

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  5. Movie wasn't turrible, but it wasn't anything to write home about either.

    Dude playing Han was average.  Gets overshadowed in the film about his character.

    Chewy stuff was good.

    Donald Glover was so-so as Lando. 

    Emilia Clarke was so-so.

    The fucking droid was Jar-Jar levels of awful.

    Woody was good.

    The meaning behind his last name was just about the dumbest shit ever.  Like worse than anything in TLJ. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    This.... it was such a lazy effort.  Almost derivative of a Bond villain.  He's playing with his food and then this dude that apparently is prescient about these two can feel Rey's rush coming but not Kylo's?  It was really bad.  At least Luke earned his conversion of his father and it was at great cost (Vader's life). 

    This movie has severely damaged the franchise and if you look at this weekend's box office..... I guess Rian wanted to kill Han Solo again as well.


    One issue I really have with TLJ, which includes the scene we're talking about here, is how Rian seemingly wants to have his cake and eat it, too.  Everyone was praising him for blowing up Star Wars' tropes, boring old storyline, the Skywalkers, etc., but he really doesn't. 

    Kylo is all about letting the past die.  Kill it if you have to.  Except he's just repeating the same ol' shit Vader was up to.  "Join me and together we can rule the galaxy!"

    Luke is saying that the Jedi need to die and that he'll be the "last Jedi."  Which is actually where I'd like to see them take this stuff.  Get rid of the Sith, get rid of the Jedi, and for there just to be people that use the force a la Ahsoka or The Bendu.  Except, no, Rey took the Jedi books and she's now the Last Jedi.  So, so much for that.

    And while TFA was a straight remake of ANH, just bigger and dumber, this film is still aping tons of shit from the OT.  Including this scene where Snoke gets got in the dumbest way imaginable.  The entire time Snoke is running his mouth to Rey I couldn't stop thinking about the Emperor running his mouth to Luke at the end of ROTJ.  Then they both get done in by their apprentices because of their hubris.  Hell, I think he even used some of the same lines as the Emperor, IIRC.

    So Johnson either didn't have the balls to really go full out on his "fuck the old shit this is the new shit" agenda or he got overridden by Darth Kennedy and Disney.  So what we ended up with was a half-baked mess. 

    Oh, and one other thing that I think often gets overlooked here is how unearned Kylo's turn to super badass is here.  In the first film he's obviously strong in the Force, but he's wild, petulant, has zero control, etc.  This film occurs basically right after TFA.  Kylo's face isn't even healed yet, Rey is just meeting Luke, etc.  So what character development do we get with Kylo in this film?  Snoke gives him a verbal beatdown and calls him out on his shit and Kylo breaks his fancy hat.  That seems like just more emo bullshit.  Then he leads an attack on the Rebel fleet, but still can't pull the trigger on Mommy.  Again, conflicted just like the first film (even though him killing Han really should have put paid to that nonsense).  Then, through Snoke's frankly amazing ability with the Force which further invalidates the idea he wouldn't figure out that Kylo was going to kill him, he connects Kylo and Rey across space and they have some chats.  That's it.  So maybe you can say Kylo finally just decided he was going to take over, but does that alone justify his being able to so easily dispatch Snoke?  Kylo goes in the course of a few days from wild, uncontrollable, emo rage monster to cold, calculating, and clever Bad Motherfucker.  Really, it just further reinforces an idea that Rian and Disney were supposed to be getting rid of:  that the Skywalker line is super special in the Force and they can get away with shit because of it.  Kylo had never shown any subtlety or cleverness up to that point.  He was a loose cannon through and through.  But since we're lazy and don't want to do these characters justice, he now becomes Mr. Trickster, Snoke becomes an idiot, and away we go.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Uncle Nate said:

    I've been doing "lazy" keto since mid-April.  Lazy meaning I'm not tracking my macros...instead I'm just eye-balling it.  So I'm sure I'm probably not religiously under the 20g of carbs per day and probably not hitting the fat target I should be.  Also started Intermittent Fasting the week after starting keto.  Started with 16:8, but quickly transitioned to one meal a day for about 4 days a week.  So far I've lost 18lbs.

    How many of you doing keto are tracking your macros daily?  Do you feel that the tracking makes a difference and is necessary?  I'm just not disciplined enough to do the tracking, but I'm wondering how far "off" I am on my estimates.

