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Posts posted by SpiralOut

  1. DV's first movie was concerned about the morality of the drug war and our naivete about it.  This movie just seems like a stock standard action flick.  Though maybe that's just marketing trying to pull more people into the theater with the trailer.

  2. On 6/19/2018 at 11:30 PM, Brew said:

    However, the worst single loss I remember was on NE/TN in the snow several years ago. I had a friend that had played college ball with one of the TN DB’s. He texts him the morning of the game that both NE corners were going to be out and TN was playing okay that year and had a great practice. It was a double digit line, in the snow with no DB’s so I went 4 figures each on TN, the under, and an under/TN teaser figuring the absolute worst case was 1 out of 3. It ended up 59-0 with Vince Young and Kerry collins combining for no yards passing.

    I remember reading back in the day that Vince and the Titans were the best bet in football.  They covered some ridiculous amount of spreads where if you'd been betting them every week for those years you'd have made a killing.


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