    I track my macros.  It's pretty easy with MyFitnessPal.  And it's free.

    I don't religiously keep carbs at 20g.  I try keeping it under 30, but I'm exercising every day, too.  The important part of tracking for me is making sure I keep my protein up.  It's easy to think you're getting enough protein when you're scarfing down bacon, hot pork sausage, eggs, etc.  The reality though is that your fat will be through the roof and your protein can be lagging behind the .6g per pound of lean body mass you need to retain your muscle mass.


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  8. Seems like if you want to get back into keto, just don't eat for a day and then the next day keep your carbs at 20g or less.  That should put you into ketosis.  The body only stores a set amount of glycogen for short term use and it ain't all that much. 

    From the FAQ on the /keto subreddit:

    How long will it take to reach ketosis?

    Ketosis begins when liver glycogen is depleted, and the amount of glycogen in the liver only provides enough glucose for 12-16 hours. Thus, when you limit carbs to 20 net grams, it takes no longer than 24 hours to enter ketosis.


  9. 41 minutes ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    although Paige might wanna pay attention.  its hella more dangerous than her mother let on.  So far shes seen the general die (even if she is stupid enough to believe it was suicide), and one of her co-working spies just got killed, and the other spy also got killed.

    Only thing I'm sure I need to see is Elizabeth go down for the cause.  She's a zealot.  And while both her and Philip have done some horrid shit, Elizabeth takes it to 11.  And flat out lying to her own daughter about the job is just the icing on the cake.  She's working Paige just like she worked any of the other people she's turned/used on the show.  I think Paige is starting to get it, but she has no idea what the real deal is with her mom's job as a spy.  

    "Wait.  Mom, you told me we didn't use sex as a tool, but I'm having to fuck a different guy every week to work them for information!  You said once in a blue moon people die in this line of work, but I've had to decapitate a guy, shoot another dude in the face, and strangle a poor lady since my last payday!  This is bullshit!" 


  10. 3 hours ago, Horny04 said:

    Are we assuming Renee is a spy?  I know they allude to it, but it hasn't been confirmed, right?

    I was wondering if Stan could have bugged their house.  Was thinking about how they used to turn on radios whenever they talked at home, but lately they don't.

    I think most folks believe she's a spy, because what other reason is there for her to be around?  Especially considering she wants work at the FBI.  Also, in one of the episodes Philip is asking whether she's an illegal.  And no, it hasn't been confirmed.

    Though I have heard some theories tossed around that she's actually an American spy.  Stan was romantically involved with a Russian and kinda going off book a lot.  Though I think it's a stretch to suggest the Americans would ask a lady to strike up a sexual/romantic relationship with one of their own agents for years.

    Honestly, I wouldn't put it past the writers to just have her be a red herring.  Some lady that fell for Stan and helped him get his life back on track after the crazy shit with Nina, etc.

  11. My political philosophy is pretty simple.  Leave people the fuck alone.  Too many motherfuckers around thinking they know best and who are really just accumulating power so they can steal from and fuck over everyone else.

    Government (federal) promises the moon and fails miserably in every regard.  Spend trillions on schools/education?  Kids dumber than shit.  Spend trillions on combating illegal drugs?  More people do drugs than ever before and prescription drugs are killing more people than anything else.  Spend trillions on overseas wars to "protect our freedoms?"  Terrorism is still a thing, we create more problems than we solve, etc.  Meanwhile, every year there are more and more laws where you can't do this and can't do that or we'll ruin your life. 

    The executive branch has gotten so out of control that the President is now essentially a dictator.  Wanna torture some people?  Sure.  We can do that.  Want to murder Americans overseas w/o a trial?  No problem!  Want to unilaterally fuck over vast swathes of the American public?  You can do that, too!  It's just a single executive order away.  The "checks and balances" that are supposed to exist to stop this kind of shit are now basically not a thing since Congress is only concerned about lining their pockets and making sure they build up enough campaign cash to get reelected.  Every President from Reagan on has done some seriously impeachable shit and it all gets swept under the fucking rug.

    Let's see, what else is the government good for?  Oh yeah, they're sweeping up every email and phone call and constantly working to increase their capacity to spy on all of us, because at the end of the day, the folks in power know that the real threat doesn't come from outside, but from the citizenry who finally get fed the fuck up.

    But most Americans out there are just abso-fucking-lutely sure that everything can be fixed if they just get "their guy" into office.  Decades upon decades of corruption, bullshit wars, restricting civil rights, and just flat out wiping their ass with the Constitution and people still think it can be fixed by giving these cunts more power more money and more control.

    "But Spiral!  If we don't have the government around who is gonna stop the robber barons from taking over?"  Take a look around.  They already fucking run the joint.  With the help of the government.  Fucks sake, they basically are the government at this point.  You think the people in Congress are writing those laws?  It's the fucking lobbyists handing it off to be rubber stamped.  The folks in power knowingly defrauded not only the American people, but people around the entire fucking globe in their greed to further scoop up as much money as they could leading to the 2008 economic crash.  Not a one of them went to jail.  They all got huge bonuses.  That's America for you.  Rules for thee and not for me.

    Government has a place in our society.  Local government the most.  State government to a certain extent.  The Federal government?  It needs to be cut down to about as small as reasonably possible.  Letting it continue out of control is what is going to kill this country. 

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  12. There has absolutely been a coherent strategy to American foreign policy for the past 50+ years.

    Start shit.  Get the military industrial complex paid.  Make the American taxpayer foot the bill.  Rinse.  Repeat.


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  13. Dems trip over their own dicks yet again in the next election.  Trump does the same Trump shenanigans on the campaign trail.  Wins reelection.  Dies two years into his second term while eating a bucket of KFC chased by 5 Diet Cokes.

    Then the country outlaws men and women fucking except through a sheet and blindfolded once Pence is elected.  Also, stock in electroshock therapy companies goes through the roof. 


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  14. 9 minutes ago, DiceHands said:


    you sound like a triggered snowflake

    Sorry, buddy.  I'm a Libertarian.  We don't get triggered.  We just smoke pot, buy cryptocurrency, argue about silly shit like roads, and watch with mouths agape at the stupidity of people on both the Left and Right.

    And Wolfe's bit at the dinner was hilarious.  She got errybody.  Watching Huckabee's face while she was being compared to Aunt Lydia from THT was amazing.

  15. Clearly Trump isn't the type of guy who can man up and handle sitting there and getting roasted.  The whole reason he ran for President was because Obama humiliated him at that dinner, IIRC. 

    Of course, it's a win-win situation for Trump.  He doesn't go and have to sit through a bunch of self-absorbed hypocrites who profit off of everything he says/does giving him shit to bump up their leftist cred.  And what is Trump doing while this dinner is going on?  He's having a fucking rally in Michigan.  One of those "there's no way I'll lose this state so I won't bother campaigning there" places that Hillary fucked up on.

    I'm pretty sure I've seen this movie before.  The Left keeps running with the snark, the sarcasm, and the better than you attitude.  Meanwhile, Trump is out there ginning up votes and keeping his base excited.  The economy is doing alright, we haven't been drug into another stupid war yet, and even though everyone said Trump was going to start WW3 with the Norks, the South Korean president just said Trump was instrumental in getting Dough Boy Kim to the table to negotiate historic peace talks.  At this point, the Dems absolutely need Mueller's investigation to find some serious collusion that points straight at Trump.

    November isn't going to go nearly the way Dems had hoped and with their penchant for fucking up, this orange moron is gonna get four more years in office.  I can't even begin to imagine the meltdown if that happens.

  16. 18 hours ago, PilotsError said:

    Whatever happens with Stan, they've botched his character.  He's been impotent for too long as an investigator.  

    Eh, IMHO his story is fine. 

    He's starts out a hardass, break the rules asshole lifer Feeb.  His partner gets murdered and he legit assassinates an innocent young guy in retribution.  He then is gung-fucking-ho to get the Russians and whoop some ass, but it all backfires on him.  He loses the respect of his bosses, he loses Nina, he loses his marriage.  So he bails on the counter-intelligence stuff and moves to a department that doesn't wind him up so bad.  Gets a new gal.  Turns his life around.  He was a great investigator, but it was wrecking him. 

    And of course, this is all going to come crashing down on him when he finds out Phil and Elizabeth are ultra-Russian spies that have been under his nose the entire time.  It's going to be glorious. 

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